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Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
01-20-2008, 12:43 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-01-2008, 11:57 PM by Sissisimo.)
Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Welcome to my first DAR. Well, lets get down to business.


This what Elltee sent me, when I asked Combined arms and 3k game. It's large map, 35+ turn, farmland, heavy forest, small hills, none damage, september 44, north. I think it's pretty balanced for both sides we didnt use any kind of house-rules. Everything is allowed. Here's a picture of parameters.

[Image: Parameters.jpg]


2 x Veteran Panther VA.
1 x Veteran Grenadier battalion '44'
4 x Regular 20mm Flak.
1 x Regular Panzergrenadier platoon.
2 x Regular Sd-kfz Flak Vehicle.
1 x Regular SPW 251/9 Stummel halftrack.
2 x Regular Truck.
2 x Green Tank Hunter.
2 x Regular 50mm Pak38 Antigun.
2 x Green Sd-kfz Gun Tractor.
2 x Green Tank Hunter.

So this's my kit I believe I can kick Elltee in the nuts. :cool:'

It looks pretty good to me althought I need to be careful if Elltee has lots of SMG platoons.

Last, all kind of advice are welcome. I'm considering to be average player so if you big boys or anybody else have something to say. Don't be afraid and please forgive me my bad english. :)
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01-20-2008, 02:30 AM,
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
It is more correct and more funny to say, " kick him square in the nuts."

Good luck in your game.
"A bad plan is still better than no plan at all." -- Mikhail Tal[Image: pzV.jpg]
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01-21-2008, 01:31 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-01-2008, 11:56 PM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Turn 1

Weather is all good, clear, dry, cold, still and we're fightin on dawn. Visibility is good.

Picture of the map.

[Image: mappi2.jpg]

It doesnt looks so bad. Definitely decent map for rifles and MGs.

[Image: left-turn-1.jpg]

- Panther with 2 MG's.
- 2 x Truck with 20mm flaks, platoon leader and MG.
- Flak vehicle.

Set up flak position on hill to stop enemy planes and sneaky flanking attempts. One MG to protect against inf attacks.

Panther is going to drop MG's somewhere near the flag for protection.

[Image: middle-turn-1.jpg]

Middle. Starting from left to right.
5 MG's with leader.
- They are moving slowly to the flag and set up some defend.
Gun-tractor with 50mm ATG.
- I'm going to leave it for a while and see how things develop.
Panther with 2 MG's and 4 halftrack with platoon of infantry and MG's
- They drive to the flag to set up defend.
Flak Vehicle.
- Watching and waiting.
20mm flak.
- Againt enemy planes and guard the road.
Company of infantry, 82mm spotter, 120mm spotter and some leaders.
- They are going to move forward and attack the flag on right from left.
Company of infantry and two company leader.
- Attack the flag on right.
20mm flak.
- Against enemy planes and protect the flank.
Platoon of infantry.
- Going to attack the flag on right from right side.

[Image: Right-turn-1.jpg]

Stummel Halftrack and gun-tractor with 50mm ATG.
- I've no tanks to send here so these has to do the work.
2 platoon of infantry and 2 MG's.
- Attack the flag.
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01-21-2008, 07:13 AM,
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Clear and dawn.......should be a LOT further visibility than 300 metres...suggest you recheck.
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01-21-2008, 07:31 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-21-2008, 07:38 AM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
McIvan Wrote:Clear and dawn.......should be a LOT further visibility than 300 metres...suggest you recheck.

You're right. I just blasted Elltee's IS-2 at 800 meter. :smoke:
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01-21-2008, 07:46 AM,
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Glad to see you didn't find out the hard way :)
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01-21-2008, 08:00 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-21-2008, 08:05 AM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
McIvan Wrote:Glad to see you didn't find out the hard way :)

Indeed. :)

If you start to think about it I haven't played many dawn or dusk battles.

Huh, when I get the next file I need to check all those LOS. I don't think I have to do any changes. My mens should be covered by all those woods, maybe my flak position needs to be changed.
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01-24-2008, 10:30 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-01-2008, 11:54 PM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Turn 2-6

Left and middle at start of turn 6.

[Image: left-middle-turn-6-1.jpg]

Red circle.
IS-2 appeared on the road at turn 2. It was easy target for my panther.

Yellow circle.
Platoon of t-34/85.

Blue circle.
Another IS-2? Maybe Elltee sent platoon of IS-2 to secure the road. One thing is for sure it's not going to work I send my panther forward to engage with it. Tank hunter team is crossing the road to disturb it.

Everything else is going accordingly.

Right at start of turn 6.

[Image: right-turn-6.jpg]

Looks quiet. ATG is moving into position. Stummel at back waiting. I send one half-squad to little bit further for scouting.
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01-29-2008, 09:29 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-01-2008, 11:53 PM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Hi again, first of all. I've started to realize this 3k DAR is probably too much for me. I could take numerous of pictures per turn to make this good what I'm not interested to do, instead I'm going to keep updating this every 2-5 turn or so. Well, I hope somebody like this. :)

Turn 6-9

I moved my panther forward to engane with IS-2 but it was only a halftrack and I missed couple shots. I need all those AP ammo I've. :( In fact, IS-2 too is little bit farther in good cover and out of my reach. Things have started to heat up but nothing too important haven't happened in last few turn. I got one light gun from Elltee.

Turn 10

Left and middle side of the map.

[Image: left-and-middle-turn-10.jpg]

Red arrows.
Elltee's way of attacks.

Yellow circle.
I'm going to use my 120mm spotter here. There must be one platoon at least and if I'm lucky I can get shot to that one t34/85 too on road. Worth the trade.

Green circle.
My first platoon is taking pretty good beating. Two 34/85 and IS-2 is shooting the crap of out them. I can only watch and suck it all. Nothing I can do.. There's so much cover I've to suck all those HE's later anyway. I moved my panther to engane with one t-34/85 at last turn but it was only matter of inches to get a LOS. :( It was about 200 meter, panther vs t-34/85 I thought it's good time to gamble. Well, now, it's too late I'm going to reserve little bit and wait.

Blue circle.

Looks like right side is clear I'm going to move another platoon there if I could make last attack later to get that flag. Even if I'm not able to make attack this should be threat to Elltee what's indeed good. Now, too many tanks and vehicles are watching that flag.

Right side of the map.

[Image: right-turn-10.jpg]

Gladly both IS-2 and all t-34/85 are other side of the map so I can only expect some light tanks here if any. So far so good. I'm holding the flag and it looks like I'm facing a platoon with some additional units, maybe antitank rifles. What Elltee seems to like. I'm definitely winning here. Stummel is moving closer.
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01-31-2008, 03:17 AM,
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Hey Sissisimo,

Keep up the good work. I like reading these DAR's and learn a lot from them. I see you are from Finland. What's the weather like there right now. I live in central Canada and I woke up this morning air temperature was -32 C and windchill made it feel like -47 C. My car started but barely.

Good luck in your game!

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