East Front Official Strategy Manual
This most usfeful 236 page manual was published in 1997 and is still invaluable. It covers German and Russian doctrines and battle tactics, the strengths and weaknesses of the military organisation of both sides, Hints on Command, Control and Conquest and the Campaign games.
The main interest for active players is the section on Scenarios. It gives hints for each side on playing 49 Scenarios from Rasennai to Luenberg.
Our great CS game has survived and grown for 11 years and probably more as the Smacker Technology behind it started in 1994. It still stands against many assaults using newer technology with prettier pictures thanks to the open code and our many developers. The reason? Because it is so realistic.
I have played it for 9 years and would love to hear from anybody who has played for longer than that or is interested in the Manual. My previous post on this has moved to page 2 where things generally sink without trace as there are so many new posts appearing each day.