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The Best!
12-28-2006, 10:44 PM,
The Best!
The end of the year is coming pretty fast (too fast for me!!!) and often it is used for some kind of summaries.

I've been here for few years and enjoyed great group of friends around here I wouldn't have a chance to meet in real life.

Besides playing stock scenarios I admire those who bring their time and efforts to enhance our community by designing great custom scenarios. But I may have missed a pearl in the shadow?

Who in your opinion is the best scenario designer?


What is the best custom scenario that you have ever played?

I would name few at once, but don't want to channel the discussion :P

All the best

"We do not beg for Freedom, we fight for it!"

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12-28-2006, 11:39 PM,
RE: The Best!
The first one that comes to mind is Romano's WF scenario HEAVY METAL THUNDER.

It is a size 6 game & has a good balance of victories for both sides. I have played it as both Axis & Allies & found it very exciting. There are so many different ways to play out the scenario.

Give it a try!cheers

I will name only one scenario, but want to say Von Earlman's, Huib's and Don Fox's maps are super.
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12-30-2006, 08:46 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-30-2006, 08:47 AM by Von Earlmann.)
RE: The Best!
I don't get a chance to play very often............but I like Don Fox's scenarios for WF and von Niemack for EF............there are a lot of very good designers out there and maybe someday I will get a chance to play more of their fine offerings.

von Earlmann
"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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12-30-2006, 09:16 AM,
RE: The Best!
Earl, you are much to humble and you are in MY book one of the best designers of the game.
I've enjoyed the most of yours, now I won't say HUIB is best yet because I've only had the opportunity to play one of his and it was a enjoyable one,

but nothing.. nothing beats that Road to Oboyan scenario.

anyone who says it ain't so, Can meet me on that field for a good lesson..
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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12-30-2006, 10:46 AM,
RE: The Best!
Everyone should take a shot at Huib's growing collection of scenarios. He, as much as any designer I know, strives to "get it right" historically. Win or lose, you'll learn something about a historical battle each time you play one of his scenes.
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12-31-2006, 02:32 AM,
RE: The Best!
"Drive to Bastgne" is the all time classic for me. It was that scn that made me realize that CS could be more than just game, but could be a tool to visualize (although abstracted) and understand certain events better.

What I like about DESIGNING historical scenarios is that you really have to study the events, a bit like writing a book. You will compare various sources. Wonder about them, try to fit in missing pieces and last but not least, the topographical knowledge of the terrain you learn and the all out importance of it as you make the map. IMO terrain is dominant in the course of events in most battles. When you get the terrain right, the rest of the scn design is not that hard to steer.

What I like about PLAYING historical scns is, when you see illustrated what was determinating the course of events, no matter if you win or lose. As example I recently designed a CM operation, but just making the map and putting the right OOB on the board. I had even walked the route in reality, but that was really just a nice walk in snowy northern Ardennes with beautiful nature surrounding. Then when I started playing the operation, the choking points for advancing combat troops, immediately surfaced. These choking points, or bottlenecks, whatever is proper english, were the same as they had been in reality (determined by the terrain, creeks, trails etc).

So for me a good scn gives that bit extra view on events that is hard to illustrate from reading, or even from map study and a battlefield tour.

We are lucky to have quite a few designers here at the Blitz who have designed some masterpieces that give you that view.


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01-02-2007, 11:00 PM,
RE: The Best!
I may be biased but I like Chema's scn's. They are usually mid sized and very well balanced. Of course for DGVN I have to nominate myself, LOL.

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01-04-2007, 02:23 AM,
RE: The Best!
Hey All,
I am in the midst of playing Huib's fine Canadians in NW Europe scenarios. They are really good, well designed scenarios. I had not read anything about these brutal battles before I started playing these scenarios and now I have an idea of the Canadians suffering and bravery to push the Germans out of Holland in 1944 and 1945. These scenarios are worth a look. I agree with Huib that designing a historically accurate scenario gives you a lot of insight as to why a battle turned out a certain way. I also really enjoy The Road to Oboyan scenario and the Tigers in Africa series of scenarios (8 in all I believe). They are all worth a game play or two.

Just my two cents,
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01-04-2007, 09:22 AM,
RE: The Best!
Earl Randy is right way to modest on your talent of producing fine scenarios.Your new team game method of play another bonus.Yep and lets not forget Don's and Von Neimak's as well both deserve medals for all their hard work and fine scenarios to keep this fine game going as long as is possible.No disrespect to all the other designers out there who come up with new scenerios for us to play all i can say is many thanks and and hopefully you will please the Blitz members with more.THANKS to all scenario designers.
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01-04-2007, 10:57 AM,
RE: The Best!
I'de like to just thank EVERYONE here for what they've done, be it scenario design, or what have you, you all are what makes this great game system perpetuate!!
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