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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
07-06-2006, 09:55 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-06-2006, 12:33 PM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 14.00 hours (Turn 9)

Once again, the Luftwaffe pilots were unable to find any Russian tanks. They attacked the trucks to the E of Lipki destroying both, along with their towed guns. After issuing a hasty op order, Col. Eckhardt began operations aimed at retaking Lipki Ridge.

The Light platoons of 5 and 6 Co., II/28 were sent to attack the Russian armor from the rear. The Russian commander wheeled all his tanks to face this threat. 5 Co's. tanks were driven back, and the 2 tanks of 6 Co. were destroyed, with the loss of all crew. While the Russians were busy dealing with this attack from the S, the MkIVs of 6 Co., II/28 Pz, and 2 Co, I/28, approached the Russian force from the rear. The Light and 1 Plt, of 3 Co, I/28 were pulled from the line at Stayki and sent N to act as the blocking force to the S of the Russians. 5 Co., sealed off the escape route through the woods to the E of the Russian force. Col. Eckhardt had managed to surround the Russian forces.

Main gun fire reduced the Russian tanks one by one. The Russian units were thrown into confusion as shells from the MkIVs, and IIIs pierced the thinner rear armor of the T-34s. Col. Eckhardt's counter attack ended as 3 Plt, 6 Co, II/28 Pz drove into the Russian formation and fired point blank with their short barreled 75mm main guns at the remaining Russian tanks. Eight T-34s were destroyed and one was captured, along with a high ranking political commisar, and a hand full of survivors. The commisar was summilarily executed, per OKW orders, and the remaining PWs were sent to the rear, for interrogation.

Col Eckhardt quickly attempted to get his units into order, as the KVs that had been seen to the E were still not accounted for, and he expected another attack soon.

3 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl, was ordered via radio to move SE onto the high ground E of Lipki; a distance of approx. 2.5Km. The company commander pushed his men forward. He was attempting to get his ATGs into favorable firing positions to deal with the T-26s blocking the way S on the Pogodista road. As 3 Co. maneuvered, the Russian tanks blocking the Pogodista road withdrew.

As Col. Eckhardt organized his forces, the Russians launched the expected counter attack. A large force of Russian tanks advanced down Lipki Ridge. There were a total of 36 Russian tanks attacking Col. Eckhardt's postion from Lipki ridge, as well as from the Stayki area. The MkIIs of the Light Plt , 3 Co, I/28 Pz where destroyed by BT-7s attacking from the south. 2 Plt., 5 Co. lost 2 mk IIIs to the cannon fire of the Russian KVs.

Russian forces also launched an attack against Cpt. Genhardt's forces in Stayki. No losses were suffered, but radio contact was lost with 4 Co. , II/28 Pz. Cpt. Gebhardt was not going to be able to use its tanks in his counter attack. Radio operators worked furiously to restore communications.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
1 x Pz IV
1 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
16 x BT-7
12 x T-34M40
10 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
2 x ATG
32 x Inf Squads (approx 250-KIA/WIA 50-PW)
1 x Russian officer - KIA
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07-06-2006, 11:46 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
The sounds of battle were getting closer and closer to Hans and Joerg's position. The boys could even see some of the action. For the first time they saw some of thier own fall in battle.

"Keep your head down! Here they come!"

"Whoa!! They just blew up three of the Hauptmans panzers!"

Russian infantry rushed foward and threw grenade bundles and malatov cocktails on the three Lynx that had ventured too close to the woods.

The remaining Lynx fired on the attackers who disrupted with some losses.

"Get ready, Joerg, they are almost close enough."

"It sounds like the Russian panzers are almost here as well!"

"Here comes some Panthers."

From the east the sounds of high velocity cannon mixed with the roar of exploding tanks.

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07-06-2006, 05:34 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Comrade General Diggerovish glanced at his watch, it had seemed like a week since the enemy had responded to the crushing of their northern flank..In fact it was 7 days had elapsed..damn this Eastern Front time just seems to drift away..

