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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
06-26-2006, 04:05 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 11.00 hours (Turn 3)

II/28 Pz, minus 4 Co, reorintated its defensive line to face Lipki Ridge, anticipating an attack from that direction. The PzIVs, of 6 Co. engaged the Russian infantry platoon to the east of Lipki with long range fire, disruping the formation and killing, or wounding, at least 30 enemy soldiers.

At least 28 Russian tanks attacked 4 Co, II/28 Pz from the SE of Stayki. They destroyed two tanks from 2 Plt., and drove the remaining ones back into the village. 1 Plt lost a tank to cannon fire as well. 4 Co returned fire which resulted in one enemy tank being destroyed.

Russian armored cars were seen to the SW of Stayki again, this time on Hill 215. A platoon of Russian infantry was seen taking up position in the orchards, on the high ground approx 1km. to the east of Stayki, as well. At this time, 4 Co. was facing an estimated Russian tank btl.; 7 tank platoons confirmed, 2 AC platoons. and an estimated company of Russian infantry.

1 and 2 Plts, 2 Co. 88th/18 Recon Btl, were detailed to move south to Stayki in support of 4 Co., II/28 Pz.

The tanks of I/28 turned to the SW and headed towards Stayki to assist the beleaugerd 4 Co, II/28 Pz. 2 KM from Stayki, Capt. Gebhard put the platoons of 1 Co, I/28 Pz into a wedge formation and prepared them to enter the fray.

German Losses:
1 x PzIIF
3 x PzIIIF

Russian Losses:
5 x BA-20
1 x BT7
3 x Inf Squads KIA/WIA/PW
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06-26-2006, 07:16 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Allied turn 9: Scorched Earth vs Wolfman.

Ok, the clanging of heavy hammers to kick start the engines betrays the Russkies again. I keep telling them, you need to fine tune your engines, but they keep coming back with "Moon over Moscow" - for all u Visage fans out there (ok, all 2 of u including me - its a very small club), that they have found the tune....., back woods villagers the lot of them.

Anyway, onto, more interesting things, if your reading this, why did u not vote last time around? I slave away over a hot keyboard, getting cramp in my knees, (cause the chair is broken, i sit on the floor, but thats another story......), all for your entertainment. Next time i want the sympathy vote, or can u do at least make my day and go for "none of the above" - hyuk yuk.....

Back to the game now the intermission is over. Wolfmans forces continue to disrupt & harass the hapless Russkies. The Russkies do their very best to provoke some foolhardy reaction, but Wolfman is not going to be fooled - sadly. The Russkies decide to carry out something drastic & capture an Objective - yep u heard it first here, thats right, we captured an objective - but were not telling which one or where.....

Thats it for now, the score is now Axis: 175, Allies: 354, for a score of 189 at an Allied Minor loss (we like consistency here).
Scorched Earth
[email protected]
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06-27-2006, 03:30 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Allied turn 10: Scorched Earth vs Wolfman.

Well, it's all or nothing time, and, well, the Russkies achieve a breather. It's close quarter combat with no mercy. A bus load of Jerry engineers winds it's way to Moscow courtesy of the Siberian express, shortly followed by 2 Tiger crews. The Allies finally get a long range hit on some Panthers & knock out 3 more. A spokesman for Krupp Steel said that the dip in share value's were only momentary.....

The map reading course finally pays off for the hapless Pavlovas as the Russkies make a guest appearance at Krupki Station!! - the trasmat beam worked chaps :-). I can feel a long ongoing series coming out of this set some time in the future,.."Wagontrainski to the Starski". What do u mean someone has already got there? - "Startrekski" - not yet received it on Mongolian television - damn Capitalists. Now did i mention i was related to Officer Krupki, he of West Side Story fame? - a vote gets u an autograph..... Anyways, we knock out some AT's & some HT's, which leaves the current score at: Axis: 209 (so far), Allies: 463, with the score at 264, it's a draw (down fan boy).......
Scorched Earth
[email protected]
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06-27-2006, 04:41 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
SITREP turn 10

Some kind of order is restored...for the moment. Herr "Akula" has stumbled across a company of PzIV's I had in reserve and flamed several before they could evade out of sight. Another brave reduced Tiger platoon was also destroyed just outside Krupki...but my intel chief managed to rally other Panzers in the area and in a local counterattack managed to destroy another T34/85 platoon and force another to cover. A hidden 88 took advantage of the confusion and brewed up another heavy tank section and forced its survivors back......

