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Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
11-06-2006, 03:55 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
Quote:Yeah right, have a look at this. The trouble with Soviet tanks is that they are crap. 1 Marder did this to me in 2 turns, 3 on the first and 2 on the second.

Is that what it looked like from your side of the river, Geordie? :) Thankfully, Wyoming drew crappy Pz II's so I'm doing well as the Allies also.
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11-11-2006, 01:38 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-11-2006, 01:39 AM by Grumlin.)
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
well, i managed to get a TOTAL VICTORY as the axis forces, holding all four flags with minimal losses. 97% - phew.

My esteemeed opponent Pioneer was unlucky in that one of my two tanks, the tiger, got two side hits on his kvs as they were rushing along the sov road to the big flag.

I sent a PIV with a tankhunter on top to hold the axis big flag, and did a bit of cat and mouse there with another KV until it tried to cross the bridge and I blew it away. Pioneer had got infnatry across to the axis side, but my platoon of grenadiers turned up in time to kill them all and cross to take the enemy town. hurrah!

Pioneer did have one ace up his sleeve - a hidden t34 ran out on turn 19 and got a rear shot on my tiger from 100m - and thankfully missed.
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11-11-2006, 04:20 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
A Tiger, woof, and I was worried by SP's! I'm glad I faced no Tigers.
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11-11-2006, 09:15 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
Mixmaster has just handed me my second TD here. Second by him too. Well done mate, a very interesting battle and hats off to Rico for the map. Which was a bastard for the soviets.
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11-13-2006, 07:56 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
Ooh, ooh, a tactical victory as the allies for me against Bootie. Damn close to a major victory, with the score 68/32. Bootie has weak forces with two crack PIVs and not much else - he left them sitting on the small german flag for most of the game which I found surprising. I rushed a platoon of T34s with tankriders to the big flags, fighting off half a crack platoon on the way, and he never came back from that. Man of the match my green LMG trooper who shot a PIV commander from 550 meters.....
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11-14-2006, 06:32 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
After tallying the latest BLitz BBB results, we have a new leader at the top of the table: Mixmaster has charged to the top spot with 19 points after an incredible run of 3 Total Victories in a row... Grumlin and Ratzki are in 2nd and 3rd place respectively.

Many more results to come in, so things can still change quite a bit!
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11-14-2006, 07:47 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
Hey rico - why dont you have the scenarios for each round as a download on the blitz BB site? That was other people can try them out and see how they do!

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11-14-2006, 08:45 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
I shall shout "I'm the best" continuously until Ratzki posts his results, at which time I can then go about my normal business of losing more than I win :kill:
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11-21-2006, 11:18 PM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
Rico - chalk up yet another Draw for me - this time vs Taffy
A very close battle this time with me using the tactic my opponent used against me in the other game - Taffy went for the home run as I did as the Russians - crossing the far crossing and then trying to get to the German near flag but I took out a bundle of Russian tanks at distance with my solitary STUG and then sneaked it close to the far German flag on the last turn.

Interesting that in both fights the Russian player sensed Total victory as there was little German opposition at the far crossings but as soon as they moved out of the far German side village a solitary Stug was sufficient to halt them. Had the Russian player settled for holding both far crossings placing their tanks in ambush positions and the near crossing on their side they would have probably scored a lesser victory rather than a draw.

Ah greed - and that is the beauty of this tournament - you really need to keep scoring a few Total victories to keep your score up.

Can't wait for the next one - any clues?
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11-22-2006, 02:23 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
How about a scenario with random reinforcements, that should spice things up a little.
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