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Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
09-03-2007, 12:37 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Because the first question is "Could it be changed, even if we wanted it to?"
09-03-2007, 12:48 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
But anyway, now that I'm getting text breakup with little squares sprinkled through my posts, I can't stay here anyway even if the rep system was scrapped, so forget I spoke.. ;)
09-03-2007, 01:02 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-03-2007, 01:02 PM by The Coil.)
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
McIvan Wrote:Although it might seem otherwise I agree with a lot of what Randy has to say....tis only the cumulative shadings and the overall conclusion that I mildy disagree with.

You're not the voice of reason because I thought you agreed with me (that would make you cool, but not necessarily the voice of reason)...you're the voice of reason because you've seemed to follow some of the subtleties of the arguments well and even refered back to posts made pages earlier. I was just appreciating the way you were responding to my posts in a way that showed you'd really understood the arguments I was making, whether or not you agreed with 'em...

RedDevil Wrote:You're starting to unravel some good points by taking your posts to the personal level instead of generalizing the issue or staying on focus of the debatable areas of the issue, namely benefits and overall club desire.

Not quite sure what prompted this...I was just responding to some points brought up in your post.

RedDevil Wrote:Actually, The Coil, after further consideration, all your points about clickies are amazingly valid. You're right, clickies are the future of this board, and right now we have a team of programmers working 'round the clock to bring back multiple clickies. Thank you for your depth of insight and perserverance in working for a cause that will better all our lives. Truly you are the savior of this forum.

Hey, thanks RD, I knew you'd come around sooner or later. By the way, has anyone ever looked any further into preventing abuse of the quote function? I think it could still be a problem...

RedDevil Wrote:I think this whole clickie debate has past its usefulness at this junction.

You're probably right. But I just can't help myself (and, incidentally, you apparently can't either, since you keep responding to my posts...;)). Anyway, thanks for putting up with me this long. I really do appreciate all you do to keep this board running...we shall have to agree to disagree on clickies... cheers
09-03-2007, 10:05 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
The Coil Wrote:
RedDevil Wrote:Actually, The Coil, after further consideration, all your points about clickies are amazingly valid. You're right, clickies are the future of this board, and right now we have a team of programmers working 'round the clock to bring back multiple clickies. Thank you for your depth of insight and perserverance in working for a cause that will better all our lives. Truly you are the savior of this forum.

Hey, thanks RD, I knew you'd come around sooner or later. By the way, has anyone ever looked any further into preventing abuse of the quote function? I think it could still be a problem...

Well, we could simply slap anyone who makes false quotes with a 30 day posting ban for 1st offense and permanently ban them from the forums with the 2nd.. should keep everyone in line and empty the ranks of undesirables quickly.. :kill:

I had to respond to your last post, because it contained some disputable statements about my rep point distribution. :)

But hey, don't despair, we are looking at things and we'll know soon enough if we can do anything worthy of note to the system.
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
09-04-2007, 06:11 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Ok,folks,i've just had the chance to read the whole thread-and after recovering from my 30 minutes headache-here's what i believe:
You have way,way to much spare time :smoke:.Lol. This must be definetly the most lengthy thread i've ever read on the CM boards Big Grin
Ok,now back to the tech stuff :)
I can quickly remove the code that deletes the previous given reputations,if someone issue issues most than one rep. to a certain user.With other words,i can quickly change the code-fast and without any security issues to allow multiple rep points to be given,like it was before.Be advised though,i can't(actually i can,but not without some heavy modifications to the current code),link the given reputation to a certain post.User A will be able to give user B two or more rep. points but user B won't know for which posts he receaived the points.Unless,of course,user A specifies in his comment.
Otherwise the clicky system will work just like it works now.
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09-04-2007, 11:11 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Well then I guess the next question is how do you give reputation points?

I finally found out how to check and see where they are for me. But have no clue how to give one. There are some that are deserving on the site.

Good Hunting.

09-04-2007, 01:17 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Click on their reputation rating, which will take you to the list of comments about em. Up the top right is a button entitled "Rate User". I'm sure you can work it out from there :)
09-04-2007, 01:30 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Mad Russian Wrote:Well then I guess the next question is how do you give reputation points?

Careful MR, you're going to get hooked on clickie smack. First you start paying attention to your rep number. Then you hand a few out. Soon you'll be checking your profile every 5 minutes to see if you have another clickie. In a couple months, you'll wake up in the gutter, no job, no family, muttering to yourself, "Clickies seemed so fun and harmless..."
09-04-2007, 04:33 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
PoorOldSpike Wrote:But anyway, now that I'm getting text breakup with little squares sprinkled through my posts, I can't stay here anyway even if the rep system was scrapped, so forget I spoke.. ;)

For the record I've just found out how to get rid of the squares by juggling the Int Explorer settings, but I'm still outta here anyway because I hate the rep system so much.. ;)
09-05-2007, 03:12 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Bootie Wrote:Ok bye then... not being cheeky but I hate hearing over and over again that your gonna leave. Yet whenever I log back in your hear chattering away like an old granny gossip on crack.

oh...even more....it doesn't matter if he leaves...he'll show up somewhere else to leave and return here...or such...:whis:
visit WaT HERE!!!

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