Archived Forums Help Calendar Member List Search Hello There, Guest! Forums › The Firing Line › Campaign Series « Previous 1 … 349 350 351 352 353 … 359 Next » Award Ceremony Pages (2): « Previous 1 2 Thread Modes Award Ceremony 07-08-2006, 08:37 PM, #11 Laza Certa Cito Posts: 487 Joined: Mar 1999 RE: Award Ceremony Well done to one of finest and decent opponents who I have crossed swords with on the CS e-field All the best Steve, you truly deserve all your kudos Hope there are many more cheers L 244 games with legend that is Richie61 07-08-2006, 09:07 PM, #12 Von Earlmann The Old Guy Posts: 1,232 Joined: Apr 1999 RE: Award Ceremony Well done have been among my favorite gamers for years........SALUTE! "The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do." 07-08-2006, 10:25 PM, #13 Reddog Reddog's Raiders Posts: 306 Joined: Sep 2001 RE: Award Ceremony Very well done Comadre :thumbs_up: with that great achievement. Here's to the next 400 games and may they be just as enjoyable! :smoke: Good Hunting, Reddog 07-08-2006, 10:29 PM, #14 General Wile E. Coyote Sergeant Posts: 65 Joined: Mar 2004 RE: Award Ceremony Congratulations, helluva acheivement! Wile E. "I keep a flask of whiskey in my left pocket in case of snake bite....and I keep a small snake in my right pocket" W.C. Fields 07-08-2006, 10:57 PM, #15 Glint Guest RE: Award Ceremony well done Steve! Having just started playing you, I'm already finding out how you achieved the award,lol! all the best Peter 07-10-2006, 06:26 AM, #16 Hawk Kriegsman Lieutenant General Posts: 1,826 Joined: Jul 2003 RE: Award Ceremony Hello Steve, Congratulations on getting to 400 games played! A great accomplishment and an awsome record to boot! Here is to your next 100! Thanx! Erik 07-10-2006, 03:00 PM, #17 K K Rossokolski Brigadier General Posts: 1,074 Joined: Jan 2001 RE: Award Ceremony Very well played, Steve Cheers KKR:thumbs_up: 07-10-2006, 03:47 PM, #18 Valor Metalmaniac Posts: 604 Joined: Jul 2001 RE: Award Ceremony Congratulations, Steve :thumbs_up: That's a real challenege to meet you on the battlefield, general :smg: All the best in completing next 100 Slawek "We do not beg for Freedom, we fight for it!" « Next Oldest | Next Newest » Pages (2): « Previous 1 2 View a Printable Version Subscribe to this thread Forum Jump: Private Messages User Control Panel Who's Online Search Forum Home The Parade Ground -- General Discussions -- Historical Discussion -- General Games ---- Matrix Games ------ Tigers on the Hunt ---- Schwerpunkt Games -- Board Games ---- How To Section ---- Board Game Manufacturers ---- Opponents Wanted Section ------ ADC2 ------ Vassal ---- Free Games Section ------ WWII -- Scale Models & Miniatures -- Reference Library -- Book Review Forum -- Technical Assistance/FAQ/Suggestions. 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