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Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
08-29-2007, 01:15 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Bootie Wrote:Do you think the drop in entertaining posts has in someway been because POS left us in the wilderness and walked of into the sunset with his witty diatribe?

I was waiting for someone to bring this up...I actually mentioned it earlier in a post but then edited it out, because it didn't quite fit into the flow of the post.

A few thoughts:

Please don't refer to POS's posts as witty. &hirr&Leto is witty, Colonel T is witty, McIvan is witty. You cheapen the word when you apply it to POS's posts.

No question, POS posted a lot. I thought most of his posts were off topic spam or silly permutations on three topics: 'boy am I great', 'don't you all love me', and 'I hate clickies'. I often suspected him of having a word document with a bunch of phrases on it that he just cut and pasted from to write his posts. I just found him irritating. And the worst kind of irritating, the kind where the person is being irritating just because he gets some sort of sociopathic high out of irritating other people. I guess some might argue that a board full of POS spam is better than a board full of nothing. I don't think so. But I guess some might argue that a board full of nothing is better than a board full of clickie spam. So maybe it's just my preference.

No question, his tactics posts were sometimes helpful, although sometimes too simplistic and/or misleading. But to me, not worth wading through all his blather for. And you can still find his tactics stuff all over if you really want to, and most of the info in them can be easily found in other places with a quick search.

Also, no question, I found it strangely entertaining to taunt him. He's one of those people who is almost a caricature of himself, so it's almost too easy. And it was fun to watch him squirm and change the subject every time anyone pointed out the (many) inconsistancies in anything he was saying. So I sort of miss the entertainment value there. But I like being able to read a thread more than three posts long on this board without having to deal with a picture of POS's virtual "medals" that he gave himself (you want to talk meaningless, MR, here's where you should start) even more.

Again, just my opinions and preferences, I'm sure there are those that think he was worth having around...
08-29-2007, 01:57 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
The Coil Wrote:But I like being able to read a thread more than three posts long on this board without having to deal with a picture of POS's virtual "medals" that he gave himself (you want to talk meaningless, MR, here's where you should start) even more.

Funny you should mention that...here is a post I put on TPG about his medals....

I say your medals mean nothing to me....some of the best playtesters I've ever seen, that have made some of the best recommendations, that have been spot on with their analysis of my work, have never mentioned ever having even played a ladder game.

Good Hunting.

08-30-2007, 07:44 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
You've got to do "New Reply" rather than "Quick Reply" to get all the smileys. Knock yerself out :)
08-30-2007, 11:12 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
The Coil Wrote:Please don't refer to POS's posts as witty.... I just found him irritating....

Say that to my Auntie Fanny mate, she's coming to get you..

[Image: gladys.jpg]
08-30-2007, 12:06 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
PS-I've started posting CMSF shots around the CM community like these below, I intend doing a shot of every single weapon system and vehicle in the game as soon as they work out the bugs, and shall post them in any forum that doesn't have a rep system.. ;)

[Image: AT-3.jpg]

[Image: SPG-9.png]

[Image: CMSF.png]

[Image: At-14Kornet.png]
08-30-2007, 12:25 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-30-2007, 12:29 PM by McIvan.)
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Kornets are evhul. Someone tell Pete.

I'm rather looking forward to the WWII versions of the new, hopefully less bug-ridden, engine.

BTW Spike there's a dedicated CMSF board for this stuff......click on CMSF up the page where the list of Blitz boards goes across the screen.
08-30-2007, 12:35 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...

I smell the blood of a hypocritical, know it all, smelly, deranged, dole scooping, Plymouth based ENGLISHMUNNN!!!

Thought you were dun here spikeroo??

I went over to the Proving Grounds to begin my cavalcade of taunting M8... now your back here again!

Stay put so I can nail you between the eyes with wit filled cabbage projectiles. Once smitten by my witty cabbage remarks, you shan't ever be the same (nor smell the same).


08-30-2007, 03:27 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-30-2007, 04:02 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
[hirr Leto Wrote:Thought you were dun here spikeroo??

You got it mate, we holy men don't do "stay in one place too long"..

Jesus said -"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.
So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." -John 3:8

Right Hilts?

