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Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
08-08-2007, 09:51 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-08-2007, 09:51 PM by RedDevil.)
Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
This is the official discussion on why clickie posts should be allowed to remain as legit post/threads on these forums.

The Moderators' decision:

The forum moderators have determined that post/threads on clickies of all colors, their eventual decline or increase in numerical value for members, the grievances/ glee over reception of any color of a clickie, and the simple mentioning of sticks used to deliver clickies, is now a waste of time and space on these forums.

The moderators will begin to shut down and remove clickie related threads / posts in an effort to achieve harmony and promote CM related topic posts from the bowels of obscurity. We feel the overall impact would be beneficial to The Blitz CM community as a whole and whilst regulating the clickie fetish few from having their release of pent up clickie hormones, we've decided the benefits outweigh the risks.

The rep system will remain active and "as is" until further notice.

The enforcement of clickie posts will begin immediately.

This is open to discussion on why such posts/threads in the future should remain and not removed/locked.

The discussion will remain open until 8-20-07.

If perchance the decision to deny clickie posts is reversed after this time, all locked threads will be thus unlocked and clickie threads allowed to prosper.
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
08-08-2007, 11:38 PM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
I don't mind the occasional clickie comment in the body of a post/reply for humor purposes, but whole clickie threads do get a little tiresome.
08-08-2007, 11:47 PM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
We were getting a little carried away.
08-09-2007, 12:10 AM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
I found them humurous and harmless and vote for their continued presence on the boards. IMHO "in" jokes such as clicky addiction are what makes club membership fun and should not be legislated against, I would assume clicky fixation will die out over time. Perhaps in deference to more serious members we could have self imposed policing along the lines of clickie posts being clearly marked or no hijacking of gaming posts with spurious clicky posts.
Maybe we can have a seperate clickyfest forum? We have given POS his own stunning soapbox after all and though I am also a fan of POSisms I feel that he sails closer to offensive wind than the clicky magnates.
Not hugely bothered either way but I vote for their continued inclusion.
08-09-2007, 12:28 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2007, 12:34 AM by The Coil.)
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
Colonel Talvela Wrote:We were getting a little carried away.

Yeah, Colonel T, you were... Big Grin

Anyway, I repent of my clicky typing ways. Just to show it's sincere, I'll even take back that red clicky that I gave to Poor Old...Colonel Talvela. Edit - I'll take it back as soon as my 3 per day resets...


I think fluidwill has it right...no more 'clickie threads', but it'd still be amusing to be able to mention them here and there in posts... Maybe clicky mentionings should be confined to one thread, a la the Peng Challenge thread. We could even make a rule that POS wasn't allowed to post in that thread. It'd be a little slice of paradise amidst the cluttering of screenshots and "AAR's***"

Edit edit: RD, you realize that if you take away clicky discussion, I'll just have to find some other equally inane feature of the boards to talk incessantly about, right... :)
08-09-2007, 01:19 AM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
POS this is a thread for discussing why the clickie posts need to remain on these forums.. NOT a place for you to complain about them again.. all posts not discussing the the need or benefits for the continuance of allowing them to be posted are being removed from this thread.
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
08-09-2007, 02:27 AM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
I actually dont mind them.... removing them is over moderating IMO. I find them humorous and can easily flick by them even if they are in a post and not an actual thread.
08-09-2007, 03:14 AM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
I think that's fair enough to allow clickie POSTS that humor us to pop up now and then I suppose, but a THREAD started on the sole basis of complaining/boasting about receiving clickies falls into the category of not being beneficial or rewarding for the community and should be subject to lockdown/removal.
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
08-09-2007, 03:28 AM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
Personally, I dont mind the "No clickie thread" rule at all. According to my wife, my nerd-dom is approaching danagerous levels, so a little moderation to help keep my nerd-tendencies in check would probably be beneficial to my life as a whole.
08-09-2007, 04:02 AM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
Colonel Talvela Wrote:Personally, I dont mind the "No clickie thread" rule at all. According to my wife, my nerd-dom is approaching danagerous levels, so a little moderation to help keep my nerd-tendencies in check would probably be beneficial to my life as a whole.

Suck up.

BTW, it won't matter what the rules are, there will always be an underground black market for clickies. I'm devising a new code word for clickie, and I will be emailing it to other clickie addicts like myself, so that we can use it on the board to pass messages...

The clickie resistance lives on!!

: )



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