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05-23-2007, 09:13 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-23-2007, 09:14 AM by Bootie.)
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05-23-2007, 09:27 AM,
RE: Domination!
Ben I think Rico answered you 2 pages ago?

Feel free to design one with some kind of time flow -- then you'd have make all battles the same length, keep track of game deadlines, etc, etc... believe me, we've put in as much as we can without bogging it down in detail...

Principle with this is one is KEEP IT AS SIMPLE AND AS MUCH FUN AS POSSIBLE! -- once players are familiar with the relatively simple mechanics of this, it basically runs itself -- this is basically an upgrade of a proven, fun concept that registered more than 127 games before we upgraded.

This is not a realistic simulation of any kind.... I'll leave that for others to try and run -- and nayway I don't believe CM is the right vehicle for that kind of thing anyway.

nothing wrong with discussing it, but I think the guy you want to discuss it with already gave his input, so now it's pretty much needing input from other people to make it.

It would be neat to see changes made based on Events or dates corresponding with our real time. However the management of such events would be a massive headache and displease a few players who were close to winning their hexes don't you think?

the whole concept of a Never ending tournament seems to cause some sorts of confusion :) Nothing like a different flavor to taste tho..

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.... "We were never to say die or surrender" -- Chard
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05-23-2007, 10:09 AM,
RE: Domination!
It's obviously not a tourney as most would understand it. It looks like a neat bit of fun to give some context to your battles.

The potential is obvious, I can definately see where Fullhouse is coming from with his comments. If you wanted to do it (and I'm by no means indicating that Rico should, as the concept looks lots of fun as is), you could perhaps have a date on the campaign site indicating month and year...bump it forward a month every two weeks or so...people starting games do so in the month indicated. If you started in 1941 and indicated a campaign end in May 1945, the game would run a couple of years and then be reset if a decision hadn't been reached already. That might be a simple way of doing it. Can imagine the frenzy as players try to secure victory in the last months of the campaign. Anyways that's just a thought.

It looks like a lot of fun to me as conceived and I hope people will join in and give it every support.
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05-23-2007, 06:11 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-23-2007, 06:20 PM by Fullhouse.)
RE: Domination!
Quote:It would be neat to see changes made based on Events or dates corresponding with our real time. However the management of such events would be a massive headache and displease a few players who were close to winning their hexes don't you think?

Bangs head against wall. Red, I went out of my way to say that I am not proposing a timeline. I am just proposing time, that imo would be dead simple to implicate.

Quote:why alienate players who dont want to play 1941 battles but perhaps prefer the 43/44 years.

Bootie we have already been over this. THE MAP IS THERE TO DICTATE BATTLE PARAMETERS. That is the very thing this new incarnation does, it dictates more. it gives players less independent choice by supplying more context. Therefore why not supply the context of time? The only real answer given by Rico himself is that it would be to complicated, imo the context of time would be simplicity itself to implicate.

Again I repeat I am not proposing a narrative of events that follows the timeline of WW2 just a very simple system for determining the month and year of the QB itself.

So to summarize:

Time = alienation = false.
Time = complicated = false.

I am not saying that Dom Eruropa is fubar or anything. I just asked a question and so far non of the answers satisfy that question. I still plan on playing it once I clear the decks of my personal life, however the timelessness of it will nagg at me if I do so.
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05-23-2007, 06:47 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-23-2007, 06:57 PM by Rico (FGM).)
RE: Domination!
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05-23-2007, 07:18 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-23-2007, 07:18 PM by Fullhouse.)
RE: Domination!
Quote:Also, if one follows the WW2 chronology and resources available to both sides -- realistically,the only time when there are really LOTS of hexes all over Europe for lots of players to fight over at the same time, would be from mid 1943 onwards... or from June 1944.



I agree a time line would be complicated, that is why I dont propose it because I see clearly that DOMEURO is predicated on simplicity.

However time is simple. By time I mean purely a system for dictating the year and month of the QB itself. The map dictates all the other parameters, which is its purpose so there seem no logical reason for the context of time not to be supplied also.

This is how simple time would be. Challenger looks at calender. Challenger sets up month as same as calender. How complicated is that?

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05-23-2007, 07:42 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-23-2007, 07:43 PM by McIvan.)
RE: Domination!
Not sure Rico was actually aiming at you, but I could easily be wrong :)

Careful with that blood pressure btw....we'd hate to lose you :P
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05-23-2007, 10:18 PM,
Quote:This is how simple time would be. Challenger looks at calender. Challenger sets up month as same as calender. How complicated is that?

If you are the aformentioned challenger and this criteria is essential for you to keep your sanity then by all means do it. The challenger sets the parameters and can choose whatever timeframe he wants.
If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. - Theodore Roosevelt
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05-23-2007, 10:50 PM,
RE: Domination!
I'd like to thank Rico for all his effort in putting together Domination Europa.... It is something that I believe will be played within FGM for a long time to follow....cheers

Just as scenarios that are created by designers are not for everyone, so is ideas, concepts and tournements... I for one would rather praise someone who works hard for the community to enhance our CM experience and accept his ideas on an as is basis... then to start saying - you should do this or that...

I know I am already involved in a couple battles for Domination Europa... and was a player in the first two versions... and I believe this is a winner to keep all the FGM members active... plus it is good for meeting and playing new gamers and developing new friendships from afar...

Well back to the battles...

That is all...
***** Fredrocker's Combat Mission Site *****"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care." - Theodore Roosevelt
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05-23-2007, 11:01 PM,
RE: Domination!
Skeld (FGM) Wrote:[quote=Fullhouse]
Quote:This is how simple time would be. Challenger looks at calender. Challenger sets up month as same as calender. How complicated is that?

If you are the aformentioned challenger and this criteria is essential for you to keep your sanity then by all means do it. The challenger sets the parameters and can choose whatever timeframe he wants.

Whats essential to my sanity are replies that in some way relate to my question unlike the above. How many times do I have to spell it out. I will list the points so to avoid anymore confusion.

1: The whole point of the map IS TO REMOVE CHOICE. If you want total freedom of choice just play a regular QB.

2:Given the above and seeing the map dictates terrain, QB type etc, why not take that process to its logical fulfillment and have the game system dictate time as well. Look at Eurodom, its whole evolution from normal DOM is an increase in the amount of parameters that are DICTATED, e.g. it decreases the choice of the challenger etc.

3: The only clear valid reason for no DICTATED time context is that of complexity. My whole point is that time isnt complex.

It may appear that I am taking this way to seriously but this one of my pet hates. It has nothing to do with EuroDom itself, I just hate it when you make a seemingly valid observation and all you get in response are a bunch of repeated waffley replies that dont actualy relate to the observation you have made.

I am just trying to have a discussion about whether a dictated time context (NOT TIMELINE) would be complicated or not. So far apart from MCivan no one has actually made a post in reply to me that actually relates to that discussion. That is what is sending me mad.
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