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A few "thank you's"..:)
08-01-2008, 12:17 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Quote:I couldn't agree more. The dead horse in my case is how some members are treated so much differently than others. In this case POS went on a rant for a full day about other sites and their management. When someone did step in it wasn't even the Mod but SG. All the mod ever did was use the thread to get a game started.

Yes I got a game... me like the majority of the members here are here to play. SG had every right to step in, especially when Im not around.

Quote:I'll NEVER do PM's with any of the management on this website ever again, about Bltiz related issues, unless they lift the ban on what's said in PM's to be brought back. That's been used as a way to say whatever a person wants and then deny any, and all, of those words later on.

As I said before, anything I have to discuss about Blitz policy, or the running of the boards, can be said here in front of the members. I'll not hide my words in PMs that later can't used in any dispute.

Ok so what do you want to say about Blitz policy... may as well put it all out there and get it clared up once and for all.

Quote:SG and I were pretty much through with our discussion.

However, I now find it interesting, that a thread that has gone a direction of discussing club policy, and the manner in which posts are made, is being closed. I would have thought that you would have used this thread to clear up any areas that members were unclear on, or had any questions about, instead of closing it.

Fire away.

Quote:You want to lock this thread now but you're one of the mods that let POS run. SG was the one that stepped in. Neither you or Bootie.

Its because we're sick to the back teeth of this whole argument as are the majority of members.

Quote:But then, I'm just a member not one of the management. That job is thankless, except when we remember to thank you guys, for all the time and effort you put into all of the rest of us having a place to have our say.

Yadda yadda... ok. So what do you want to say?
08-01-2008, 01:04 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-01-2008, 01:05 AM by Mad Russian.)
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Yes, you got a game, while a member is on the Blitz attacking other websites and their mods. You were AWOL while that was all happening. It was okay for POS to do that but the moment he said religion you were right there with a stern warning......hmmmmmmmmmmmmm................I found it very interesting that your mod duties in a thread that was going in the "wrong direction" finds the actions he needed to take was to get a game up.

I was invited to join the Blitz to have an opportunity to voice what Blitz had been doing with my scenarios. I never came to join a ladder that would take years to get anywhere on. I play lots of games of CM so what's your point Bootie? The fact that I don't report them? Why is that important if the sole purpose of the Blitz is to get gamers together?

What I'd like to say about Blitz policy is that it's for the favored few.

There are a very few members that can do as they wish. This thread went for more than a day before SG stepped in. The forum is supposedly moving to a CM only format. BUT that only seems to hold true for certain members and not all. POS can do and say pretty much whatever he wants. Only when MEMBERS started responding to his personal attacks did the Blitz management step in and even then it wasn't by a Mod but by SG.

You think you're sick to the teeth of it? You should be on this side, where time after time, in thread after thread ,a very few, and POS in particular, are allowed to do, or say, whatever they please on this forum. Then, when other members object they are the ones taken to task.

I'm kind of sick to the teeth of seeing those that question that kind of behavior here being the ones that get all the negative attention from the Mods. I guess it just depends on your perspective of which side of the fence your sick to the teeth on doesn't it. Either way, both sides are tired of this never ending soap opera.

The recently banned members were on other websites saying whatever. I have no idea since I never read those offensive posts. But HERE at the Blitz I see this! I see that we banned members for being offensive to the site and the management team. That it was unacceptable. And yet at the same time POS goes on a rampage and for a full day NOTHING IS SAID.

Now when the issue is being discussed we have Mods everywhere. One setting up games and the other wanting to close the thread. Great bit of moderating that turned out to be. SG did all the work and you guys are now in full attack mode to AGAIN take the side of the offender.

So, here's what I'd like to see as a member here. That the rules, ALL OF THEM, be applied to everybody equally. No banning people for their comments in PM's. Which if I had my way would never be used to discuss Blitz policy in the first place. Why do you need to hide what is said to begin with?

Will I ever report a ladder game? No. Would I like to work with the Blitz in the fashion that RD and I discussed when I first came here? Absolutely.

Will I get more involved in the Blitz itself while things stay the same?

Yadda yadda.......back to you Bootie. If you are really sick to the teeth of this then lets fix it for heavens sake. Otherwise it's going to keep right on coming back again and again....you claim to talk for the majority of members. That magic PM system again that nobody can get any confirmation from, well, I'm here in public saying to you I'm sick of it to. So, do something about it.

Start Moderating the forum like you agreed to do. But hold all the members to the same degree of accountability.

