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Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
12-01-2006, 12:42 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-01-2006, 12:49 PM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 5

Panzer Lehr artillery strikes fell on known and suspected enemy locations. Most of the strikes were in and around Hirschland, in an attempt to soften up the defending American forces. No damage could be assertained.

In Baerendorf, units were moved to provide artillery spotting on American forces in Hirschland itself. Pioneers cleared the road block in Baerendorf and 3 Co.y, 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg moved forward to cross the river and passed through the town. Direct fire artillery destroys the American units in the open to the SE of Baerendorf.

The Eastern Hirschland assault group completed its encircling move, and was reinforced with the PzIIs of Det 3, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130, which had been supporting KG Otsenberger. The Western assault group beings to form out of American LOS. More HT mounted mortars and Howitzers were brought forward to support the attack.

Even though the Eastern Kirrberg assault group is not in position, Kirrberg
is within striking distance of the Western group. With the American withdrawal across the Panzer Lehr front, it is decided to conduct a hasty assault with the Western group. MkIVs, from 5 Co., II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg. race down the road leading into the town. 750m from the town, they receive fire from concealed HT MGCs. The American fire is ineffective, and other tanks from II Btl destroy the MGC and 5Co. continues into Kirrberg, itself.

They then come under fire from concealed M-10s some 750m to the East, across the river. Two MkIVs were left burning in the town. Maj. Johan directs accurate cannon fire from other II Btl tanks and destroy the M-10s as they retreat. Two Grenadier platoons, from 2 Co., 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. are sent forward to occupy Kirrberg, while an MG platoon is placed where the MGCs had been destroyed, to keep the road open, in case there is any supporting infantry to deal with.

The Eastern assault group engaged a scout jeep section at long range to the South of Kirrberg, and destroyed it. The assault group was held in place, wile the tactical situation in Kirrberg was sorted out.

The Panthers of KG Otzenberger, supported by 1 Co, 1 Btl, 901 PzGdr Reg. secured Ischermuhl with no resistance. There is a ridge approx 1250m East of the town, covered with orchards. The lay of the land makes it so that Panzer Lehr forces in the town can not see any American forces deployed there. Any advance down the road out of Ischermuhl can be met with flank and rear shots. This is a perfect place for an antiarmor ambush, as well a providing protection to Weyer from attack from the South.

It is decided that maximum effort will be given to clearing the ridge with infantry, so that the KG can attack Weyer from the South, or proceed SE
towards Schalbach.

American attack planes once again appeared overhead. Despite determined AA fire, they destroyed the AC unit near Gungwiller, which had been observing American movements in Drulingen. American artillery fire was once more ineffective, only causing disruption in a couple of units.

As expected, American infantry appeared in the orchards West of Kirrberg. A single infantry platoon closed with KG forces and destroyed a MkIV. American units were again seen moving to the front of Panzer Lehr forward units.
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12-02-2006, 02:04 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Turn 14
The Division has lost the village of Brunow with little or no chance whatsoever of regaining it. Elsewhere we still hold onto all the other ground and continue to counter attack where possible, if only with much reduced platoons. Those rockets of the Russians still continue to rain death and destruction everywhere they land and really have been the difference between our ability to hold the ground or to surrender it.
Captain Bestmann still continues to rally the troops around him in the face of the massive odds against them. This man will surely earn promotion if he survives this battle.
All the other senior officers of the division are now with their troops and are likewise preparing for what now seems the inevitable.
General Clausewitz can only imagine what is going through the Fuhrers and High Commands mind,
Berlin it appears cannot now be saved. However Panzer Division Clausewitz will have done it's duty to the last. This will be our finest moment, this will be our last stand.