Ah well may as well double the vodka ration in the interim.
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07-09-2006, 09:19 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
"Jabos!!", screamed Hans.

A Russian fighter bomber flew over the trenchline and dropped it's bombs on an unseen target. Secondary explosions indicated something was hit.

Just then the Feldwebel arrived with orders.

"Move out boys, we're being flanked to the west."

The two grenadiers followed the rest of the platoon to the west.

"I am going to miss that trench."

"Don't worry Hans, we will dig another."

"That's all we do, dig, dig, dig!"

"And run!"

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07-09-2006, 10:38 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Near Orsha:

"Zo! Vee hauf zoo now! Dis vell teach zoo to fool mit der Churman Armee!"
"Herr Oberst?"
"Nothing. I was just thinking like a cheap american movie actor."
"I was worried for a moment... new report... we have now killed at least four of their T-34s."
"Excellent news! I guess their prize tanks aren't as monsterous as they might first appear. That fool Roadrunner was just covering up his own incompetence! I guess it's up to us to win this one for the glory of the Fatherland!"
"What!" exclaimed the young adjutant as he listened to the report. What he was hearing was disturbing. "Herr Oberst! New reports from recon six! They report new Russian Panzers approaching from the northeast! Huge monster tanks the size of small buildings!"
"Tell him not to worry. They are probably just some more of those ridiculous T-35s we encountered near Minsk. Nothing to concern ourselves over."
"Recon six! Come-in! Recon six! Do you hear?" The adjutant looked up at his commander. "Sir... no response from Recon six. I think they are dead."
The visions from his nightmares returned. Monster tanks.... what more did this war have to offer?
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07-11-2006, 01:09 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-11-2006, 10:27 PM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."  SFS R
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 14.30 hours (Turn 10)

Col. Eckhardt decided to deal with the Russian forces attacking Lipki Ridge from the S, first. A 50mm ATG platoon from 88th/18 Recon Btl moved into postion and fired on a platoon of BT-7s, destroying one, and causing the Russian tanks to witdrawl. Lt. Col Stepnagel then engaged them with ranged cannon fire, from a distance of 750m, and destroyed the unit. Elements of 1 and 3 Co., I/28 pz then engaged and destroyed 7 BT-7s S of Lipki ridge. The fighting was very vicious and at times at point blank range.

After this, a wild melee insued all along the Regimental front. Elements of I/28Pz, II/Pz, and 2 Co., 88th/18 Recon Btl attacked Russian forces S/SE of Stayki. 2 Co., 88th/18 Recon Btl lost 3 armored cars as they manuvered into postion to block the retreat of Russian forces. Two T-34s were over-run along the rail line 250m E of Stayki. A further 3 were destroyed by cannon fire, with one survivor retreating to the SE. The remaining ACs of 2 Co. were in a good postion to block it's further retreat. The lone T-34 suddenly changed direction and charged at 1 Co, with its guns blazing. The Light Plt. of 4 Co., II/28 Pz stumbled across 4 BT-7s a short distance to the SE of Stayki. The platoon commander order an immediate assault; which was was repulsed by the Russain tankers. The BT-7s returned fire with no effect.

After destroying the Russain tanks to the S of Lipki Ridge, Lt. Col. Stepnagel led 5 Co., II/28 Pz in destroying a platoon of BT-7 tanks on Lipki Ridge itself. He then rallied his forces to the S of the Regimental objectives. Maj. Schede then led 6 Co. II/28 Pz in destroying a second platoon of BT-7s. 6 Co. tanks also managed to attack and kill some 10 Russian infantry from a platoon that had moved into the woods at the base of Lipki Ridge. Col. Eckhardt led 2 Co., I/28 Pz in destroying a third platoon of BT-7s. Maj. von Burstin brought forward the
Pioneers of 88th/18 Recon Btl from Lipki, to support the attacks on Lipki Ridge.

The slower KV tanks came,lumbering down the Ridge. 6 Co, II/28PZ was attacked by 10 KV 2 and 3s; losing 2 MkIVs. 2 Co., I/28 Pz tanks were forced back by the concentrated fire from KV-1s, as well. Col. Eckhardt called an airstike against the Russian formation, in hopes of reducing the danger posed by them.

