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Best Practise - QB Tactics
12-27-2006, 01:33 AM,
Best Practise - QB Tactics
What is the best approach to QB tactics in general? Rush the Flag(s) and get set up or approach slowly and stonk the Flag(s) with artillery and 150mm direct fire before going in? Or, forget the flags and focus on casualties? The various ways have worked for me at one time or another but sometimes you get the bear and sometimes he gets you...

... especially if I agree to play a QB without stipulating terrain requirements... when I don't do that in some instances the terrain is then flat, unforested, I am allies and facing Tigers and Panthers :) I really must quit agreeing to such games but the challenge always sucks me in :)

I don't see air used much. What's the consensus on use of air? Too expensive for what you may or may not get?

Happy holidays
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12-28-2006, 06:28 AM,
RE: Best Practise - QB Tactics
...best approch,i don't know about that,but most enjoyable...
always make terrain random on everything...
and air...i always buy if i've the points and think it worth not buying something else...but i always buy AAA...just in case they did buy air...
i've read some posts that say air makes an unbalanced battle...
but if you always buy AAA how can it?...and air was there...
sure you cannot control (micromanage) it like some like...lol
but if the tool is in your toolbox...use it...



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12-28-2006, 07:23 AM,
RE: Best Practise - QB Tactics
Having just started to use airpower more i'm still unsure about it's use. After coming on the sticky end of more than a few straffing runs i'm starting to warm to it, the only problem for me is that long wait whilst the aircraft turns up. Is he going to turn up, will he attack me by mistake or if he does attack the enemy will he do enough damage to warrant the high cost. It's enough to make me start reaching for my blood preasure tablets. Eek

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12-28-2006, 08:07 AM,
RE: Best Practise - QB Tactics
Aloha Fubar...
the best way to look at Airpower for me...
buy it,hope for the best,and plan for it never to show up...lol
if it does...and they have no AAA you are Golden...
if they don't you're ready for it...
never ever depend on it,like i never depend on Arty unless it a first strike...
that's just how my battles usually go...:)

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12-28-2006, 11:10 PM,
RE: Best Practise - QB Tactics
I've been on the receiving end of several airstrikes but they've never done enough damage to warrant their cost. Combine that with the fact that they, a) May target friendlies by mistake, and b) they may never show, for me means that I always tend to find other uses for those points.

Best tactics for QB's, depends on the map, flag position and who you are playing. If there is a flag which is easily reachable and with good cover then you are probably going to want to put at least a platoon on it. If nothing else that stops your opponent grabbing it without a fight, and if he wants to waste expensive artillery barrages softening up 1 platoon, then to me that's a fair trade off.

Reversely, if the flag is amongst heavily built up or wooded terrain with few fields of fire and therefore difficult to attack and/or defend, you may want to let the enemy occupy it. They'll probably throw in a lot of troops to defend it in which case you then saturate the area with HE before moving in.

People tend to go flag blind sometimes and forget about everything else, so having separate forces whose sole aim is to wear down enemy resources elsewhere is also useful, (that's what my armour usually ends up doing).

Don't think there is any golden formula, (at least I haven't found it). Sometimes the same tactic seems to work again and again, and sometimes you'll use it and just get mullered. Doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad tactic, but luck timing and your enemy all affect the outcome.

The only bad tactics are those that rely solely on luck, anything else is worth a try, (and even those based sole on luck are worth a try if all else has failed).
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12-28-2006, 11:25 PM,
RE: Best Practise - QB Tactics
airpower for me also makes the whole game revolve around the roll of a dice. a good strafing run can gut the enemy. if the plane never turns up, you can have an effective 800-point swing as a result (best result vs worst). I much prefer to set the conditions to cloudy...
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12-28-2006, 11:57 PM,
RE: Best Practise - QB Tactics
I like to use fast recons with LMG passengers to set up on approach avenues to hamper efforts of those who dash for the flags.

having a LOS to a good approach is always a plus for some artillery plotting, while it doesn't destroy much, it hampers efforts to get into positions.

haven't use planes in a LONG time due to the rainy weather I always seem to have when fighting.. my boys never attack on sunny days, we play baseball and write letters home when the sun is shining..

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.... "We were never to say die or surrender" -- Chard
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12-29-2006, 02:01 AM,
Off Topic  RE:��Best Practise - QB Tactics

"just get mullered"

Where you from Kelen? Outside of a very close group of drinking buddies, never heard, let alone seen, anyone use the word "mullered" correctly before. Infact I thought it was a made up word.

For me, "mullered" comes from the University of Hull/City of London (financial) axis if that helps. Where's your usage come from?

If you ever travel to edinburgh we can get mullered together, I'll get a babysitter!
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12-29-2006, 02:05 AM,
RE: Best Practise - QB Tactics
People round here use the word all the time, that's the South Coast of the UK, but i've heard it many times when with cousins in London. I always thought it a fairly common slang term. Eek
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12-29-2006, 02:28 AM,
RE: ��Best Practise - QB Tactics
fluidwill Wrote:[quote=Kelen]

"just get mullered"

Where you from Kelen? Outside of a very close group of drinking buddies, never heard, let alone seen, anyone use the word "mullered" correctly before. Infact I thought it was a made up word.

For me, "mullered" comes from the University of Hull/City of London (financial) axis if that helps. Where's your usage come from?

If you ever travel to edinburgh we can get mullered together, I'll get a babysitter!

I'm down in deepest darkest East Sussex, so I'm nearly as far from you as I can get without getting my feet wet. As Fubar's said, it a fairly common term down here in the Southeast.

For those of you not familiar with the term, 'mullered' ;

1 Broken, smashed or beaten up to the point of being visisbly altered, unusuable or non-functional.
2 Intoxicated with drink or drugs to the point of non-sensibility.
3 Resoundingly beaten in a competition of some kind.

And yes, I do get up to your neck of the woods occasionally, (normally Falkirk, so just down the road from you), so I well may take you up on that offer. Cheers.
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