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Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
06-23-2007, 03:55 AM,
Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
What do we want?

We want to play every CMBB/CMAK scenario ever made and to write a review of it.


This sounds hard, but in fact tis easy.

I introduce the:

Playing every CM scenario ever made tourny

(Shorter name to be announced.)
(This is still a concept)

What is needed is two large teams of players hopefully of a minimum of 15-20 players a side. One side Axis one side Allied.

Then starting at scenarios beginning with A scenarios are distributed to Axis V Allied match ups, players then play the scenarios and score points for their teams. This process goes on and on till all scenarios are played and an epic accomplishment has been err accomplished. Because it is team based players can drop out and the leviathan can keep rolling.

However also required would be that both player write a short review after each battle. This could then go into the Blitz data base and we would have a review of every scenario ever made.

What say you, good idea, or am I drunk?

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06-23-2007, 04:00 AM,
RE: Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
Most likely drunk.

Count me in.......
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06-28-2007, 05:06 AM,
RE: Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
I kind of like the idea.

were you thinking of running it in historical order?
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06-28-2007, 07:24 PM,
RE: Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
It would need one hell of an intelligence gathering operation beforehand to get your hands on as many CM scenarios as possible.
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06-28-2007, 09:43 PM,
RE: Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
get your rules drawn up and recruit some folks for it. a long term investment for sure tho!
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06-28-2007, 09:50 PM,
RE: Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
Id be willing to facilitate this one at the FGM FullHouse.... we could run an FGM v Blitz or something and jut keep a running total of how many victories each side has so there wontbe any knockouts or whatevr.

anyway just an idea.
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06-28-2007, 09:54 PM,
RE: Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
Or even better just an Axis v Allied score line.
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06-29-2007, 07:31 AM,
RE: Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.

If you go to the scenario section and search by date. you could roll them out like that.

starting june 41.

then if you wanted to remove any of the one sided games, choose games that have been played more than say, 3 times, and both sides have won at least once, or the results fall between a certain win ratio. (30%?)

then take it from there.

you could even award more points for the bigger games. games listed in the scenario section of sizes 1-3:

1 point for a minor victory, 2 for a tactical 3 for a major 4 for a total.

sizes 4-7:

2pionts for a minor, 4 for a tactical, 6 for a major, 8 for a total.

sizes 8-10:

3 points for a minor, 6 for a tactical, 8 for a major, 10 for a total.

seems pretty straightforward to me...

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06-29-2007, 09:21 AM,
RE: Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
Ok guys we have taken this under our wing and are looking to implement it in the very near future.
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06-30-2007, 02:45 AM,
RE: Brilliant and Amazing Tourney Idea.
Bootie Wrote:Ok guys we have taken this under our wing and are looking to implement it in the very near future.

Cool, I wouldnt mind being involved in some capacity. I would have replied sooner but my property is still occupied by the invading forces of visiting mother.

Also, the whole reason I came up with this idea is so we can get 2 reviews at least of every scenario on the blitz database. I think this would create a great online CM resource. I much prefer scenarios to QBs and it is hard to track a good one down. There are reviews at the SD2 but that sight is just a pale imitation of the former one in terms of number of actual reviews.

Also I envisaged this being done in A-Z format as that would be easiest to administer, with 2 sides/teams and a straight 0 draw 2 minor 4 tac 6 maj 8 total point scheme regardless of size. It will be hard enough admining the tourney given its ambition so keeping the format as simple as possible would seem the best idea.

Though the thought of a domination europa scenario version had occured to me. Each challenge for a hex being resolved by playing the next scenario on the list ect. However that would probably be much too complex.

As a name for the Tourney: Project Leviathan seemed appropriate. Number of players would be key so it might be worth toting the idea around other CM interweb sites.
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