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Forum - dry as a Bone
07-22-2006, 06:37 AM,
Forum - dry as a Bone
07-22-2006, 08:25 AM,
RE: Forum - dry as a Bone
Is it just me or has the Forum gradually been changing from a place of discussion about CM into purely an MB? Gone seem to be any discussions on CM related topics and tactics.

I think 'discussion' has slowed down in the Blitz MB's. Part of the problem is we've all been 'disccussing' the same game for 4 years now. You can only say so much about the game before going over old territory. But we still have a first class community where a new player can get an inbox full of games at the posting of one message.

The CM Hard Core seem to have withdrawn from the boards.

Who are the CM hardcore you mention?

My personal view is that discussion has been stifled for various reasons here. I think that members are discouraged to post what they really want to by sometimes over zealous Mods who have forgotten what it is to be a Mod.

In actual fact the mods have deleted very few posts in relation to messages posted. As to posting what they really want to - what type of things would this include. Members who p*ssed them of? Gamey tactics? Arguing with other members? - these are all negative. What positives would a member be discouraged to post?

Mods should moderate discussions and not bring a biased view to those discussions. At the same time the Mods are beholding on the members to spark new discussions and lead members. After all the priveledge of being a Mod is not to Lord it over the normal member with Godlike powers, but instead to be neutral in most discusions and let the Forum breathe.

If it is a positive discussion the mods have always supported the posts by members. One example being placing the interesting articles in the sticky section of the MB. As for the mods lording it over everyone I find that they are moderating the boards minimally at present and interfere very little.

I have to admit that the banning of CANUK almost finished my time here, I've always emphasised that this is about a game, but this episode showed me that it maybe not viewed as such by the heirarchy here and the lack of an explanation for his banning, not just from the Forum, but the whole site just stuck in my craw.

Its always unsavoury having to ban a member. Especially one as vocal as Canuck who I personally always had a good relationship with. However I wasnt involved in the goings on behind the scenes and I guess we are just going to have to realise that what happened behind the scenes meritted a banning from the club leadership. No more needs to be said to justify why he was banned - what benefit would members have knowing all the crap that may have went on. i dont thing anything positive could come out of it.

However, I have always stated that I am aware that the Blitz is not an area for free speech and the officers here have a diffrent agenda from the normal members. We are guests here, but I think that sometimes they forget that without the guests they would be living in an empty room.

Im not sure I understand what you mean by a 'different agenda' but I am aware that without members we wouldnt have much of a club. But putting the shoe on the other foot. Without the moderators and everyone else who works on the website the members wouldnt have a room.

Well, I would really like to see a livelier Forum where guys can post and have heated discussions without 17 Mods jumping down their throats. Why cant these discussions be allowed? As long as there are no flame wars whats wrong with it? Whats wrong with discussing what you hate about tardy opponents or waht kind of battles you dont like to play?

We would all like to see a livelier forum but you have to realise as I did that engaging in heated discussion usually does lead to the kind of flame wars you mentioned.

Blitz staff - please bring back the old days, engender disscusion, let the guys have some room to post and explain why guys are being banned!

As mentioned before I feel it unreasonable to blame the mods about members not posting mentally stimulating articles daily. Their impact on the overall forum postings is minimal and to call them up because they occassionally come down on a troll is a bit off.

Of course, recent history being what it is I risk an unexplained banning here, so to my opponents I say, if you dont hear from me soon you should maybe claim a victory against the shadow player.

On the subject of people being banned name me 5 members who have been banned in the past year?

Of course this is all just my opinion and am replying as a member to another member. Perhaps the moderators would like to answer it themselves?

Anyway, nice to have a discussion on a Friday night. Now if only the mods would let us verbally spar it would be just like old times eh Geordie? Big Grin

07-22-2006, 09:06 AM,
RE: Forum - dry as a Bone
07-22-2006, 09:15 AM,
RE: Forum - dry as a Bone
Well there you have it. Another civil discussion down the drain. Thanks for your original post Geordie but the vitriol you've just came out with doesnt even merit me attempting to answer.

07-22-2006, 09:20 AM,
RE: Forum - dry as a Bone
Where is the Vitriol?

Have I asked a question you cant answer?

Do I detect that you are towing the party line and are not allowed to answer?

07-22-2006, 09:28 AM,
RE: Forum - dry as a Bone
No its just I cant understand why an intelligent bloke like yourself continues to bring up the same conspiracy theory topics over and over again. Its old territory. Is it any wonder I was the first to reply to you as no one else seems remotely interested in your continual baiting of staff members here at the Blitz.

I enjoy playing you and 90% of your posts are quite interesting but honestly if you are annoyed so much by the methods used at the Blitz (the methods you twist into your theory that we are all lording over you peasants... pah!!) then leave. No one keeps you here against your will and no other members are coming out to back up your sentiments so its obvious that its just you who has a problem with the way things are run.

07-22-2006, 09:53 AM,
RE: Forum - dry as a Bone
07-22-2006, 09:59 AM,
RE: Forum - dry as a Bone
Geordie Wrote:As I always say - its only a game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indeed it is. And Geordie I wasnt asking you to leave I was just saying that if certain facets of the Blitz get you down so much you always have that option. At the end of the day we are here to game so lets just get on with what we enjoy doing.

07-22-2006, 10:10 AM,
RE: Forum - dry as a Bone
For sure, for me the game is more important than the Forum. However the treatment of the members should always be paramount. Transparancy for me is the only way to aproach any Forum, and being myself a Mod on 3 Forums I think I have the experience to know what I'm talking about. All I'm asking for is the same here.

I can see that the Canuk question is too painfull and by the replies here I'm sure we will never know, which in itself perpetuates your conspiracy theory line.
07-22-2006, 10:54 AM,
RE: Forum - dry as a Bone

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