2 Plt, 2 Co, I/28 Pz attacked the company of T-26s on the high ground E. of Lipki; destroying 1 tank. The ACs of 1 Co., 88th/18 Recon Btl advanced in support of this attack. 3 Co. also pushed their advance towards to Pogodista Road; along the Western edge of the Romanivka Forest.

In the time frame of approx 30 minutes, the Regiment had been able to destroy an additional 31 Russian tanks.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
1 x Pz IV
3 x PSW Armored Cars of various models.
1 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
1 x T-26
39 x BT-7
17 x T-34M40
10 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
2 x ATG
33 x Inf Squads (approx 260-KIA/WIA 50-PW)
1 x Russian officer - KIA
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07-11-2006, 11:34 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."  SFS R
Hans and Joerg scanned the skies for Russian fighter-bombers as they moved to the west.

"Here comes another one!"

"That was too close, Joerg!"

The planes bomb dropped on the company MG platoon...with no effect.


"Lets get outta here!"

Russian tanks had emerged from the woods and disappeared behind a smoke screen.

"Whoa! They blew up some more of the Hauptman's Lynx."

"The Panthers will pay them back!"

A platoon of Panthers rolled down the highway, fired a salvo, and quickly turned and raced back to cover.

"Get the panzerfaust, Hans"

"Did you see the panzers, Joerg?" "No, but they sounded big!"


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07-11-2006, 11:37 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 15.00 hours (Turn 11)

The Luftwaffe arrived for its 4th mission of the day. This time, their bombs destroyed 2 BT-7s on the upper reaches of Lipki Ridge. The battalion guns of 88th/18 Recon Btl fired 2 missions against Russian infantry in the woods to the E of Stayki. The results appeared to be ineffectual. Russian artillery fire fell through out the Lipki area, destroying a single 50MM ATG and a prime mover.

In the face of some 19 KV model tanks, Col. Eckhardt ordered a withdrawl. All the units on and around the ridge redeployed, forming a defensive line at Lipki village. 2 Plt, 2 Co, I/28 Pz was also recalled from its attack against the T-26s to the E. Major Pingel took 3 Co., I/28Pz north, from Stayki, to assist against the Russian attack, stopping at the southern base of the ridge.

The Russian tanks on the ridge did not advance. Infantry was seen advancing towards Lipki, though the woods 1250M to the SE of Lipki, though.

Cpt. Gebhardt lead an attack on the remaining Russian tanks at Stayki. Cannon fire destroyed another 4 BT-7s and a close assault by the Light Plt of 1 Co., I/28 Pz, destoryed the T-34 attacking 1 Co. During a cusorary search of Russian dead, it was discovered that a high ranking officer had been leading the attack. After the search, Cpt Gebhardt arranged to defensive laager at Stayki, and moved 1 Co., I/28Pz into a position to assist on Lipki Ridge, if need be.

The remaining armored cars of 2 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl. raced up the main road and rail line towards Novosady Station some 5.5Km away. 2 Plt followed the rail line and seized a Regimental objective on the high ground to the W of the the station. 1 Plt followed the main road, which cut through some woods about 3.5Km E of Stayki. There, it bumped into a Russian HQ unit; apparently of one of the tank battalions which had been attacking Stayki. 2 Plt immediately changed directions and assualted the unit, with 1 Plt acting as a blocking force. The unit was overrun in short order. 1 Plt then passed through 2 Plt. and took up an OP which gave it a view of the Moscow Motor Hiway, where it ran down the upper reaches of Lipki Ridge. 1 Plt. was then attacked by 3 BT-7s from that diretion; losing 1 PSW 222. The surviving AC retreated into some woods to its rear.

