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I am bad at this game.
02-06-2008, 06:51 AM,
RE: I am bad at this game.
As a player who has won less than some, lost & drawn more than most other players, I can say that the game has many facets. :rolleyes:
Winning every game is not possible. Losing every game can happen up to a point. That is the simple mathematics of the game. Fiery:chin:

Using e-mail exchanges to gain more knowledge as you play, or finding a willing tutor, often is best. :cool:Whip

You may never fully understand how to play well everytime out of the box but, you can always strive to play better. As many have written, or implied, a simple tactical base can go a long way.
That will require understanding how to fight, especially on this scale. Which requires knowledge of the units and how they interact.
Knowing what you can do with what you have to defeat the strengths of the enemy will help. Time, research, and play often help to develop skills. :bang:
You have to take some lumps, realize that they won't be over soon, and keep moving forward.

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02-06-2008, 07:16 AM,
RE: I am bad at this game.
Mr. Roadrunner is an excellent tutor, i know i´m talking about! :)


send me an e-mail to this adress [email protected]

.....and i can provide you a 100 pages tips and tricks manual edited by Steve /Tablesalt about 3 years ago. the booklet has about 2 MB.


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02-06-2008, 07:29 AM,
RE: I am bad at this game.
LOL! Steffen, thanks. :smoke:
If you send him that manual you may have to explain who that Herr "Strabb Laugher" guy is? :rolleyes:
There was a lot of great stuff in the manual. And, I miss Herr Tablesalt. :(

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02-06-2008, 07:40 AM,
RE: I am bad at this game.
I miss Tablesalt too!


Jim has inspired me so I am going to give you another point.

Great Idea, Jim!

PS. I accept postal money orders & PayPal payments. ;)
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02-06-2008, 08:12 AM,
RE: I am bad at this game.
I miss Tablesalt, too.
He vanished without a word or trace.
All i hope is that is well!

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02-06-2008, 08:27 AM,
RE: I am bad at this game.

Could you please send me a copy of the manual? I'd like to see what treasure trove of wisdom is there... Maybe add some more and expand it if there are some gaps...


As with Ed and the others, I offer a training game to new guys if they desire one to learn in the valley of hardknocks... Just drop me an e-mail if you so desire to learn...

It is easier to see the game in action to understand the limits of what can be accomplished... I started off 0-7 when I first started playing back in the day... and I was positive I knew what I was doing when I started... I was quickly disabused of that notion...

I was crushed by some very good players who taught, as well as demonstrated, the requirements necesary to become a good CS field commander... the key I used was to play better players, observe what they do, and emulate what worked... Understand the Principles of War and how they relate to the game and you can quickly notch a few wins...

even if you know tactics and strategy... the implementation and execution in CS takes some experience which comes with more play time against crafty opponents... there are some good players who have been playing quite some time, so there are many to learn from here...

I always love playing guys with that choose unique strategies... Ed is definitely a good mentor... He has a passion for the game... Also, he has a flair for a strategy that will keep you on your toes...


Jim vK
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02-06-2008, 08:35 AM,
RE: I am bad at this game.
Thanks a lot guys. I greatly appreciate all the advice and I will take you up on the offer Jim, when I get the internet again. Soon hopefully.

Thanks again,

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02-14-2008, 08:04 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-14-2008, 08:19 AM by John Given.)
RE: I am bad at this game.
My main strategy is just to be as denfensive as all get-out. When I win (which isn't always), it's usually by attrition alone. Objectives are just a bonus.

I have a saying for my hobby; The safest unit is an unspotted unit. My opponents will have much more trouble trying to defeat an enemy they cannot see. Ideal situation: you want your spotters to see his entire force, whilst all the enemy can see is your spotters.

Again, make sure your units are unspotted, keep expendable units out in front to spot. Protect light armor at all cost, along with HQ's, loaded units, and artillery.

Wear out the binoculars button when plotting a route of travel. You must know what hexes can see, and be seen from various points. Important: be sure to do this before an armored unit moves into it's final destination hex (click on the binoculars button and then click on the desired hex, *before* your unit moves into it, to get an idea of what can see the hex. Be aware that unspotted enemy units might be in visual range of this hex).

Game winning tip: Have a plan of action - where do you intend to be in 5 turns? In 10? By the end of the game? And what will it take to get there? :chin:

Read the manual. I cannot stress this enough. I even re-read my manual occasionally.

Security. Never allow the enemy to flank you, or break through to your "soft" areas. Best way to help prevent this disaster - put spotters on hilltops, put infantry on crucial road junctions. Back up the infantry with an AT gun if possible.

Attack (and defend) from good terrain. Forest is your friend. Vehicular-class units (includes mortorcycles, wagons, horses, and bicycles) need to avoid bunkers, trenches, and pillboxes (they get no benefit from them), all units need to avoid ending their turn in open terrain.

The map. At the beginning of turn one, study it very carefully. Locate the hilltops, the river crossings, possible bridges you can destroy, etc. Use the "rotate map" feature if you need to. Failing to note the particulars of the map can cost you a game.

Talk your time on a turn. If you are rushed, stressed, or sleepy, come back to it and play later. Never play when you aren't at your personal best.

P.S. Players with lower win percentages actually get more medals/recognition than other players, because they are seen as having extra "gumption" and an increased ability to handle severe adversity. Click on a higher ranked player with a lower win % and check out all the shiny medals... :)

Just my 2 cents. And don't take it personally - wargaming is just a goofy hobby we play - it's just a diversion. Peace. cheers
Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.

Sun Tzu
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