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CM:SF question.
07-28-2007, 08:13 PM,
CM:SF question.
How do you get an infantry squad to fire it's last Javelin missile, for the life of me they wont fire the damn thing, in fact all three squads do it. Is it some sort of ammo saving feature in case they should meet an AFV later in the mission?


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07-28-2007, 10:14 PM,
RE: CM:SF question.
did you deploy the weapon? check under the special Equipment menu

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07-28-2007, 10:43 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-28-2007, 10:45 PM by Thor.)
RE: CM:SF question.
Yep....they destroyed two tanks then they refuse to expend the third round. :conf:

I tried being sneaky and mounting up in the APC again thinking i could restock on ammo....forgot this isn't an RTS game but much more realistic. LOL

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07-29-2007, 02:53 AM,
RE: CM:SF question.
Where can you find out info on the ranges of the weapons, i know where the ammo loadouts are but not the effective ranges of the weapons. :conf:

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07-29-2007, 04:27 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-29-2007, 04:42 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: CM:SF question.
What I've gleaned from the manual so far -


M136 shoulder-launcher - eff rge 250m

Javelin - rge 2500m


SPG-9 Recoilless - eff rge HEAT 800m, HE eff rge 2500m

AGS-17 Gren launcher - 800m eff rge v precision targets, 1200m eff rge v area-targs

RPG7 - eff rge 250m

RPG-29 - eff rge 500m

AT-3 (Sagger) - all variants 500m min rge to 3000m max rge (note can't engage at less than 500m)

AT-4 (Spigot) - min rge 70m to 2000m max rge (4C version max 2500m)

AT-7 (Saxhorn) - min rge 40m to 1000 max rge

AT-14 (Kornet) - eff rge 5000m

PS - I got the demo, it's good but it doesn't blow my socks off, maybe it'll grow on me..

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07-29-2007, 05:22 AM,
RE:��CM:SF question.
PoorOldSpike Wrote:I got the demo, it's good but it doesn't blow my socks off, maybe it'll grow on me..

Like a wart.... LOL
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