I have this one from the early spring this year.
I seldom take screenshots from my games, but I should have taken from this one, but,.. so I decided to make you a nice little map to look on.
We were playing TCP/IP match with my friend and after some 15 first turns it came the time to start making some decisions, and it was the time for my friend also. He pulled this monstrous monster (
) that he had been hiding in the woods just in front of the soviet start position. It was SU-152 or ISU-'thesame', and started whipping my infantry in the woods by the road.
That gun has some massive blast and men were torn to shreds when they even saw a shell that size coming towards them
I didn't have anything to match with that tank from that range. Had to make the decision to send a three man group, an officer and two tank killers, another armed with these lovely panzerwurfmines (don't they just kill every time when they hit and those seldom miss ^^) and another with panzerfaust 30's. I sent them to a long 10 to 15 turns march to flank the soviet troops and to destroy the (I)SU from behind.
The numbers are as follows (not mentioned in the pic):
3: The tank destroyer group that went and reached
unnoticed the Soviet monster (my luck the path was open then, had some serious nervous breakdown waiting would the group make there in time :P)
4: SU-152 or ISU-152
The circle where the Stugs ultimately made their thrust contained two or three t34's.
The dark blue and red circles in the woods represent friendly and enemy infantry positions.
So with my nerves torn and eyes almost popping out I saw the death and destruction of the monster by panzerwurfmine, panzerfaust made a shot but missed and was cut down then by infantry fire.
Doubt that these kind of things happen again playing against my friend :P
Made a happy day for me :)