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12-02-2006, 03:58 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
First and Last Stand, turn...around 5 or 6. The Germans are of greater force than I could have imagined. My forces are outgunned by a web of 88mm tank cannon and their troops are dug in to a degree that I would need far greater infantry strength to take even a few of the objectives. I have no chance to turn the battle by force of arms. My first assault has been thrown back with heavy losses. I can only regroup and redeploy to face any counterattack that may develop. Intelligence has failed the Rodina's forces. Defeat is almost certian...
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12-02-2006, 06:47 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Turn 15

Grimly the division still holds on without giving much ground. The foolish Russian Panzers thinking it was all over came on too far, with far too little support. They fell easy victims to the fausts of our grenadiers and gleefully many smoking hulks can now be seen in front of our trenches.
Is it just possible that the Russian attack is beginning to run out of steam, we can only pray that this is the case. If only those dreaded Katushas and their other artillery would run out of ammunition, it's
just possible we could hold on.
Whatever we will do our duty to the end.

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12-02-2006, 06:48 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Turn 15

Grimly the division still holds on without giving much ground. The foolish Russian Panzers thinking it was all over came on too far, with far too little support. They fell easy victims to the fausts of our grenadiers and gleefully many smoking hulks can now be seen in front of our trenches.
Is it just possible that the Russian attack is beginning to run out of steam, we can only pray that this is the case. If only those dreaded Katushas and their other artillery would run out of ammunition, it's
just possible we could hold on.
Whatever we will do our duty to the end.

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12-02-2006, 11:22 PM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr, H.Blauzahn vs Der Stuber, forgot which turn it is:rolleyes:

General Beyer put the glas of pure water back on his desk.
"Now" he thought, "we are sailing on a sea of shit without a ship."
The north and the east of the battlefield look promising, sure.
The allies at Weyer were eleminated, thrown back or encircled, sure.
At Rauwiller his force was still advancing, ok so far.
But reports from the western flank, although sounding a little paniced, are perfectly clear:
A large armored Yankee force appeared exactly close to the soft underbelly of the Lehr.
"Patton!" Beyerlein barked, "Has this man the second sight? How does he allways know where to strike?"
Now the crucial hour has come!
Now the the battle is on the edge!
Now the right decisions have to be made!
Beyerlein reached out for his telephone to transmit his orders...
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12-03-2006, 01:25 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 6

Once again, Divisional Artillery fell on known and suspected American positions. No visible casualties are observed.

The KG Muhler units at Hirschland assembled at their assault positions and made final preparations. The American defenders attempted to attack the Eastern assault group, to no effect. They withdrew back into the town, and could be seen aligning their defenses. A scout jeep section moved North from the town, and ran into the MG platoon acting as a blocking force, still mounted in their HTs.

Machine gun fire reduced the American infantry platoon that had destroyed the MkIV, from II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg., outside Kirrberg. The platoon surrendered as the tanks of 5 Co. over ran their positions. The rest of the assault group pushed across the river to the East of the town. The Eastern assault group continued to hold its position.

Fighting along Ischermmuhl Ridge was heavy. Small arms and tank fire pummeled the defending Americans. They answered with effective artillery and rifle fire. Det. 1 of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 launched a company sized attack on Weyer, in order to take some of the pressure off KG Otzenberer's attack on the ridge. Tank fire also destroys an American OP some 3.5KM SE of Ischermuhl, that looked down onto the KG's positions.

American TDs, light armor, and command units were seen withdrawing SE from Drulingen. Infantry was also seen heading South towards Weyer from the town, too. It looks as though only a light force is left in Drulingen.

A machine gun platoon appeared on the high ground South of Baerendorf. This is very alarming, because its position gives it good fields of fire and observation into KG Muhler's rear area.
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12-03-2006, 01:25 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-03-2006, 01:39 AM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 7

Artillery fell on Hirschland, causing American units to displace and become disorganized. A plume of smoke rose above the town, as a direct hit was scored on one of the defending AA HT's. A section of HT MGCs was also seen moving in the town. Artillery fire on Ischermuhl Ridge forced the American defenders back to the East. Direct fire artillery destroyed the MG platoon at Baerendorf, and the exposed jeep section North of Hirschland.

