06-04-2006, 03:01 PM,
Lieutenant Colonel

Posts: 654
Joined: Feb 2003
Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
Hello All,
Summer is keeping me busy, but since I think like a Pirate sometimes, I come across a new idea  where I simply can't wait to try it out on a new victum... oops - opponent..
So I'm looking for a game that is large - at least 16K points, set in the late 60's or early 70's, where we pick troops from any 2 countries - starting nations are 'red' and 'green'. only 1200 points for artillery support, 3 air.. no other restrictions.. at least 30 turns..
Map is either random, or one that is included in MBT..
I have slots 1 and 3 open..
1st response gets the game..
06-04-2006, 03:21 PM,
RE: Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
Me me me! :)
06-04-2006, 03:28 PM,
RE: Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
Hey GB,
Where is our game turn?
06-04-2006, 03:35 PM,
Lieutenant Colonel

Posts: 654
Joined: Feb 2003
RE: Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
Hello JP,
Team game? - or if you mean the one we have running one-on -one I thought I sent it to you - but perhaps it was just before your computer problems.. I'll send it again, as it sounds like you don't have it..
Team game turn is almost done also.. soon - very soon..:happy:
06-04-2006, 03:46 PM,
Lieutenant Colonel

Posts: 654
Joined: Feb 2003
RE: Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
Hello Gen SP,
OK - OK!! - you got it -check your e-mail - message sent.
06-04-2006, 09:58 PM,

Posts: 588
Joined: Jan 2005
RE: Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
Greybeard Wrote:Hello JP,
Team game? - or if you mean the one we have running one-on -one I thought I sent it to you - but perhaps it was just before your computer problems.. I'll send it again, as it sounds like you don't have it..
Team game turn is almost done also.. soon - very soon..:happy:
Great, I get to watch the replay and see those Marines jumping from their burning helio. Unlesss, of course, it's a SAM-2 with it's 60Lb warhead that gets the kill. Marine puree' anyone? My scout Plt. Commander was a Private at Chosin. One of 4 survivors of his Battalion. He says the only thing better then killing a Marine squad is killing 3 at once.:thumbs_up:
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
06-06-2006, 02:12 AM,
Lieutenant Colonel

Posts: 654
Joined: Feb 2003
RE: Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
Hello Grumbler,
Sorry to disappoint, but no helos were even shot at during our turn..
Turn will be out to you tonight.
06-06-2006, 02:53 AM,

Posts: 588
Joined: Jan 2005
RE: Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
Pulled them back, did you? Goot, dat gibbes de mobile units time to go vorwart.
Meanwhile, back in the south. Der Commandant Shorty is sneaking his panzers up. Do you know what a panzerbush is? It's a shrub with a 90mm barrel sticking out. That may fool the Soviets, but the ChiComs are not so easily gulled. They are Amused, however. This is a good thing, since amusements are one of the many things in short supply in the PRC and the DPRK.
I doubt that the Capitalist military can stop us, but I do worry about losing time while the troops loot, pillage and rape. I have allowed for that In the ROE, I hope. Don't loot anything to big to fit in a truck, don't burn what you can eat and never rape the same female for more then 10 minutes (3 to 5 turns).
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
06-06-2006, 03:29 AM,
Lieutenant Colonel

Posts: 654
Joined: Feb 2003
RE: Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
I thought a panzerbusche was a shrub with armor plated leaves.. :whis:
06-06-2006, 06:23 AM,

Posts: 588
Joined: Jan 2005
RE: Greybeard is looking for a MBT game
Ok, you got me on that one.
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson