Thanks for all the kind words guys. Really appreciated. I've missed you guys and being a part of the club this year.
But I'm not looking forward to playing
Stryker again. :eek1:
Slawek. :boom2:
Jack, looks like your Dawgs will still have a leg up on Nick this year (and maybe everyone else)

. But with some luck, maybe things will start to turn around in T-town. Wanted the kid to go to Georgia initially, but Athens and the campus looked kinda run-down, while Bama's was beautiful -- and the school looked like a good fit for him.
This weekend I'll spend some time to see how many of the SFS Sweet 16 are still active. If enough are interested, I'll crank up the last few rounds so we can get to get to a winner. I owe that to everyone for sure -- and especially to John
von Luck as it was his first tourney finals.
Thanks again guys. Great to hear your voices.
