Bartender! Please fill the glasses!
Gentlemen, fine members of the CS Ladder! Please rise your glasess and let me be the first to congratulate one of our brothers in arms, who has just reported his 100th game!
For this achievement
Fubar1 is awarded the
Centurion Medal - Second Class :thumbs_up:
Jim joined the Blitz 13th June 2001 and reported jis first game on 27th June 2001. Since then Fubar1 collected 27 wins, 60 losses and 13 draws under his belt with the win/loss ratio .335! That gave him 122nd position in the ladder by points and 90th position by the games played.
All the best in the future, my friend!
Gentlemen, the virtual bar is opened :smoke: , but remeber only first drink is on CS Staff, the following are on the new medal holder!
Campaign Series Assistant Ladder Custodian