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Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
08-31-2007, 09:20 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
McIvan Wrote:..maybe he finished giving the highway a damn good thrashing and has moved back?

Think of the odd posts I do here as 'drive-bys' mate..
Hey everybody did you know 'Supernanny' McIvan has deleted 2 of my posts, I'm sure you appreciate him having to protect your sensitive little ears from big bad POS.. :)
You wouldn't last 5 mins in the rough tough front line where men talk like men..:)

[Image: restingiraq.jpg]
08-31-2007, 09:46 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-31-2007, 09:47 AM by McIvan.)
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
PoorOldSpike Wrote:Think of the odd posts I do here as 'drive-bys' mate..
Hey everybody did you know 'Supernanny' McIvan has deleted 2 of my posts, I'm sure you appreciate him having to protect your sensitive little ears from big bad POS.. :)
You wouldn't last 5 mins in the rough tough front line where men talk like men..:)
And both thoroughly deserved too. Both also well in the distant past, as it happens...I don't see why you're bringing them up now.

The rough tough front line where men talk like men...that would be the frontal assault on the dole office and whatever hapless female shop attendents happen to be serving that day, would it? ;)
08-31-2007, 12:37 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Funny, I thought we were just sharing opinions of the clickie system, and why it's good or bad, not labeling one another or reaching unsubstantiated conclusions of anti clickie-ness.
How did my vinegar smelling opinion classify me as a CCC? :hissy:

Do my views have to be sugar daddy's to acquire effect? :)

Right or wrong, this thread demonstrates the lack of, or sense of direction needed to maintain a tangible debate-like result, especially with prime examples of topic sabotage, like complete disregard for forum specific subject matter and sexual innuendoed slants.

Blitz Post counts are down because of a clickie change? I don't think clickies has anything to do with it. I do however, feel that the ratio of CM forum postings are down a wee bit compared to some other forum areas, but nothing seriously endangering the longevity or prosperity of the CM community. It's summer time, we all got disgusted with BFC's lame SF title, holidays are finishing up.. plenty of real reasons for diminished posting levels that come and go every year with the season change.

I am puzzled tho, by the no desire to direct energy into getting a club wide interest in making a change to the clickie system. If there's no reasons to be arsed into providing an assessment of benefits for all, or to gain enough interest from the rest of the club to support change, then why is there so much discussion on the matter?

If posters would put this much energy into a CM related topic, the place would be humming along.. I just happen to think that one of the reasons to not post as much CM topic related items anymore is because they don't gather as much attention. :whis:
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
08-31-2007, 12:42 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
RedDevil Wrote:Right or wrong, this thread demonstrates the lack of, or sense of direction needed to maintain a tangible debate-like result, especially with prime examples of topic sabotage, like complete disregard for forum specific subject matter and sexual innuendoed slants.

Right or worng, that's quite a sentence.

And I think you typed "this thread" when you meant to type "Poor Old Spike".

Please don't blame the thread for one lunatic that has trouble stringing two thoughts together.
08-31-2007, 12:56 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
PoorOldSpike Wrote:You on crack mate?

You keep asking me that. Maybe in your country that passes for a witty retort. Here in Great Britain 2.0 we have higher standards. Try to keep up.

PoorOldSpike Wrote:You're wrong on that, so you must be wrong on other stuff you say,so much for your credibility ha ha ha.. :)

Interesting that the guy who has "left" this site twice already would question my credibility. Please go away for real.

PoorOldSpike Wrote:My stunning medals and awards were won in 3 years of relentless combat in the WPC ladder.. :)

I'm sorry I mocked your "medals". I didn't realize your pretend virtual "medals" were sanctioned by such a prestigious body. I'm in awe of your pretend "medals". You are soooo cool.

Furthermore, I realize I probably hurt your feelings. I should of realized that someone who can't provide for himself and has to live off handouts, someone who can't get anyone other than 90 year old deaf women to tolerate his presence for more than a few minutes, might not have much else in his life to be proud about other than supercool pretend "medal". Once again, sorry I questioned them. They're very nice.

