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Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
11-27-2006, 03:58 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
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11-27-2006, 06:12 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr
H. Blauzahn vs. Der Stuber -Turn 11

At Fenetrange Capt Grillo says "enough is enough" and orders his relief column to break through the village.
At Weyer the M10 crews have been putting up a brave defense but the exhaustion is starting to take its toll on them. The relentless German on slaught has forced the defenders back to other buildings to hide in. Some survivors from Ischermuhl have made their way to the village to help shore up its defense.
Its not any better at Rauwiller as the Germans appear to be outflanking us on the left, and are steady in pushing our boys back. It will be bloody house to house if they break into the village. "Can we hold out until the relief column at Fenetrange arrives"?
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11-28-2006, 05:52 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr, H.Blauzahn vs Der Stuber, turn 12

The General felt his spirit rising again.
He took a deep breath to smell the dark coffee in the cup in front of him.
His cousin brought it back from Italy during the retreat.
Those were the good times, when the Reich ruled the biggest part of Europe.
Anyway, the crisis of the Lehr seems to be over.
Ok, the Yanks were still trying to conquer Fenetrange, but they failed when they were outnumbering the german defenders. Now Beyerlein's force there was growing stronger every minute.
It is also true, that Weyer and Ischermuhl were still in american hands.
But the Landsers keep on pressing and the resitance of the GIs seems to melt away.
Beyerlein and his staff were confident, that it only needs another slight push to let the american defense collapse.
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11-29-2006, 04:49 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr
H. Blauzahn vs. Der Stuber Turn 12

At Raumiller the Major slugs down the last gulp of what would have been in happier times a $ 500.00 bottle of vintage wine, and calls out coordinates for the next artillery strike to the radio man. Confused from the wine the major calls the wrong coordinate which will put the massive barrage of shells very close to his own positions. Future history books will say that the Major was a great commander for the artillery barrage that followed rained death and steel among the Landsers and saved Raumiller from being over run. After the Barrage GI's jumped from their holes and counterattacked the still shell shocked Germans.
At Fenetrange Capt Grillo has his column moving forward and pushing the Germans back as his armor has now caught up to the column. All is looking well now. Only time will tell.
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11-29-2006, 05:33 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!

Strike of the Lehr American Turn 5 vs. XLVIII Pz. Korp

Sgt. Phil Leotardo (no relation to the mob) was a tough street kid from South Philly. He'd been in some tough scrapes before, but this one had him unnverved. On the radio back to battallion: "Captain....where the hell is our tank support. I've got a long line of line of panzers that just blew through our lines and will soon be headed your way! We can't destroy tanks with a few rifles and sandbags."

The Captian assured him help was on the way.....ummmmm....he hoped as they should have been here already. Some infantry had begun to straggle in but nothing to stop the German armor.

The only savior so far has been the glorious 105mm artillery pounding the crap out of the panzergrenadiers. To be continued.......
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11-29-2006, 11:38 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
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11-30-2006, 05:03 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
EFII "Giants of the Vistula" - Turn #1

Soviet Player: H.v.F
German Player: mwest
Date: 6 August 1944
Turns: 20

I have been paired with H.v.F for SFS Round #3. :)

I've made and sent my first turn.

Waiting for my opponent to reply. :whis:

Will post more once the match gets rolling! :smg:

- mwest
Regards, Mike / "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton /
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11-30-2006, 06:11 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Turn 13
Incredibly Panzer Division Clausewitz is still hanging on to little bits of the town of Leuenberg, but many of it's panzers and men have fallen to the overwhelming Soviet masses. Greatly outnumbered in men, tanks, aircraft and artillery it really seems illogical that anything remains of this division.
Brave platoons of men here and there carry out counter attacks. In so doing, they cruelly expose themselves to the inevitable Russian reply, devasting fire from their artillery and the long guns of their tanks. The outcome is a forgone conclusion and these men deserve the highest awards of the fatherland for their bravery. The trouble is soon there may be no one left to record their deeds.
The promised reinforcements have now arrived, but it seems far too little, far too late.
A more ominous sign now is that the Russians are trying to work their way arround the flanks of our central defence of the town, the swinehunts are everywhere. If they are successful here, then everything may be lost. We can only hope our scant forces there will be able to stop them.

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11-30-2006, 09:44 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr
Turn 10

The Panthers were sitting ducks after failing to destroy the dreaded M10s.

Fritz yelled to Gunther and Otto, "Schnell, schnell!"

The M10s traversed and fired. A Panther exploded to the left of Fritz. Another Panther was disabled to the right. Fritz and the remaining panzers retreated out of harms way.

The crew was terrified, but bound to continue the advance. Two Panthers from another platoon advanced first and found the M10s in their sights. Three burning hulks were all that remained when Fritz finally persuaded Willi to move foward.

"You could have left one for me!" said Fritz over the radio.

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11-30-2006, 02:42 PM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Turn 13
H. Blauzahn vs. Der Stuber

The advance recon platoons radioed Capt Grillo that the Germans had blown the last bridge accross the Saare river. The young Capt sang a steady tune of profainity which could have possibly set a guiness record. "Ok then, Keep those German Engineers away from the Fenetrange Bridge and lets get accross this stinking river". "This is the only way to get to Rauwiller". Capt Grillo then sent a message to HQ of his delay. After careful thought the great minds put into motion to move up the timetable and released the main thrust.
At Bettborn The word was given and Lt. Col Sanders saddled up his main column to move out ahead of schedule.
At Weyer Capt Church radioed that he no longer could hold the village, his M10's had been in a constant fire fight with the Panzers and fate had caught up to them. These german infantry units just keep coming and won't stop. They are relentless, I just wish I could stick around to watch the victory parade down the main street, " Boy can these guys March"
Rauwiller is still holding out but fighting is very heavy as the German Armor has arrived to support the infantry. The Capt grabs a couple of GI's and has them go down to the cellar and bring up every case of wine.
this stuff is pretty good and we ain't leaving any bottles behind.

Der Stuber
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