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A perspective
11-18-2007, 01:10 PM,
Off Topic  A perspective
Looking out my window at the browning leaves and the waning sun bringing forth the short days of frosty morns and pre-holiday tension, I had a few moment to reflect on some things about The Blitz.

To me the Blitz is a great place to meet fellow gamers from all over the world and enjoy the occasional tourney/competition. I find solace in sharing tips and tactics as well as debating the history of war and men here. This little Utopia has survived longer then any other ladder club out there simply because the members care enough to stay here and enjoy that relaxing hobby with friends.

When I offered my services to JimVKrieg a few years ago to be an assistant custodian in the CS community, I was merely looking to be a part of the club that could dedicate time and energy in keeping things happening here. Little did I foresee advancing into a position I now hold.
So.. Why does it seem I'm a bit protective of things when I moderate or make a decision for the Club? There's a few reasons, but the main ones are the important ones and might possibly shed light on my "attitude" for some of you.

Our club exists only because of the efforts of these members who dip into the pockets each year to provide funds for the advertisement free server we occupy. It exists only because of the efforts of a few dedicated volunteers who give their time in keeping things working and updated. With out a desire or need for attention or thanks, these few continue to deliver to you, the gamers, a decent ladder system for scoring your wins, a healthy opponent base of good people, and a vibrant forums area for all sorts of games and interests.

When you take a look at the internals of our club and ponder the decisions made, you should try and look at the work being done behind the quick and easy drop down menus of our game reporting system and our scenario information databases before you pass judgment of one's actions.

Without the help of Raz Atoth, our current webmaster, there would be no Blitz here, without Mark Higgins, our Treasurer, there would be no Blitz here, Without the very few active members of the staff that remain here and put their time in, there would be no Blitz here. The lifeline of our Club is fragile and it lies in the hands of a very few members.

This taken in point, I tend to become protective of any scent of a slight dig at the efforts or Staff of the club in public. These people do it for you and they deserve more than a slight jab or ridicule for the sake of a laugh. Without these effort you wouldn't have anything here, certainly not a laughing matter to those who care. If you got issues and problems, send an email, We'll talk it over without distractions and rubberneckers.

I see a few folks who feel discomfort with many of my actions here, past and present. This is because I personally feel our club is above and beyond the whiners and wankers who frequent the Internet looking to spread dissent and disruption. I've been given the privilege, a duty so to say, to preserve the quality of our club and I take pride in being a part of this Club, and feel the standards here are the bar on which other clubs struggle to achieve. Our members are supportive and positive in many perspectives, and to subject them to anything less, is failure. The Staff here is devoted to preventing naysayers and disruptive types from finding a home here. We'd much rather keep our club small and full of quality.

I have characterized some members in the past and present as disruptive, pointing out these issues sometimes in a not so great manner, and ultimately even banned some of them from the club. Unfortunately that is the decision making process that I know many of you despise and probably fight to overthrow in secret meetings. :)
But without rules and punishment, you have anarchy and thus you have nothing here worth coming back for. Many of us don't like the rules, some of us hate those who deal with enforcing them, perhaps because, in their minds this is a free site, but in fact, it is not, it is privately owned and the owners allow you to be a part of this, as long as you obey their rules. I think that is the hardest part to accept. Other reasons are out there and I'm sure some of them are because of my style in handling these matters.

I've been a real prick before and have in my opinion mellowed to a great degree in dealing with forum issues lately. Some things still bring out the anger in me and while I sometimes ponder the way I handled it later on, it's a bit hard to reiterate in a manner that serves justice sometimes.
I don't hate any of you, I may hate your actions and the manners you use here, but I don't hate any of you. Recently I've tried to voice a restrained and non biased opinion in these situations. This is the hardest challenge I've taken on tho, sometimes things slip thru the mortar when it becomes repetitive.
McIvan has his hands full keeping my paws out of the cookie jar, while trying to let you lads have a bit of fun. I'm not against fun, but I am opposed to some types of it.
Spamming up threads, slights and stabs.. all fun to some, but disruptive and lacking of class to others. Surely we can have fun without the need to stoop so low. Is it to much to ask for that members conduct themselves within those limits?
I want the best for us all here, I am simply protective and devoted to the quality of show, we are better, why not prove it everyday?