You Brits have a lot of silly words for things. Keep trying and maybe someday you'll master the American language. Until then, you will be doomed to try to respond to me with clever statements like "You on crack?" and by posting pictures, as if these are intelligent, well-thought out, clever responses. Please just leave us all alone instead...
08-31-2007, 01:17 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
RedDevil Wrote:I am puzzled tho, by the no desire to direct energy into getting a club wide interest in making a change to the clickie system. If there's no reasons to be arsed into providing an assessment of benefits for all, or to gain enough interest from the rest of the club to support change, then why is there so much discussion on the matter?

raz_atoth Wrote:Just a quick clarification:we didn't changed the rep. system because we wanted to,but because we've been forced to. :) Well,maybe some of us prefer the new system over the old one,but basically we've been technically forced to switch to this new one.

RD, I was under the impression that there was really no ability to change back to the old system. Plus, when clickies were changed, there was a sort of clickie-backlash vibe on the forums. I doubt posts on all the boards asking people to voice their support for a return to the old system would have been well recieved.

I would think the fact that there is so much discussion of the matter argues for an assessment of the benefits. But I'm not in a position to really do such an assessment. I am more than content with leaving it to the mods and folks who run this board to make that assessment for themsleves - you guys have way more information about all the implications than I do. And let's be honest, you guys are the ones who have to decide if it's worth your time to make that change or not.

Like I said, my real interest in starting this thread was to bring attention to a phenomena I observed (or thought I did) (well, and to keep talking about clickies, which is just fun). I leave it to better informed folks to decide if that phenomena is real and warrants any action. This thread has achieved that purpose as far as I'm concerned (before it was spammed up by POS).

Anyway, like I said, my interest in agitating for any real change is minimal, because my days of posting are numbered - I can't imagine my wife putting our 3-year old to bed while the newborn is crying, and me saying "I'll be up in a minute, as soon as I've finished this post" with any real conviction.

RedDevil Wrote:If posters would put this much energy into a CM related topic, the place would be humming along.. I just happen to think that one of the reasons to not post as much CM topic related items anymore is because they don't gather as much attention. :whis:

I wholeheartedly agree with you on this point, btw. That's why I think you need something else (to wit: clickies) in order to foster novel and innovative posting.

Whether deleting your plotted moves helps your tank unbog has been discussed to death on many forums, and is no longer real interesting to talk about. The intricacies of the clickie have only begun to be explored...
08-31-2007, 01:24 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-31-2007, 01:30 PM by Mad Russian.)
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
There in lies the problem.

English is not the same as American. The American dialect is the most common form of English spoken in the world.

According to the 2006 US census there are roughly 300,000,000 Americans.

The core English language population is

England - 50,431,700

Scotland - 5,094,800

Wales - 2,958,600

Northern Ireland - 1,724,400

For a total of about 60,205,500.

As you can see the number of people speaking American is roughly five times more than that speaking core English.

Of course there are other countries around the world that speak dialects of English as well. Australia, Canada, India, South Africa. All of them no longer speaking the core English.

That means that, as Coil pointed out, POS has a difficult time making his points in English, when most of the rest of the English speaking world speaks American!!

The phrase, "You on crack mate?" is not a greeting such as, "how are you today?" but an insult of the highest order. Somewhat akin to being labeled a dole recipient I would think.....but then who would know? :whis:

Good Hunting.

08-31-2007, 01:27 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
PoorOldSpike Wrote:You wouldn't last 5 mins in the rough tough front line where men talk like men..:)

Your never having been in a front line, I wouldn't think you would know what men talk like while they are there.

And just how long you would last is very subjective. With the line of chatter you put out not long I'm thinking....

Just think of our responses to you as taking pot shots at drive by posters as well.....

Good Hunting.

08-31-2007, 05:29 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Quote:That means that, as Coil pointed out, POS has a difficult time making his points in English, when most of the rest of the English speaking world speaks American!!

and I wonder what kind of English I speak ? :smoke::whis::smoke::whis:
visit WaT HERE!!!
08-31-2007, 08:48 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Americans speak American English :mad:. The rest of us just speak English. Allegedly, in some cases, such as the Australians :) But it's all English, even if the yanks can't spell :P

MR you left the most important English speaking contingent out...all four million of us :)

Don't go blaming Britain for Spike. As you've noticed, the Brits are too sensible to let him near responsible work :p

I was also under the impression that we are stuck with the clicky system whether we like it or not......Raz, could we actually change it if that were desired?

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