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Testing, testing..
04-19-2007, 12:58 AM,
Testing, testing..
I've got plenty more tests lined up still to do, but if anybody's got suggestions as to what tests they'd like to see done, let me know and i'll add them to my test list.. :)
For example at the moment I'm testing out lines of sight in factories, gun visibility in foxholes and cover,Sherman stabilised gun tests etc, all the results of which i'll be posting in the Tac Discussion forum in due course.
So tell me if there's anything you'd like testing that I may have overlooked..
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04-19-2007, 01:11 AM,
RE: Testing, testing..
Ok I have proposition, put 5 panthers on open ground and 5 in hull down position and t3485 can fire at them - test which set of panthers will be destroyed first ?
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04-19-2007, 03:10 AM,
RE: Testing, testing..
MGK(FGM) Wrote:Ok I have proposition, put 5 panthers on open ground and 5 in hull down position and t3485 can fire at them - test which set of panthers will be destroyed first ?

Hulldown has already been covered in the Tac Discussion forum anyway, but I've just done a series of tests because you asked for some -
The Panthers dominated when they were hulldown, and they also dominated when not hulldown, killing all 5 x T-34/85's quickly, and rarely losing a Panther.
Incidentally the T-34/85's hit chance against a hulldown Panther at 600m was 39%, and against a non-hulldown Panther it was 62%.
See, even if the turret armour is weaker than the hull armour, hulldown means the enemy has a much more difficult time hitting you, and while he's wasting time missing, you'll be firing back.. :)
That's why I've always tried to get hulldown with all my tank types since I began playing CM 6 years ago..

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04-19-2007, 03:29 AM,
RE: Testing, testing..
I was thinking about putting panthers with cover arc (to not allow them to shot at t34) and test test which set of panthers will be destroyed first ?

I know that hit chance is bigger when they are on open ground but in my opinion most of the shots are bouncing from front hull and every hit at turret is deadly for hull down panthers
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04-19-2007, 05:03 AM,
RE: Testing, testing..
Reaction times of buttoned down turrented and sp guns in responding to fire by green through elite crews. Same for unbuttoned. Turrent or rotating vehicle times to face a threat. Time it takes a stationary vehicle green through elite to begin moving to cover, forward and reverse.
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04-19-2007, 05:45 AM,
RE: Testing, testing..
How about this situation:

You tell your tank to fire at a non-tank target (inf in woods or building). Tank commander loads and fires HE at will. Out of nowhere an enemy tank appears in LOS of your tank. Your tank should be loaded with a HE round and vulnerable to tank attack. What happens in this situation? Does:

1) Your tank fire HE at enemy tank then reload with AP
2) Reload AP round then fire, therefore have a big delay before firing, or
3) CM does not do this and tank just fires AP no delay

I'm new so I don't know if this has been covered already, but in all my lurking and searching I have not come across an answer.


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04-19-2007, 07:53 AM,
RE: Testing, testing..
The effects of smoke in different winds??
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04-19-2007, 12:09 PM,
RE:��Testing, testing..
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04-19-2007, 01:58 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-19-2007, 01:59 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE:��Testing, testing..
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04-19-2007, 07:53 PM,
RE: Testing, testing..
how about how good is it to use the sandbag defenses in CMAK verses setting up in the in a fox hole in the open... or a foxhole inside a sandbag position... since I already setup mine that way in the tourney VS the polish club,
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