This hallowed trophy will be sitting on the victors desk inscribed with his name in time to catch the first rays of the April springtime sun..
Sign-up is now open, let me know which side you prefer (German or American/ Brit) and i'll send 001, and i'll also send a copy of the map separately in case you want to examine it before making your force purchases..:)
It's a straightforward 2000-pt fictional Cmak 20+ turn QB ME to the same popular formula as Malitz, ie you play just
one game (against me), and whoever beats me by the highest score wins the immortal silver trophy, I can't win it myself, I'm just the organiser (sniffle)
Sign-up is now open, the competition ends midnight March 31st (7 weeks length) so there's no hurry, simply enter anytime before that date, it's open to the whole CM community from all clubs.
As with Malitz, the final percentage score readouts will be used to determine winners even if the program calls it a Draw. So for example if a game ends 51% - 49%, the guy with 51% wins the game)
All games will count for the Blitz ladder as Draw/ Minor/ Tac/ Maj/ Tot, no other ladder unless by prior arrangement.
Every competitor is guaranteed an endgame screenshot in this Trident thread showing the tortured final front lines buckling and heaving, plus of course I'll post Combat Footage screenshots throughout each game.
Any questions?
We use my stunning new Trident map below with
Unrestricted purchase (ie players can spend on anything they like, for example they can buy all-infantry if they don't like noisy smelly tanks, or they can buy a huge tank army, or a mix of the two, it's up to them)
It's May 45 so the Brits/USA will at last have a good choice of excellent armour.
As you see, it's divided into 3 individual sectors (hence the name 'Trident' (City/ Mixed / Woods), and
each sector is isolated from the others by impassable rivers with wooded banks.
Therefore, whatever forces a player assigns to a sector
must operate there the whole game because it's impossible to hop into other sectors or even get LOS into them (except for aircraft)
Therefore the choice facing each player before the start is not only what forces to buy, but whether to commit them to just 1 sector, 2 sectors, or all 3 sectors, and in what proportion per sector.
(In fact nobody would want to risk committing everything to just one sector with its 3 flags because that'd mean he'd be handing the other 2 sectors and their 6 flags to his opponent on a platter if his oppo had gone for those)
Most people will therefore probably go for at least 2 sectors, and perhaps make a smaller token effort for the 3rd.