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Quality v.s. Quantity
02-01-2007, 02:31 AM,
Quality v.s. Quantity
I would like to know how you all look at this. When you have a chance to buy vet or better units which types of units do you think are worth paying the xtra points for?

I have had regulars do some things you would think only an elite could do and of course we have all had our "best of the best" run away like little girls under circumstances that make you scratch your head.

I know that Stalin thought that "quantity has a quality all its own" or something to that effect. As the Soviets do you use this "doctrine" in large QB's?

Wondering how some of you more experienced Generals look at this.
If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. - Theodore Roosevelt
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02-01-2007, 03:08 AM,
RE: Quality v.s. Quantity
I select different qualities for different units:

For tank killing AFVs I want Vets. They fire faster and are more accurate than Regulars.

For pure HE chuckers, I ofter just choose green AFVs. I dont ever plan on letter my SP artillery duel with a tank and when you are blasting away with 105 or 150 mm shells the loss of accuracy usually isnt that big of a deal - although with 150mm units one could argue that their rate of fire is so slow that you need that 1 150mm shell to actually land in the target zone. I have seen them land 500m off target.

I also really like conscript FOs with TRPs. That is a such a bargain it is hard to pass up.

Tank killing inf, I like have vets or better. I often depend on these guys, so they need to actually deliver when called upon.

For inf, I like having a mix. It is nice to have a few platoons that can cross some open ground. But it is also nice to just saturate the map with green firepower.

Mortars - I love the increased accuracy of vets, but sometimes you can actually use the inaccuracy of conscript or green mortars to your advantage.
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02-01-2007, 03:12 AM,
RE: Quality v.s. Quantity
I can tell you one thing, trying to attack something with a company of Soviet conscripts is an exercise in frustration. So with that in mind, quantity has its limitations.

OTH, hordes of T-34/85's, even if green, always makes for fun.
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02-01-2007, 03:43 AM,
RE: Quality v.s. Quantity
I think the HQ's bonuses can offset alot of the disadvantages of green infantry and fail the verteran squads as well. Advancing under fire with an HQ that has a good morale bonus seems to offset the difference between vets and green troops somewhat. The reverse is just as true. And following up the advance with a company HQ to rally the straglers enables you to keep the momentum going. I just fought a QB with these attributes - he had vet infantry and armor and my side was exclusively green. This was an attack for me as well, and I was able to advance quite well under heavy fire. My undoing was in my poor selection of armor in forgetting the few HE rounds of the M10s. I suffered a minor defeat, but it was the lack of HE punch that lost the game not the green troops.
I do agree that vet armor is the way to go for tank on tank, and I to often mix up my mortar teams with green and vet to provide either extra area fire/smoke ect. or pinpoint accuracy as the situation dictates.
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02-01-2007, 05:45 AM,
RE: Quality v.s. Quantity
There is a write up on infantry that involves this question here:


Moderators: please PM me if you have a problem with directing people to another website. If so, I will take more time and cut and paste it next time, K, thx!


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02-01-2007, 02:29 PM,
RE: Quality v.s. Quantity
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02-01-2007, 02:47 PM,
RE: Quality v.s. Quantity
Notwithstanding my whimsical scribbling above, avoid conscript infantry. They just can't hack it. No covered arcs just makes it all too hard, as you can't really afford to leave them hiding when the enemy starts to get reasonably close. But if they blaze away at longe range, they get supressed too easily. Avoid!

Also, do not neglect in ME's to take a small group of high quality troops for crossing the ground to that must have flag. I recommend this more often than not.

There's really no reason to take high quality arty spotters, as Col T points out. An honourable exception would be Russian artillery over 76mm calibre in meeting engagements (anything else use a turn 1 plot and countdown), which is so slow to register that if you are taking it you need a decent quality spotter.

As far as armour goes, I am a bad choice for advice, because I've never purchased better than regular. Take the advice of others.
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02-01-2007, 08:23 PM,
RE: Quality v.s. Quantity
I usually go for quantity over quality but thought i'd try something different for a change. So in one of my current games with Andre on a close hilly wooded map i have a single tank, one crack Tiger and a half track, so far the Tiger has killed two platoons of T34/85's, 4 field pieces an armoured car and several infantry squads. He seems indestructible, but that's not to say that it would happen each game as he's had his share of luck. The turret is a bit drafty with several new holes in it. Cry

I think i'll go back to quantity but it sure was fun/nerve wracking playing with only the single tank. Eek

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02-01-2007, 11:23 PM,
RE: Quality v.s. Quantity
[hirr Wrote:Leto]
There is a write up on infantry that involves this question here:


Moderators: please PM me if you have a problem with directing people to another website. If so, I will take more time and cut and paste it next time, K, thx!



Pete, I prefer that you Not link, considering some of the posts over there might not be suitable for our younger members to read, but I trust you'll use discretion when the time comes. Just keep in mind we cater to more than just adults here.
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02-02-2007, 07:28 AM,
RE: Quality v.s. Quantity
Actually I'll qualify my earlier post about conscript infantry by saying that it is quite possible to win in CMBO with a mix of conscript & green infantry on the attack, and conscripts only on the defence. Infantry are a lot more robust in CMBO and no one has covered arcs anyways so they're all in the same boat.

Just make sure you take a heap of support, because it will be hard work keeping your men going forward without suppressing the shooters. I had a very enjoyable game against veteran Poles in CMBO using conscript/green volksturrm/volksgrenadiers, backed up by a lot of artillery and a reasonable amount of green armour.
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