[Image: hilts.jpg]

[Image: hilts2.jpg]

Mind you I've got a busy day ahead, first i'll nip in town to draw my dole out of the cashpoint, then pop straight across the road to spend most of it in Game,do the rounds of the big stores to leer at the shopgirls, then be back in time for the afternoon film on TV - "The Cincinnati Kid".
Good stuff on this evening too - "Sex Change Clinic" - "Surgeons peel a man's penis like a banana, core it out and then stitch the flaps of flesh into new positions to form an artificial vagina"
Hmm sounds good..
08-30-2007, 04:27 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-30-2007, 04:42 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...

This is my standard plan of attack on the 18 dole cashpoints within a 1-mile radius of my home
[Image: Clipboard01.png]

Aerial reconnaissance shows good weather and no roadblocks
[Image: Ply-SuttonPoolaerialmypl.jpg]

This is my standard "Dolebarrow", used for transporting normal dole amounts
[Image: dolebarrow.png]

This is my "Dolemobile" for carrying larger than normal sums
[Image: dolelifter.png]

And I have to request heavy-lift "Dole-Drops" onto the nearby park for extra-large amounts
[Image: dole-drop.png]
08-31-2007, 12:01 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
[hirr Wrote:Leto]
Although we almost never agree on anything (especially when we are at our underground clicky resistance meetings that don't exist; as an example, the Coil wanted to wear the bull head, sacrifice the goat and dance clockwise around the bonfire, while I wanted to wear the goat's head, sacrifice the bull and dance counterclockwise around the bonfire), I have to say I agree with you fully on this one.

I'm beginning to feel that there is a certain faction out there that are persecuting us for just letting our feelings be known about the clicky system. I won't go as far as saying that these people wear taffeta bedsheets and lynch clicky lovers from monolithic representations of the Combat Mission store version CD box, but I guess I have intimited it anyways in this rambling and not by purpose, purposeful second sentence.

Believe it or not, I actually received a red clicky for posting my hearftelt reasons as to why I think I have stopped posting, and was ebulient beyond belief just to get some kind of feedback at all, even though it was a discriminatory action brought on by thoughtlessness and negativity itself, screaming of clicky loving discrimination and intolerance. This and other posts denigrating those who liked the clickies (but are not complaining about the management with respect to their ousting) does not act as any incentive to post here.

Now, the situation turns tragic, as the Coil is bringing a new clicky lover into the world, and he or she will most likely be disriminated against, bullied and told to ride at the back of the Combat Mission bus because of who she or he is. The thought of the Coil's children not being allowed to attend school with Randy, Bootie, Mad Russian's and other CCC'rs (counter clicky cops) children makes me well up in sadness.

And the hypocracy of pointing out our silliness, and the silliness of doing so standing on the silly foundation from which you are pointing at our silliness, is well, just plain silly. We all post for our own reasons, belong to the club for others, and all play CM. I think we should all be sheepish enough to get along with each other knowing what total uber geeks and fat losers we all are. But no, some of the CM crowd appear to be elite and persecuting others for not being "less of a fungo" than others here, and especially by using the "P" word to ridicule us further. That is the epitomy of nincompoopery, I hope you all realize (but know that you will not realize this fact or admit it even if you do, as you hide behind your thin veneers of CM eliteness, staring down your long pinnochio noses at us homeless and discriminated against clicky likers).

The club is divisive not because we love clickies. It is divisive because of the intolerance of some that do not know how to tolerate those who are untolerable like myself and the Coil. There is no leadership that unites us, and there is no membership that cares enough to care about anything. So why should we be decapitated at the ass when we also begin to care less?

So to all those who have cast the stones, realize that we are your brothers... mishapen, ugly, contorted and clicky loving, but your brothers none the less. I see no reason why we cannot be united, and love each other like brothers (from the north, not the south), regardless of what lies in our hearts. We all love Combat Mission, but come at this love from different angles, aptitudes and IQ's. Let us all love the game in the way that God intended us to love the game.


Leto Luther King

This and the FEE FII FOO FUMM post were really funny.

For making me laugh you get green ... eggs and ham?!?!?!

And for the record, my posting hasnt stopped because of clickies. It has stopped because my CM time has shriveled up like the rotten gums that Walkure gets to fondle everyday. I only came back here because Leto emailed me off-board and said that anarchy was reigning at the blitz - due to the absence of the rule of clikie! This is why I hate progressives. I'm a right-wing clickie conservative.

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