Rasputin out cheers

"We herd sheep....we drive cattle...we LEAD people! Lead me...follow me...or get out of my way!"
GEN George Patton
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06-27-2006, 09:34 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
[size=large]Sitrep: Allied turn 10, Oberst vs Macnab

Axis turn began with ineffectual arty. They did place smoke upon several stronpoints W & SW of the factory complex and in Krupki itself, as well as the strongpoint near the captured 25 VP hex on the ridge N of Krupki. A PZ IVH moved into the woods just W of teh VP hex, firing at my engineer unit that I left on the ridge top for LOS. Lost 2 sp's but they held their ground. Another Tiger plt advanced into the smoked strongpoint. Is this going to cause problems I wonder?
Allied turn saw heavy rocket & arty fire in two different locations. In the far N our motorcycle plt was in LOS of the 10 VP hex and several rocket barrages slammed into the tiny hamlet. A HT plt is the only visible unit at present and they lost 2 sp's. In the S arty fire tore up enemy defenses but results where negligible to due smoke . Currently visible on the N end of the ridge around the 25 VP hex are two Tiger plts, and the PZ IV plt. If they haven't moved there is probably a disrupted Tiger plt in the orchard just W of the woods NW of the VP hex. Will try for the weak skinned MK IV first. First unit to move forward suffers a 1 sp loss and a disruption from the Tiger hiding in the woods with the MK IV. Another tank plt moves forward and also suffers a disruption. No fire from the Tiger plt on the edge of the ridge. Out of ammo? The next tank unit to move W beyond the VP hex comes under fire from the Tiger plt in the orchard but no losses or disruption. It fires and causes a 1 sp loss to the MK IV. Two more tank plts advance in a tremendous barrage knock out the remaining 2 sp's of the MK IV. Now for the Tiger plt on the ridge edge. An engineer unit advances just S of it and another tank plt, moving along the paved road positions itself just to the NW. It is now surrounded. Two T34/85 plts with a leader cut loose from 500 m's with frontal fire. The first salvo results in nothing but the second brings the desired disruption! Another M4 plt with a Leader then, in high gear, accelerates up the road and assaults the Tiger and 3 sp's go in the bag! Two more M4 plts, joined by a T34/85 plt then get into position along the road and blow away the Tiger plt located in the woods just NW of the VP hex. A single shot does in the Tiger, so a fresh M4 plt joins the other two and they also finish off the Tiger in the orchard. What a turn!
6 Tiger sp's lost, as well as 3 MK IVH's & 2 HT sp's. Allied losses amount to 2 engineer sp's and a single tank sp lost.
At the end of ten turns the situation is thus:
Allied Pt Loss: 123
Axis Pt Loss: 578
Total Pts: 480 - Minor Allied V
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06-27-2006, 10:42 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
"How long are we gonna sit in this trench, Hans?"

"Jeez Joerg, I don't know, maybe until they tell us to move."

"This sucks......I can't see anything!"

"I hear the Hauptman blazing away with his puny panzers."

"Ya, me too, he thinks he is some famous panzer commander!"


"We should call him 'Otto Hilarious"


"Now you've done it.....here comes the Feldwebel........shhhhh.

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06-27-2006, 01:06 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-27-2006, 01:10 PM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 11.30 hours (Turn 4)

6 Co., II/28 Pz, continued to engage the Russian infantry to the west of Lipki, resulting in the destruction of the unit. An estimated 20 more enemy infantry were either killed or wounded. The Light Plt.s from 4 and 6 Co.s II/28 Pz were detached and sent S to assist with the defense of Stayki. Maj. von Burstin sent 3 Plt, 2 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl S, as well, to reform with the detached 1 and 3 Plts, while he took command of building up the defenses in Lipki. The remaining units of II/28 Pz and 88th/18 Recon consolidated their postions in and around Lipki and to the N.

4 Co. II/28 Pz engaged the attacking Russian tanks at Stayki. It managed to destroy 4 more BT-7s and push back and disrupt several of the attacking units. At this point, Cpt. Fegelien had the company displace some 250-500m to its rear, in order link up with the units coming to it's assitance.

3 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl sent a radio report of at least 3 units of T-34s moving on the road S from Pogoditsa. This put them approx. 4-5 KM NE of Lipki.

Capt. Gebhard detailed 2 Plt, 1 Co., I/28 to deal with the enemy forces seen on Hill 215. The tanks of 2 Plt. managed to close within 250m of the flank of the Russian unit, and destroyed the 5 BA-20s there. 1 and 3 Plts linked up with 4 Co. and secured its rigth flank. At approx. the same time, the units from Lipki linked up with 4 Co's. left flank to the N of Stayki. This put the formation's defensive line slightly to the N of Stayki in a cresent shape.

