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The House Of Pain
07-06-2008, 02:09 AM,
The House Of Pain
For those of us who aren't so skilled and endeared with pretty stats, how about a little banter bragging up your best exploits against someone? :stir:

Get out those memoirs, post a picture or 2 and tell some tales of amazement that will strike fear into the hearts of those who dare tangle with you and bring hope to the ranks of regulars that even they can have a stroke of genius and Luck even!Whip

I'll brag a little by claiming the destruction of 2 Tiger Is and a StugIII using SMG squads and ATRs in a swirling frenzy of smoke, fire, and trees :) Phil Davies has never quite forgiven me for that yet LOL

Any one else?

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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07-06-2008, 03:01 AM,
RE: The House Of Pain
Well, this one was a very good day....

[Image: ShermansMarch.jpg]

...but you must always keep in mind:

[Image: ultimate5dl.jpg]
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07-06-2008, 04:35 PM,
RE: The House Of Pain
I have this one from the early spring this year.
I seldom take screenshots from my games, but I should have taken from this one, but,.. so I decided to make you a nice little map to look on.
We were playing TCP/IP match with my friend and after some 15 first turns it came the time to start making some decisions, and it was the time for my friend also. He pulled this monstrous monster (Big Grin) that he had been hiding in the woods just in front of the soviet start position. It was SU-152 or ISU-'thesame', and started whipping my infantry in the woods by the road.
That gun has some massive blast and men were torn to shreds when they even saw a shell that size coming towards them Big Grin I didn't have anything to match with that tank from that range. Had to make the decision to send a three man group, an officer and two tank killers, another armed with these lovely panzerwurfmines (don't they just kill every time when they hit and those seldom miss ^^) and another with panzerfaust 30's. I sent them to a long 10 to 15 turns march to flank the soviet troops and to destroy the (I)SU from behind.
[Image: memoriesmp4.png]
The numbers are as follows (not mentioned in the pic):
3: The tank destroyer group that went and reached unnoticed the Soviet monster (my luck the path was open then, had some serious nervous breakdown waiting would the group make there in time :P)
4: SU-152 or ISU-152

The circle where the Stugs ultimately made their thrust contained two or three t34's.
The dark blue and red circles in the woods represent friendly and enemy infantry positions.
So with my nerves torn and eyes almost popping out I saw the death and destruction of the monster by panzerwurfmine, panzerfaust made a shot but missed and was cut down then by infantry fire.
Doubt that these kind of things happen again playing against my friend :P
Made a happy day for me :)
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07-06-2008, 07:53 PM,
RE: The House Of Pain
This is from my current battle with Charlie Chap

These are the stats for 1 Panther ! Big Grin

[Image: AnyC00003.jpg]
Antoni ChmielowskigGames Played : WiTP-AE, TOAW3,Gary Grigsbys War in The East/ War In The West
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07-06-2008, 08:59 PM,
RE: The House Of Pain
Sorry no screenshots were taken, but when I joined my first club (Rugged Defense) as a green raw recruit in 2003 I issued a challenge to about 10 of their guys including their ladder leader himself (better not name him).
He said he'd play an Attack game but only if I (as defender) bought a realistic" force.
I asked what he meant by "realistic", and he reeled off a list of tanks that he said I couldn't buy. So I said "Tell you what, I won't buy any tanks at all, how does that sound?"
He agreed and we began the game, but I quickly wiped out all his tanks with my gun line and he went bananas, yelling "You took too many guns! In real-life they were only issued x number of guns per company! I'm going to tell the club boss about you and put the game on hold til I decide whether to carry on!"
So I said- "Look Jack, you never told me how many guns I could buy, so that's your problem not mine!"
In the end he calmed down and said I could report the win, but I never bothered.
Anyway 3 months later I'd overtaken him and was at the top of the ladder myself ..
Valuable lesson there, namely buy whatever you like in QB's unless your oppo says not to..;)
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07-06-2008, 09:19 PM,
RE: The House Of Pain
Later in 2003 I joined the french Appui-Feu club because they had an interesting ELO ladder system I wanted to try, I just waltzed straight in and issued challenges to their top 15 guys which made them burst out laughing because they'd never heard of me and I was just a green noob for all they knew; they were mostly a friendly bunch and half-jokingly began posting in their forum saying stuff which translates as- "Ha ha ha who does this Old Spice character he think he is?....He's challenged all our best players!...he must be mad! ha ha ha!"
A few months later I'd climbed to the top of their ladder and the laughing had stopped because they were probably building a guillotine for me..:)
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07-06-2008, 09:21 PM,
RE: The House Of Pain
No screen shot as was some time ago, but whilst playing as Brits I managed to take out 2 King Tigers and a Jagd Panther with a tag-team of a MMG carrier and a Wasp.

MMG carier would rush up, hose the tiger to force it to button up and then would literally run circles round it whilst the tiger vainly tried to bring it's gun to bear, whilst the Wasp would then come up and fry the kitty. Jagd Panther was even eaiser as no turret.

Would never of had a chance if my oppo had given them some infantry escorts though.
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07-06-2008, 09:21 PM,
RE: The House Of Pain
Well Im telling you now. Im playing an Operation at the minute and I have absolutely got caned by 4 Panthers who have decimated.... I mean really took apart my Churchill tanks who got caught in the open. I think we are talking about 6 Churchills per Panther.
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07-06-2008, 10:03 PM,
RE: The House Of Pain
In the interest of balance here's me on the receiving end..
Tell me it's a bad dream; Mugger's two guns wipe out all 3x T-34's of one of my battlegroups on turn 1 of the Perimeter Tourney, I tried to be smart by skirting round the lake with the intention of hitting the flag from behind, but I'd barely moved off the start line before the guns began speaking..

[Image: muggj.gif]
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07-06-2008, 10:24 PM,
RE: The House Of Pain
As a second adventure, I did manage to kill 4 King Tigers using AA guns and live to tell about it... I think that was Raz's worst game ever.. :) Whip
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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