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Apologies to the Blitz
04-04-2007, 03:41 AM,
Apologies to the Blitz
My apologies to all those who have been collaterally caught up in the personal arguments between myself and Blitz staff, most notably, RedDevil, about moderation, banning, and other things that have persisted over the last 6 months. I stand in disagreement with much that was done, and how it was done, and maintain those opinions, but am not happy with how things have devolved into personal attacks, which I have been guilty of perpetrating, I admit freely.

My personal apologies to Randy, for not trying to deal with this constructively, and falling into the trap of taking things personally, and also my apologies to the blitz staff for having to deal with crap that is really superfluous to the matters that should be paid heed for the betterment of the club and the CM community. I regret how I handled matters, and am ashamed of my conduct.

I also apologize personally to Bootie, for lumping you into some of my off board tirades.

Although I do understand that we post and game here at the priveledge of the owner of this club, and the custodians who serve to administer this site, I ask for continued advancement in the areas of tolerance, openness, personal nonbias and clarity towards moderation of all posts. As custodians, you not only moderate for the betterment of the club and for the ownership, but you moderate FOR the members as well. This means that there will be disagreements and personality clashes from time to time, but such is life.

I just hope that moderators look for more constructive methods than "banning", deleting posts or recriminating people openly on these boards in the future (where possible). I also encourage mending broken bridges whereever you can, and doing everything in your power to take the high road and try to bring the CM community together, in whatever ways that are possible.

Lastly, I do not encourage any negative responses to this post. If you have something nasty to say to me personally, PM me, or if it is about this post or its contents, pm the custodians. The last thing I wish is for this to degenerate into even more stupidity and nonsense.

I stand before you all to be judged, and accept your opinions with as much grace as I am capable of mustering. There are no excuses for me to hide behind, and this post is not seeking absolvement, or should be seen as any kind of attempt to make myself look good or endear myself to those who I have crossed. Hopefully I can be made an example of and from this some good will come, especially if it stops all the stupidity.

I am, sincerely embarassed.

Good gaming all,



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04-04-2007, 04:30 AM,
RE: Apologies to the Blitz

I am very humbled by your effort here to absolve our internal strife and bitter dispute of these past months.

I too am embarrassed of my persistence, Both, in allowing it to transpire beyond a discussion of adult like manners, and for continuing to fuel the argument with petty and childish motives.

I offer my apologies to You, and All the others who have been dragged into this feud either by intent or mistake.

I do feel I have learned a lesson by looking at all of us and our circus of excessive intangibles. I believe it's time for me to put the beast of it all to rest and apply the energy to improve relations and the CM community.

Transition is not always smooth or quick, but as long as it is consistently pursued and time given to absorb the sincerities that are questionable, there is room for improvement and acceptance.

Thank you for your effort and initiative.

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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04-04-2007, 04:37 AM,
RE: Apologies to the Blitz
Thanks for the posts, guys. I hope we can all move forward from here on out and just enjoy the games we are all so dedicated to.


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04-04-2007, 04:40 AM,
RE: Apologies to the Blitz
Cheers gentlemen,

I do believe a group hug is in order cheers
If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. - Theodore Roosevelt
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04-04-2007, 06:43 AM,
RE: Apologies to the Blitz
Well done Red Devil and Leto cheers
So good to see you guys talking again in a normal manner.
And Spike, stop baiting Leto! :angry:
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04-04-2007, 06:51 AM,
RE: Apologies to the Blitz
In like fashion I wish to add my own apologies to all that have been offended by or the target of my at times very heated posts. I look forward to furthering the atmosphere admirably demostrated by Leto and Red Dev in their posts above.
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04-04-2007, 08:12 AM,
RE: Apologies to the Blitz
Great posts Leto and Red Devil :cool:
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04-04-2007, 08:23 AM,
RE: Apologies to the Blitz
[hirr Wrote:Leto]
I also apologize personally to Bootie, for lumping you into some of my off board tirades.

Hey dont worry about it Leto... besides I didnt understand half the big words you used anyway. ;)

As Ive said before its time for us all to move on so kudos for your welcome post.

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04-04-2007, 08:30 AM,
RE:��Apologies to the Blitz
Bob Millard Wrote:And Spike, stop baiting Leto!

MWAAHH!! my name wasn't included in the group hug, I must be unluvable or summat (sniffle)... left out in the cold as usual.....story of me life....(insert great racking sob emoticon here)
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04-04-2007, 09:28 AM,
RE: Apologies to the Blitz
ok guys that's enough, this thread shouldn't be turned into a joke fest, it contains some serious posts and should remain therein as such.

start a new thread if you want to continue on this line and I'll move them over.

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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