So the next time you see me swinging the mace, keep in mind, I've got a lot vested here and stand to lose a lot more than just a place to record my games at, if it closes down or turns to a poopyhole full of turds, so I'm swinging for the Club's survival, not just because I can swing.

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
11-18-2007, 06:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-18-2007, 06:57 PM by McIvan.)
RE: A perspective
The hardest task known to mankind: trying to analyse one's own motivations and actions :)

We all do things we regret, we have all done things and said things that we would like to take back, myself certainly. There have been instances where, rather than your concern of perhaps hitting too hard, I have regretted not acting a little sooner or at all.

I think we generally attract a more mature (I said "generally") blend of person than the average internet site. I would be surprised if people did not appreciate the work the site owners and staff do. More often than not, when they say something and it could in one way be interpreted as an attack on the club/staff, they meant the other way. That is my attempt to hold a positive view.

Generally speaking, I find the solution is to have a beer.

Here's to the hard workers behind the scenes, without whom there would be no Blitz! cheers
11-18-2007, 07:33 PM,
RE: A perspective
McIvan Wrote:Here's to the hard workers behind the scenes, without whom there would be no Blitz!

I wholeheartedly agree. Well said both of you.cheers
[Image: Tiger-Sig2.jpg]
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11-18-2007, 10:40 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-18-2007, 10:41 PM by MGK(FGM).)
RE: A perspective
I like Autumn - it makes people reflective and I like this kind of reflection even when we talk about hobbies .
Good words Mates !
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11-18-2007, 11:34 PM,
RE: A perspective
Hey RD, we love you too in our own way :) :bow:

It's good to remind the members what goes on behind the scenes at the Blitz. Imagine one day clicking ( I said clicking, not clickies!:censored:) on the link and nothing happens! :eek1:
May the Blitz continue to grow and change, keeping up to date with the war games, both old and new :)
11-19-2007, 02:05 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-19-2007, 02:38 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: A perspective
Hey Randy I want to let you know that you have my full support in everything you do, you're a born Commander and this is your forum so do exactly as you please..:)

At the end of the day you're the boss and can therefore disagree with anybody as you see fit, and if they don't like it they're perfectly free to shut up or leave..:)

Naturally there are bound to be personality clashes between you and other strong-willed members from time to time so don't worry about it because it livens up the forum for the enthralled popcorn-munching audience, Patton and Monty were often arguing about things, so were Hitler and Guderian..

Sure, you and me may have our differences about certain aspects of Blitz, but I respect you for standing by your convictions and doing things your way, i've got no hard feelings at all..:)
At the moment I'm taking a layoff from Combat Mission for some R&R.

PS - Remember, Blitz members like having a strong Captain such as you in charge to keep Blitz on course instead of aimlessly drifting like Mary Celeste with nobody at the helm going nowhere, so continue the good work and keep things shipshape just as I would in your place..:)

[Image: bounty.png]
11-19-2007, 02:56 AM,
RE: A perspective
RedDevil Wrote:So the next time you see me swinging the mace...

Studying history, I've found that as we become more civilized, a kind and thoughtful word is thoroughly more powerful and efficacious than the energy spent swinging a mace. One will also denote that a kind word and cash often go even further. I told you that I had 100 dollars in a paypal account sitting around collecting dust and wanted to put it to good use of the club. I'm prepared to make an investment in the blitz of that 100 dollars for whatever purposes you see fit to use them for... I know you will use it wisely.

I also will make this a yearly contribution.