The dismounted motorcyclists of 3 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl pushed S along the Povodista road, and through the woods to its W. They came under fire from a concealed Russian infantry platoon, but suffer no casualties. A platoon of T-26 tanks arrived to join the fight, as well.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
3 x Pz IV
4 x PSW Armored Cars of various models.
1 x Prime Mover
2 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
4 x T-26
47 x BT-7
18 x T-34M40
10 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
2 x ATG
40 x Inf Squads (approx 260 -KIA/WIA 50-PW)
1 x Russian HQ.
2 x Russian officer - KIA
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07-12-2006, 11:21 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
Hans and Joerg ran for cover as two more Russian aircraft made bombing and strafing attacks nearby.

"Where is our Luftwaffe?" asked Hans with a hint a sarcasm.

"Nevermind that, look here. Someone left us a perfectly good set of foxholes!"

"This will be a good spot to make a stand."

"Hans, where is the rest of the company?"

"I don't know, I think the MG platoon has had it."

"It sounded like 152mm cannon fire blasting them!"

"I hate those things! I hope these panzerfaust work."

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07-12-2006, 10:27 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-12-2006, 10:45 PM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 15.30 hours (Turn 12)

The battalion guns of 88th/18 Recon Btl fired against the infantry E of Lipki with no results. The armored cars of 2 Co. counter attacked the BT-7s that had attacked them W of Novosady Station. They destroyed 2 with cannon fire, and forced the lone survivor to retreat. Capt. Gerbardt led the tanks of 1 Co., I/28 PZ; minus 2 Plt, towards Novosady Station, in order to ensure that the Regimental objectives to the W of it stayed secure.

3 Co.,88th/18 Recon Btl, meanwhile, attacked the Russian forces facing it along the Povodista road; to the NE of Lipki. 2Plt, flanked the Russian forces and engaged the infantry from the rear; throwing them into confusion. 2Plt, 1 Co. came forward to engage the Russian tanks from the rear. The Russians fired on them as they moved into postion; destroying a PSW 222. The attached 50mm ATGs from 4th Co. were brought forward and destroyed the Russian tanks as they engaged the armored cars. The attack came to a conclusion as 3 Plt assaulted the Russian infantry; destroying the enemy platoon. Some 50 Russian intantry were killed or wounded.

Around Lipki, Maj. Schede directed the 75mm fire from the MkIVs of 6 Co., II/28 Pz, against the infantry to the E of Lipki. They drove an infantry and MG platoon from their postions. It is estimated that 20-30 Russian soldiers were killed or wounded. Afterwards, Col. Eckhardt realigned the units around Lipki as to better respond to any threat from the E, or Lipki Ridge.

That threat soon materialized. Smoke covered Lipki Ridge, due to numerous buring tanks. From out of that smoke rumbled the Russian KVs. They attacked the Regimental line at several placed to the E and SW of Lipki. Cannon fire was exchanged, and no losses were suffered on either side.They advanced to within 250m at places. Addiditonally, Russian infantry infiltrated back into their previous postions in the woods to the E.

3 Plt, 1 Co., 88th/18 Recon Btl., finished making a long sweeping move to the E of the Romanivka forest. It took up a blocking position on the western edge of Kurganovka; some 5.5KM behind the Russian forces. Russian trucks had been seen heading E from Lipki Ridge, along the Moscow Motor Hiway. The move by 3 Plt. put Regimental forces across their expectd route. The Russian trucks changed directions and headed to the SE, once they saw their path was blocked. The T-26 company to the E of Lipki reacted to this threat and move out towards Kurganovka.

The Light Plt, of 2 Co., I/28 Pz advanced E from Lipki, out of LOS of the Russian tanks on the high ground. It's intent was to move through the woods to the E. of the Russian infantry, and make a thrust at cutting the Moscow Motor Hiway behind the Russian forces. A Russian HQ unit unknowingly advanced to within 250m of the Light Plt.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
3 x Pz IV
5 x PSW Armored Cars of various models.
1 x Prime Mover
2 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
5 x T-26
47 x BT-7
18 x T-34M40
10 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
2 x ATG
43 x Inf Squads (approx 335-KIA/WIA 50-PW)
1 x Russian HQ.
2 x Russian officer - KIA
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