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Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
08-02-2006, 02:05 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Well, the artillery finally unloaded - sort of..

now the fun begins..

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08-02-2006, 07:10 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Well Mr J, It seems I had too much coffee and spazzed the send button. And my guys are not hiding in the woods. They're picking mushrooms for the soupBig Grin It's Pfefferlinge season!

And Grummi, maybe I need a bigger boat.
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08-02-2006, 10:47 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
As a former naval person, I assure you bigger boats are better. :pirate:
I you have ever nailed a fat girl in a john boat you would know what I'm talking about.Eek

One thing about SPw@W that I do like better is the way those being slaughtered scream as they die. If you have a really good Monitor (20" KDS Xflat) and video card (NVIDIA with 128 megs and a 1.3 billion texels fill rate) and can set your screen resolution over 1600x1400, then it is possible to see body parts flying around as those big guns tear into the infantry huddled under their fire. It does require a few biers ( Operator only, NOT for the Monitor or Video card). I prefer Harps, but toward the end of my pay cycle, I have been known to compromise.cheers

Anywho, I looking forward to this replay, even without the body parts and screaming, there is a certain brutal joy experienced from watching GB feed his troops into the sausage grinder. I may yomp on my trusty steed and head down to Missippppipppssisppi, or whatever that place is and pick up some harps. I'll just have to be carefull. They have declared a heat emergency here and feeble old farts like me aren't suposed to go out and ride around on their motorcycles today.
On a positive note, the worse that can happen is I die and go to hell, which would at least give me a break from the heat.Devil
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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08-03-2006, 06:51 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-03-2006, 07:17 AM by shortreengage.)
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
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08-03-2006, 08:31 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
I went the 'stable' route' . My former red-haired girl friend decided I was to old for riding.:laughing: So she ran over my ride.:angry: I pitched a fit ,:hissy: so she replaced it. Then one of her girlfriends ran over the replacement.:mad: I finally figured it out and bought 2 bikes, and got a new girlfriend. I took Nellie the Nine inch Nail down to the place where the birds fly upside down. I prefer Nellie for in town riding.:cool: She goes thru traffic like a fart thru cheezecloth. While Nellie is a Honda (919), and like all honda's a little on the chubby side, she is no Hondabago. HD's are for posers and bikers. I now have 5 motorcycles, stashed in various places across various states. I suspect the former had help from within my family.:stir: I'm the only one involved that has the intelligence to co-ordinate a simultanous strike on 5 targets seperate by 200+ miles. So I feel safe.
The turn I sent you was correct and virginal. I had a good bud that played a lot of PBEM before he died. One of the tips he left me was selecting a unit and tracking that unit as a way to avoid replays. In this case it was the L0, which is a BRDM that is a scout platoon leader. Yes I do have real scouts. I'm not depending on those RR jeeps. Anyway, when I got the turn from JP, my L0 was right where I had moved it to last turn. Since I move it every turn, I hadn't taken my turn yet. My turns are fast because it doesn't take long to move a rifle squad a hex or two, when your opponents are hiding and there is no opposition. :boom2:
Yose guys will have to come out and fight one day. If you don't we'lll push you right back into your barracks and nail the door shut. :bang:
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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08-09-2006, 05:18 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2006, 05:21 AM by shortreengage.)
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
You have 5 Death-sleds?:bow: Do they all come with back seaters?Big Grin All I have is poor little Plucky. But at least he's Red. (Red uns go fasta)

On to the trash talk.( I need it as JP is brutaly explaining to me the rules of H2H , IE RULE #1 Select battlefield and date of engagementBig Grin LOOKING LIKE LOSS #9 Cry )

It seems you are taking some time on this turn.
Doing a little thinking or preping the Grand Assault? Difference of opinion with the NKPA? Are they tired of playing pop-up targets for you?

I see your minion brought some light tanks. He does'nt share your disdain of them. In fact he seems to be a big fan of light armour in our other game. He has at least 4 different types. Many players do not like light tanks for some reason. Don't know why....

And BTW we are out and fighting. Time for yous guys to send that Sniper Brigade over the hills:smoke:

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08-09-2006, 06:54 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Hello SR,

Yep JP sure knows how to use his troops in H2H.. Yogi does also.. kinda fun sometimes to get your behind sliced off and handed back to you on a sliver platter..

JP walloped me not too long ago in H2H.. still well remember my hulking Germans getting snooked by dancing BT-7's backed by SU85M's :smg:

Looking fwds to getting the turn back..

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08-09-2006, 08:57 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2006, 09:00 AM by shortreengage.)
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
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08-09-2006, 09:54 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
I am done with my part of the turn. I sent it to JP to look at and see if he is happy with everything. I confess to not checking my e-mail the last couple of days, so I might be the one hatching the turn. In about 4 more turns you will get as target rich an environment as one could hope for.
Well, sort of 5. Call it 4.98 A couple of weeks ago I whipped around a corner on a two lane in Kentucky and found farmer in a stake bed full of brush driving down the center of the road. He jerked the steering wheel hard right when he saw me and one of the sawed off trees popped out between the stakes. I was riding my 3/4 can-of-tuna, which is a little top heavy and it hit my flyscreen and tore off the mirror, which is part of the fairing. It came on back and caught my upper arm. Cracked my armor plate and made me sore for the last two weeks or so. I limped the Katana home but it's not really ridable now. Hole in the windshield, no mirror an big hole and a long crack in the body work. No idea where the mirror went. I manged to come out the other sidse with the correct amount of rybber on the road, so I downshifted and kept going. So did the farmer. It's a country thing, if you kill it, you have to bury it yourself and I didn't have a shovel. Not sure yet if I want to try and fix it, or sell it to one of the lacal squids so he can hoolaganize it. I really like the Kaw Z750s. It would make an ideal replacement for the can-a-tuna, which is pretty much a low-tech bike that is being dropped by Suzuki. I have a payday next month, so I might just step up to the plate. New, I can get one for around 6400 now and I think as riding season slips away up in yankee land, I'll be able to beat that. I suspect I have less $ in my 5 bikes then you have in your Italian death machine. Plus you can actually buy parts for them.

Check out stoppie.gif It is active, only there is no motion on this forum. I wanted to use it as an avatar (sp?) but couldn't figure out how to do it. It's red so you should like it, even if it's a multi, and not a twin.

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.gif   stoppie.gif (Size: 41.65 KB / Downloads: 9)
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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08-09-2006, 01:38 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??

You guys are exagerating about the way I play H2H, I get lucky alot. Most of the time I'm to inebriated to see the screen when I'm picking my troops so I always end up with a very screwy mix of troops. As for the current game we are playing, my troops are to afraid to advance knowing that those big bad Marines are out there......

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