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A Heads Up!
12-28-2006, 11:16 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-28-2006, 11:19 PM by Artie.)
RE: A Heads Up!
reddevil: Oh, my apologies if I violate some of your policy. But nothing about this is written in "theBlitz - Rules of Engagement". But this is not important - I was only responding to your first post which may invoke impression that WaW is opened to a cheaters. Not.

And, and please don't be angry to me, this thread comedy looks like theBlitz staff hates everything which may be like "competitor" and deletes every post which may indicate that theBlitz is not the best. (Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Blitz ;)

It is sad, I still like theBlitz and huge amount of work which was done for the community there. But some "events" casts evil shadow on this work. In this can be inspiration in the SPWaW Depot, as the probably biggest SP site, for example.
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12-28-2006, 11:51 PM,
RE: A Heads Up!
Cheers artie
no one is angry with you.

This dark shadow is only an illusion of misinterpretations by people who where banned from here for abusing their membership priviledges and continue to spread their discord thru other channels. The Spin doctor is an expert at manipulating thoughts and perspectives by only giving one just enough to make things seem far worse than they are.

The moderation here is just fine for those who want to contribute to our community in a positive way, it is closed to those who post "woe is me", "I'm a doomsayer", "this sucks", or "you suck" posts. WE have no need for those types of posts and do not allow them.

The CM forums are the only ones having any issues here because of the argumentive that comes from the Ex membership and their influences upon current members to cause disruption and dissent among the posters who are content with the way things are handled here.

This will all go away soon enough and our darkest period will become a shining star once again.

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
12-29-2006, 12:49 AM,
RE: A Heads Up!
12-29-2006, 02:04 AM,
RE: A Heads Up!
Sorry, but I fail to see how that definition of flamming applies to RD's orignal post.

'We respect the right to free speech" That's exactly what was, said, "...have him tell his side of the story of his banning for cheating..."

"...unnecessarily inflammatory, and/or offensive.
Please refrain from personal attacks, i.e. name calling..." Is calling a self confessed cheat, 'a cheat', name calling? Bizarre if it is. The whole point of the post to as RD went on to point out in a later post, "This thread was for bringing to attention of the acceptance of 101 para into the fragment area and soley to inform our members of such, so that they may be aware of his return and possible infiltration into our system again." And for that i am grateful.

As the rules of this site prevent the mods and custodians from discussing in detail individual who have been banned, and as from previous threads it is apparent that some members are curious as to those bannings, and it was interesting to see the other side of the story. The fact that 101 openly admitted to cheating kind of confirms that he was banned for the right reasons don't you think? The fact that Fragment have let him in means that anyone who wishes to still give him a game can.
12-29-2006, 04:37 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-29-2006, 05:18 AM by Zemke.)
12-29-2006, 05:30 AM,
RE: A Heads Up!
Frankly, I think you are all a bunch of godless commies who should be bombed back to the stone age, then brought back to life with GOOD OL AMEEEERICAN KNOW HOW so you can be bombed again.

does that help?

12-29-2006, 05:48 AM,
RE: A Heads Up!
I thought you were a Brit Grumlin, so what would you know about American know how anyway......lol.

They deleted my post, and yeah I am a bit upset by it. Wonder if the one above this one will last any lenght of time?
12-29-2006, 07:24 AM,
RE: A Heads Up!
Hey Zemke how about venting your anger in an online game with me, I haven't whopped your ass in a while now ;) catch me ICQ or Skype.
I am proud to be British but I thank god that I am Welsh
12-29-2006, 08:22 AM,
RE: A Heads Up!
Kelen Wrote:Sorry, but I fail to see how that definition of flamming applies to RD's orignal post.

'We respect the right to free speech" That's exactly what was, said, "...have him tell his side of the story of his banning for cheating..."

"...unnecessarily inflammatory, and/or offensive.
Please refrain from personal attacks, i.e. name calling..." Is calling a self confessed cheat, 'a cheat', name calling? Bizarre if it is. The whole point of the post to as RD went on to point out in a later post, "This thread was for bringing to attention of the acceptance of 101 para into the fragment area and soley to inform our members of such, so that they may be aware of his return and possible infiltration into our system again." And for that i am grateful.

As the rules of this site prevent the mods and custodians from discussing in detail individual who have been banned, and as from previous threads it is apparent that some members are curious as to those bannings, and it was interesting to see the other side of the story. The fact that 101 openly admitted to cheating kind of confirms that he was banned for the right reasons don't you think? The fact that Fragment have let him in means that anyone who wishes to still give him a game can.
The flaming bit was suggesting that he was "accepted" at Fragment by its members as a whole, and then labeling the Fragment CM forum as a place - for example - where there is "porn", plus snide remarks about Blitz members. The actual bit about 101para was an interesting piece of gossip. Its the bits that get tabbed on...the sarcasm, the innuendo. Let both sides post, or no side, either is fine. Only allowing one side is what I object to. And it really hacks people off to have their posts and threads deleted, especially when they are written in accordance with the Rules of Engagement.

The bit about "so they may be aware of his return and possible infiltration" is really lame. There is no logical connect there. It was just a good chance to take a shot.

RD has posted about how people must stop defending Fragment. Well, please remind me who started the thread? The simple fact is that no one would be mentioning Fragment on these boards if Red Dev didn't mention it first. Repeatedly. Find me a SINGLE THREAD where someone has mentioned Fragment before Red Dev does. All he has to do is stop trolling, and things will be fine.
12-29-2006, 08:42 AM,
RE:��A Heads Up!
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.

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