Tank, mortar, and howitzer fire turned the HTs in Hirschland into flaming wrecks, and disrupted the American infantry. The StuG/Hs of 3 Co., PzJg Abtl. 130, supported by Flamen HT and PzIIs from KG Otzenberger assaulted the town from the East and West. The American defenses collapsed, with a lone, under-strengthed MG platoon escaping towards the South.

II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg. followed by 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. moved towards Rauwiller from the Kirrberg and Baerendorf areas. The PzIIs of Det 3, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abtl. 130 were sent forward to recon abandoned positions to the front of the advance. 2/II and 2/IV Plt.s seized a position that sits atop a Divisional objective. They immediately found American infantry less than 250m South, and withdrew. 3 Co., 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg, dismounted and prepared to reoccupy the position. 2/I Plt. seized an abandoned position 750m to the SW. It was later engaged by 2 platoons of American infantry. One track was destroyed by bazooka fire, and the other by close assault, as the Americans retook the position.

The attacks on Ischermuhl Ridge and Weyer continued. The fighting was hard, and infantry from both sides suffered moderate casualties in the see-saw battle.

American artillery fell across the Panzer Lehr front. It was especially heavy at Weyer and Ischermuhl Ridge. A TD platoon attacked Maj. Haenicke's 2 Panthers on the ridge itself. They caused no damage, and withdrew. Heavy fire pushed back several platoons of 1 Co, 1 Btl, 901 PzGdr Reg. on the ridge.

At Weyer, the attacking infantry of Det. 1, Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 came under intensive fire from American Acs and MGs. This compiled with the heavy artillery fire forced them back to their attack positions. A scout jeep section moved forward to attack the retreating German units.

The armor units seen withdrawing from Drulingen were seen moving into the woods 2.5KM east of Weyer. More units were seen moving into positions to block KG Muhler in the Rauwiller area. A scout jeep section was seen driving down the road from Dieuse, to the West. Units of the 361st VG Div. held their fire, as it skirted the town of Fenetrange, and headed North out of sight.
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12-03-2006, 03:13 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
The Russkies boldly drove forward, throwing caution to the wind!
The Germans countered strongly, causing a few too many casualties but the valiant Russians have taken it on the chin and continued a relentless attack, wiping out platoons of infantry and smoking many tanks. Nothing appears to stop them. They still hold onto the town on their right flank with nothing apparently there to shift them out!
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12-03-2006, 06:50 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr
H. Blauzahn vs. Der Stuber -Turn 14

South of Drulingen the retreating M10's were moving as fast as they could down the narrow roadway staying just ahead of the german's chasing them down, when two of the units peeled off left into the heavy hedges and stopped. The third unit slowed down just enough for the chasing enemy to get a good look. In the hedges the M10 gunners were licking their chops just waiting. It did not take long as the big lumbering
German Panzers rolled right by them. The M10's opened up and did not wait for the smoke to clear to see the havoc they inflicted. High fives flying, "Thats for the boys still lying in Drulingen".
Not as lucky in Weyer, most units have made it out with exception of some lone engineers trapped in the city hall. Every stick of furniture thrown up fo barricade. They know this is their last stand.
Rauwiller has been reduced to rubble as both sides keep pounding away with very heavy artillery barrages. Fighting is hand to hand in burn't out buildings. It will only get worse as the American Major is fit to be tied hopping mad as one case of unopened wine takes a direct mortar hit.
"Everyone out of the your holes and counter attack now"
While firing his pistol he keeps wondering "Where the Hell is our relief"
A GI crouching nearby heard this and told the Major, "well sir, you know those boys in 3rd battalion, they had leave cancelled and on the way here I bet they ran into a pasture of sheep and got side tracked."
The Major looks down at the GI and ask, "Do you think they will bring any with them? "

Have Fun,
Der Stuber
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