Trust me when I say this, past experiences aside, I do not harbor any ill will towards the blitz, you, or anyone on the staff. Being so invested in this club, you have the inveterate tendency to personalize things... and that if anything has been your worst enemy. Your words above really corroborate that and it is understandable. I kid, poke fun and dandy about not to be malicious, but to be entertaining (yes, mostly only for myself)... and I admit, you have in the past and most certainly will be in the future, the object of many of my jokes. But like I said in the past, I tease myself harder than I tease others. They have a saying in the Aboriginal communities here that "if we tease you, we like you". I am going to continue to tease, make fun and make light with all I see in life... get used to it... and perhaps embrace it. It will not stop.

I for one am not your enemy. I'm a troublemaker, a pain in the ass, etc... but trust me on this: don't hate the actions as hating the actions leads to hating the person... it is inevitable M8. Take me for the Arse I am, and you being the Prick you are, and.. uhmm... (Jesus, where do these gay jokes come from all the time.?.?. I better go shag the wife here just to make sure).

Use the mace Randy, and everytime you do, the energy you expend in swinging it will be used against you... it is just a law of humanity. Pick up the hammer and the saw and build... (and not bludgeon Leto to death with them and cut his body into little pieces and throw them in the lagoon out back, really use them to build man!!)

Good on you for all you do, and trust me, I for one appreciate it...

LMK where to send the bucks... the kind word is sincere, heartfelt and right here: thank you.

Now go pack that friggin mace of yours in a closet somewhere for christ's sake!!!

; )


11-19-2007, 05:10 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-19-2007, 05:12 AM by Mad Russian.)
RE: A perspective
Ah, reflection time for us then is it?

I know exactly where you are coming from. You and I are alot alike. We even react generally in the same way. Which sometimes produces sparks.

"Not all of the quick decisions I make are bad. But almost all of the bad decisions I make have been quick."

Those of us that are addicted to our hobbies are all in the same boat.

We put untold hours into it. Nobody does it for the pay. I don't know anybody that is actually making playing wargames profitable but if you are out there I'd like to talk with you.

For some, this isn't our primary site, but one of a couple that we frequent, because of the different flavor that each brings. The Blitz is unique and different and for that you are all to be commended.

People don't get excited over things that are meaningless to them. Consider that when a member brings an issue to the Blitz as well. If they are bringing an issue it's because it's important to them. The administrators and officers work hard. Those efforts are appreciated but without the membership coming and posting all that would be for nothing.
There shouldn't be an adversarial atmosphere between those that run the site and those that use it in the first place. Both are striving for the same situation. A place for gamers to come together for the betterment of the hobby. Whether that is playing it, supporting if financially, promoting it, making scenarios/playtesting/running tournaments/participating in tournaments...whatever it is, it's all for the betterment of OUR HOBBY!

It's where we all spend at least some of (most of) our free time.

I just recently had an issue where I upset a gamer because I failed in a form of communication. It's easy to do on the internet/pm's/emails. Our hobby isn't large enough for us to do damage to it and think it doesn't matter because it does. Ultimately what affects one of eventually affects us all.

So, if I have in the past been less than cordial myself, I'm sorry. I tend to be blunt. Especially if I respond immediately! I myself will work on that in the future for the good of the hobby as well.

Now, time for more CM!

Good Hunting.

11-19-2007, 06:27 AM,
RE: A perspective

Aaaah, lets all have a hug.......


you lot make me want to spew!

Lets get back to bitching each other off and talking about clickies

11-19-2007, 06:50 AM,
RE: A perspective
I think we gamers all have a little frustrated warrior in us - it's hard to satisfy that warrior urge in the mundane tasks of real life. (paying bills, mowing grass, etc.) It's very nice to have a battlefield to escape to with defined rules and foes to match wits with. It's nice to be able to match yourself against your peers, whether it be by W/L record, ELO score, or number of games played.

I have filled up many an otherwise lonely and dark hour with this game and this site, and I want to salute and thank the guys who make it all work.
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift

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