An update on the defense bug... it shows you only what you see in terms of gauging the amount of pillbox, minefield wire goodies a defender has.
My % has moved up to 4% with the additional wire I spot.
Thus far my advance has encountered little resistance and it is now turn 13.
Since it is a 40 turn game, I am planning to kick off my attack somewhere around turn 20. Hopefully, my two flanking bodies will be in position, deep in CT's backfield when the arty starts to fall.
Here is the play by play in each sector:
The long flank will hopefully pay off here. No defenses are seen thus far, and perhaps this means that Dave has opted to not defend these flags heavily, conceding them and doing his best to hold the 3 flags in the east.
His defensive line is assuredly the road, so I will hopefully end around the worst of it going behind him.
West Center
I have MG's in overwatch on his 2nd large flag... hopefully they will detect any shifts and movements.
The attack on this flag will come from the rear flank, so I do not expect to move these MG's into harms way.
Once again, moving into position, and trying to run halfsquads short distances to lure out enemy fire. Shots rang out this turn so I am getting close.
Notice how dave has wired his defense to funnel me into one zone. Guaranteed there is a TRP there, or I am already sitting on one. Dont' plan on advancing until my arty drops.
Center East
Once again, the wire appears to note a tight defense. I won't be tripping that defense though... I will remain tight and let my flankers do the work.
A 150 IG is 3 turns from firing position.
Far East
The long flank. Due to the curvature of the hill, CT probably cannot get at my long flank, and I am sending two platoons of infantry to take on and suppress his flank guard behind the wire.
I finally learned the secret of slipping through the open knot in the woods and have a 150 SP gun through... don't move the movement points through the knot, just move it into the center, otherwise, the computer AI will try to plot another way around. Once in the knot, you can slip through on the next turn. Count on another 3 turns to get these tanks through before they can get firing positions on CT's wired positions.