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looking for opponents cmbb
11-04-2006, 03:54 PM,
Smile  RE: looking for opponents cmbb

Der Kuenstler...you have the right to offer play to anyone at the Blitz. That being said ...I would take issue with what you consider competition. In Boxing...heavy weights don't fight with light weights...because that is not competition its a mugging. NFL teams don't play high school teams ....because that is not competition, its a blowout.

It is harder to advance on the ladder if you are well matched. The point speads are much narrower. I applaud your games against those higher ranked than yourself, that is competition. Rank means very little if it is not earned. I disagree with your assessment that new guys don't quit if they are repeatedly overmatched. I have seen it and been responsible for it on at least 1 occasion. I do offer new guys free games...not because I think they should be pampered...but because it is fair. You might want to look at the records of those noobies that you have crushed...their play does seem to drop off. I have looked at your record.... you have a rank of Major...I can't help but wonder what your rank would be if all the privates you have crushed were taken away. Like I said, you have the right to offer play to anyone at the Blitz...but your record makes it clear that you prefer to "compete" against the new and inexperienced player. Your game play against the experienced, while laudable, would not have moved you along the ladder very far...the point spread just isn't there. I myself only offer ladder games against opponents of equal or higher rank than myself, these days...that is my choice. I like the competition, I like to earn my points...but to be honest...the ladder doesn't mean so much to me. In my view the ladder has lost some of its integrity due to players that don't care how they get the points. oh well...no system is perfect...I love the play, and that is enough for me.

So what do I intend to teach the new guys? I hope to be able to help them make good choices in play...Red Wolf armor rules, how to avoid players that offer games in which they have a technological advantage due to the year of the games and the side they accept, to look at the stats of their opponent before accepting the game, the mechanics of the game, the pitfalls of non random playing maps, force selection, to avoid players that play the same scenario again and again...but mostly I want the new players to have fun and to be able to compete without being taken advantage of.

You say you lost your first 8 games...your fortitude is to be commended.
If you will notice....all those 8 games you played were against very experienced players...I would suggest that you didn't learn how to play the game better...you learned how to play the players better ...just a thought. Well why not ...they did it to you....but is this the way it has to be?...I don't think so.

I am not trying to pick on you per se....there are many who do the same...and like I said you have the right. But surely you grant me the right to prepare who I will, and to try to make the Blitz an enjoyable experience for as many rookies as I can.:)

Ps...I would be happy to play you!:smg:

pps...want an easy mark?...play Bootie;)

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11-04-2006, 05:58 PM,
RE: looking for opponents cmbb
Hi DT,

First of all I have no problem at all with what you want to do in offering free games to the new guys - you were kind of caught up along with some of the other posts - that's fine if that's what you'd like to do - sorry if my posts made you think otherwise.

Your heavyweight/lightweight illustration is good, except that in these cases the lightweight is never forced to fight the heavyweight. He chooses to. Sometimes he even wants to. In my cases at the beginning I wanted to fight those experienced guys - I thought I was really good. After 8 losses I found out I wasn't so good and started fighting guys more at my level of experience. I'm not mad at them or anything - hey - I'm the one who took on the games - I'm the one who wasn't prepared to win. Personal responsibility plays a part here. You mentioned the NFL. In the NFL if an expansion team accepts membership and is scheduled to play a playoff team, the playoff team does not say "this one won't count since you have so many rookies." When Hitler wanted to fight the Russians they didn't say "Oh you don't want to do that - we'll end up 10X stronger than you - it wouldn't be fair."

Also, remember that just because he's a new guy here does not necessarily mean he is inexperienced. I've been beaten before by new guys - Graves Registration comes to mind - it was his first game here. He whipped me good.

But you did have many valid points there for me to think about - good post...

On your game offer - sure - feel free to send me something...

"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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11-04-2006, 10:17 PM,
RE: looking for opponents cmbb
Nice, civil posts, guys. DK, I am 0-3 against you and ready for a rematch. I have bandwidth for some games. Any interest?
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11-05-2006, 01:44 AM,
RE:��looking for opponents cmbb
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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11-05-2006, 02:46 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-05-2006, 02:48 AM by Darius.)
RE: looking for opponents cmbb
I want to say, as a new guy, that I just have started a match with DK and I chose to knowing I would be outgunned. I find that by playing people better than I am I learn faster.

I know I have much to learn and expect DK to teach me plenty.

Some people might think he is using me. I disagree...it is me using him.
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11-05-2006, 04:44 AM,
RE:��looking for opponents cmbb
Der Kuenstler Wrote:Thanks Geordie - you're a reasonable guy and [hirr]Leto - well, I see you are still [hirr]Leto...

Aye, Leapords don't change their spots easily. The same goes for you I see.

Perhaps the reason so many vets at the blitz don't care to play you is that you value ladder results over cultivating relationships. You have openly admitted to seek advantage in every QB that you start, and when you can't meet terms, you make the grand excuse of "well, your a veteran and I'm new, so my advantages should balance things out".

This is no secret to anyone who knows you, not to those who are new to the blitz. I wonder if you allow those same advantages that you were so willing to seek before to the new blitz players; seeing that you are the veteran now?

Sincerely, I hope that you are trying very hard to change your spots. It would make for a better blitz... something you so highly cherish if your posts can be interpreted correctly. I'm all for that. We all deserve a second chance and often are misunderstood or are the victim of bad circumstances.

IF you want to play a straight ladder game, I'll take that offer. We don't even have to converse, and just send turns back and forth. But I will give you a good game.

QB 3000 points June 1944 unrestricted variable large map, medium cover and small slopes, map terrain unrestricted. That way there is a little bit of mystery when picking kits. I'll take German as you did last time under these conditions.

I'm willing to connect the dots on those spots if you are.



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11-05-2006, 05:45 AM,
RE: looking for opponents cmbb
OK [hirr]Leto - I'd rather have friends than enemies in life and I'm sure you would, too - let's give it a go but let's do keep the banter down as your omnicient in-game comments and observations about my moves usually annoy the heck out of me...
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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11-05-2006, 06:09 AM,
RE:��looking for opponents cmbb
Der Kuenstler Wrote:OK [hirr]Leto - I'd rather have friends than enemies in life and I'm sure you would, too - let's give it a go but let's do keep the banter down as your omnicient in-game comments and observations about my moves usually annoy the heck out of me...

LOL! I can do that.

Many of us wage a "mental game" that is akin to who can bullshit or obfuscate the most in our replies... it's often quite entertaining between old pro's and lots of laughs if you take it from a mutual perspective...

Obviously, you have to have a prior amicable relationship to appreciate it.

; )


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11-05-2006, 06:38 AM,
RE: looking for opponents cmbb
Hey, can we watch it on pay per view?
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11-05-2006, 02:21 PM,
RE: looking for opponents cmbb
The whole idea that veterans should offer Noobs a "Free" game is friggin' stupid- the time and thought that go into each and every game played here should count on the board. Just because a Veteran player offers a newcomer a game shouldn't be pounced upon as something less than honorable- I agree that "Sharkhunters" exist in the ladder and that is a different matter entirely. If a newcomer gets creamed repeatedly and quits the club, well maybe that person should've challenged a few more other newcomers instead of taking game offers from only experienced players. Either that, or CM isn't really their deal.
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