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Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
03-21-2008, 02:59 AM,
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
PoorOldSpike Wrote:PS - As for BFront, as I've said before it beats me why they didn't develop CM further by bringing out a range of add-ons and expansion packs such as 'Poland 1939', 'France 1940', 'Pacific War', 'D-Day', "Siegfried Line', 'Korea', 'Vietnam', 'Arab-Israeli Wars', 'Falklands', 'Gulf Wars', and possibly even other periods such as the American Revolution, American Civil War, English Civil War, Napoleonic, Crimean War etc, plus hypotheticals like 'German invasion of Britain', ''NATO v Warsaw Pact', 'US Invasion of mainland Japan' etc.

I wish they would of made this list what a game a CM would be!!
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03-21-2008, 10:10 AM,
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
Another nice touch by Matrix to show they won't forget Winter Storm players who are buying Kharkov -

Quote from Matrix website -
"Owners of Panzer Command: Winter Storm will receive a special upgrade offer to purchase Panzer Command: Kharkov at a discount.
Plus [in Kharkov] additional individual battles and updated Winter Storm campaigns for Winter Storm owners (48 scenarios total if you own Winter Storm)"

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03-22-2008, 09:50 PM,
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
Combat footage from Winter Storm -
German recon elements heading for Stalingrad clash with Russian T-70's in a village..
Note Russian troops in church tower..

[Image: WSG.gif]
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03-23-2008, 05:48 PM,
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
Some groovy screenshots there POS. I swear those maps look bigger than 1kmX1km to me though. PCWS has same size maps as the forthcoming PCK??

Some more screenshots would be much appreciated.

- falco.
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03-24-2008, 01:23 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-24-2008, 01:23 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
Combat footage from Winter Storm..
As German troops disembark in Kotelnikovo station, the Russians launch a surprise attack (left to right)
[Image: WSD.gif]
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03-24-2008, 06:49 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-24-2008, 07:11 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
Combat footage from Winter Storm - After knocking out 2x 50mm Pak emplacements, Russian armour sweeps towards the now undefended bridge..

[Image: WSH.gif]

PS - For newcomers to this thread, let me just clarify that 'Panzer Command:Winter Storm' (to give it its full name) is not a new game, I'm simply posting screenshots to give people who are considering buying it an idea of what its like..
Building on its popularity, its sequel 'Panzer Command:Kharkov' is soon to be released (Mar 08) and contains a host of juicy new features, and i'll be posting screenshots of that too..:)
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03-26-2008, 09:12 PM,
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
More good screenies there POS.

Any news about when you get your review copy from Matrix?

- falco.
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03-26-2008, 09:25 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-26-2008, 09:27 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
falc Wrote:Any news about when you get your review copy from Matrix?

As soon as it's published "during March 2008" mate, that's all I know..:)
All I do know at the moment is that it contains so many kewl new features that its a whole lot different from Winter Storm..
PS -dunno if the scen maps are 1km square or not..

KHARKOV - http://www.matrixgames.com/news.asp?nid=488
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03-27-2008, 11:09 PM,
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
I'm pretty sure all the maps in PCK are gonna be 1kmX1km which will be Ok to begin with but might be a problem if the game is gonna have a long term future.

That and the fact that the buildings are non-destructable will be two issues that I can see many people having problems with.

- falco.
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03-29-2008, 06:34 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-02-2008, 08:31 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Interesting news over at Matrix guys.......
This thread is a kind of 'Matrix Corner' so I'll draw the attention of Blitz members to any of their games that I think will prove interesting..:)
As I mentioned earlier, I contacted Matrix asking if they'd like me to review their games for Blitzes 6000 members, and also gave them a link to Blitz so they could check us out, and obviously they must have liked what they saw because they gave me Press Reviewer clearance so that I can download and review their games..:)

I've already looked at Winter Storm as you know, and they also want me to review Kharkov when its released soon.
Today they also gave me a download link for 'Close Combat:Modern Tactics' which i'll review and post screenshots soon, its used by the US Marines for tactical instruction so if it's good enough for them it's good enough for me..:)

I also recently downloaded Matrix's 'Advanced Tactics:WW2' and am very impressed, it was newly updated to v 1.10L in Jan 2008 and is a pure thoroughbred and plays as smooth as silk..:)
Apart from the stock scenarios it's also a wargame construction kit, and also sports a random scen generator,
Here's a screenshot from a randomly-generated game of Adv Tacts I've just begun (you pre-set the map size and the amount of sea/ rivers/woods etc you want), my capital is in my tiny kingdom on the right and the enemy capital is off map to the left, so my first priority is to build a few riflemen for defence. At least I know the enemy will be starting from scratch too without an advantage..
The dulled-out map areas will light up later of course as my recce patrols open up more territory, great fun..:)
[Image: AT.gif]

And below are a couple of shots from the 'Endsieg' stock historical scenario, showing Germany caught in the jaws of the two-front war (3-front if you include the Italian front)
[Image: endseig.gif]

[Image: endsiegB.gif]

ADVANCED TACTICS:WW2 - http://www.matrixgames.com/games/game.asp?gid=345
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