As the new defensive line was being consolidated, the Russian forces pressed home a vicious attack from Stayki. All the tanks of 1 Plt, II/28 Pz were destroyed, and Cpt. Fegelien was killed when the unit was overrun by T-34s, which had joined the fight. Cpt. Fegelien's tank did manage to destroy an attacking BT-7, before he was killed. 3 Plt was driven from its position, and had one tank destroyed. 1 Plt, I/28 Pz, led by Capt. Gebhard, destroyed 2 BT-7s in a platoon that was trying to flank the defensive position to the west.

It was noted that a commendation for Cpt. Fegelien would be submitted for his bravery and tenacious defense against overwhelming numbers of Russian tanks.

German Losses:
1 x PzIIF
9 x PzIII of various models
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
8 x BT-7
10 x BA-20
5 x Inf Squads (approx 50-KIA/WIA 0-PW)
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06-27-2006, 01:09 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Leto (allies) vs. Recruit 2112 (axis)

Turn 5

Even through the cacophany of gunfire and explosions and the screams of dying men, one can hear the incessant barking of a lone dog somewhere in the village of Krupki. The sound of the mongrel's chatter disappears from time to time, disrupted by the jetstream woosh of shells passing overhead... but it is always there, continuous, and unabridged... in the background, even if you cannot hear it.

The sky overhead is so blue that it could be woven out of fine silk cloth. Not even one cloud to stain such worldy fabric. From time to time, the rising heat of the day causes the sky to shimmer, as if ethereally shifting it out of phase, perhaps into another time. Maybe to another place.

The dog still barks. How it is that the animal can be heard defies all notion of similitude to reality. Looking at Krupki as the small village erupts into a geyser of earth and debris, one can almost sense that the rapid barking should come to an abrupt end at any second.

Between the shifting skies and the concerned and constant raps of a lone dog, a surreal quality overtakes this small part of the world. If one focuses hard enough, the dough-like thuds of bullets in the earth around you, the clatter of the many turtle tracks of man made machines, the shredding screams of soldiers (who are they?), disappears into the singularity of sound that is an unseen dog.

Out there somewhere.

A new struggle commences to follow the sound of the dog through the maelstrom, and you begin to feel yourself clinging to that desperate sound. Anxiety trips your heart from explosion to explosion, as the masking sounds deny you that code... that lifeline... that flea bitten bark! Fully dependent upon its throaty rasps, your entire life turns on the axis of that sound... another explosion, another tearing, ripping push of a staccatto spandau... pushing the dog and his bark from the world again. It becomes more difficult to pick out, disappearing for longer and longer, moments turned to ice.

Panic. The screams that now block that lifegiving sound are your own. Calling out. Searching. Answer me!

Thick treads crush the world around you and vacuum up all sound, even yours. Panzer. It was there all along. Moving forward, sucking the world into its manifolds, usurping all sound. The crash of its black longbarrel scratches the inside of your ears with pain. A twig shoved through your head, up into your brain. The ringing hurt forms into a cadence like crescendo. You hear nothing.

Except the barking of a lone dog.

The Death of Comrade Major Maximsmillionov
18 Guards
South East of Krupki


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06-27-2006, 01:30 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
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06-27-2006, 11:36 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Allied turn 11: Scorched Earth vs Wolfman Man:

Ok, the master plan initiated from turn one has worked :-) If u believe that u will believe anything.....

The Allies storm forward - not really, it's more a case of death by inches for the Axis as the Allies creep forward. An over eager pair of Tigers are captured down South, as opposed to way out West.....

The Allies mill around Krupki station & surprise a battery of Wespe's from the rear - damn there goes that promise... (but to get that one u would have to have had read the previous sitrep for which the price is a vote...). An Allied probe (sounds worse than it is), bumps into an Axis HQ's & some engineers (who remain asleep at post - they should be shot at dawn). The HQ is partially destroyed. It looks like the Allies have finally out flanked the Jerries to the South, but it has taken most of the game, and the demonstration in the centre may have lured most of the axis armour far enough forward to leave an un-protected rear!! (hurrah - i got it in again as the actress said to the bishop).

Score is now: Axis: 209, Allies: 531 (my old house number), for a score of: 332 (a draw).
Scorched Earth
[email protected]
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