Good Hunting.

08-01-2008, 01:37 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Its sad..... so very very sad to see where this is going to :(
I have to agree with MR.
Its the same old story again.
... insults people
... bashes other sites
... reacts
... is very happy to see those reactions(as he clearly shows by shouting that his topic has over 1000 hits)
....... are being in fear of getting banned for reacting.
...is again showing his rediculous internet medals and his stupid pictures and his idiotic brawling.
Ladderleader blablabla, trainingofficer blablablabla.

Its time to leave the site, its been taken over and being destroyed from inside.
Like many other good sites which perished after some trols got involved in it :(


08-01-2008, 01:40 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Hmmmm, well this has developed nicely. Not.

Gentlemen (all of you), there is no need for all this drama.

The rules, are, and will be, enforced fairly and equitably. As has been demonstrated in this very thread, the parts that crossed the line drew a warning and within a few minutes of it, had stopped. That's good enough for me.

As for me being the one who said it, and not Shane, or Marcus, I saw it first. Once I got involved, Shane, as anyone would when their boss is handling something, stepped back and let me do my thing.

As for your reservations about using emails and PMs, Steve, I here publicly give you permission to treat any PM or email communication between us as public information, I have nothing to hide. I offer this in hopes that if you have issues about something at the Blitz, we can discuss it to both of our satisfactions without anyone fanning the flames, or jumping in and producing a whole bunch of tangents that distract from the main issues. I also offer this because whether it is productive or not, a debate such as this only detracts from the purpose of the forum, it does not enable it. If any private discussions yield a change in policy and rules, they can be posted up for all to see after the conversation is concluded.

But this clearly, is not a productive use of anyone's time.
08-01-2008, 01:55 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Quote:Yes, you got a game, while a member is on the Blitz attacking other websites and their mods. You were AWOL while that was all happening. It was okay for POS to do that but the moment he said religion you were right there with a stern warning......hmmmmmmmmmmmmm................I found it very interesting that your mod duties in a thread that was going in the "wrong direction" finds the actions he needed to take was to get a game up.

Sorry if you dont think Im up to the job. As for POS 'attacking' other websites and mods... hmmmm.. lets see. Ive went and read over all the posts by POS. Nowhere do I see him 'attacking' other websites and mods. He made the briefest mention of the fact that he wanted his screenshots taken down at other sites but they refuse to do it. Perhaps you would like to cut and paste where he has 'attacked' these folk... just in case Ive missed it.

Quote:I was invited to join the Blitz to have an opportunity to voice what Blitz had been doing with my scenarios. I never came to join a ladder that would take years to get anywhere on. I play lots of games of CM so what's your point Bootie? The fact that I don't report them? Why is that important if the sole purpose of the Blitz is to get gamers together?

And your still here....? We must be doing something right mate if your still around.

Quote:What I'd like to say about Blitz policy is that it's for the favored few.

Uh huh....?

Quote:There are a very few members that can do as they wish.

Well they cant be that upset by not being allowed to run roughshod over the forums spouting rumours, slagging each other off and starting flame wars. Hell, they're all still here. We arent forcing them to stay so we must be doing something right.

Quote:This thread went for more than a day before SG stepped in. The forum is supposedly moving to a CM only format. BUT that only seems to hold true for certain members and not all. POS can do and say pretty much whatever he wants.

Ah, now we are getting to the crux of the matter. The fact you possibly dont care to much for POS... is that it?? FYI... POS has had threads moved to the general Discussion area same as everyone else.

Hitler as a child, Tiger wallpaper, Good N.Africa topo maps to name but a few.

Quote:Only when MEMBERS started responding to his personal attacks did the Blitz management step in and even then it wasn't by a Mod but by SG.

Well you see I didnt consider them personal attacks. If you want a good example of personl attacks check out WaW. There was no vitriol in POS' posts.

Quote:You think you're sick to the teeth of it? You should be on this side, where time after time, in thread after thread ,a very few, and POS in particular, are allowed to do, or say, whatever they please on this forum. Then, when other members object they are the ones taken to task.

LOL... you like him really dont you. Believe me... POS has been spoken to at times as well. Actually come to think of it Ive had my knuckles wrapped for things Ive said on this forum as well. As has Randy... and Hawk... amongst others.

I like the way you have taken it on yourself to be the sole representative of the Blitz membership. Did you have to have a ballot or draw straws or something to see who would stand up to the hated Blitz dictators. Big Grin

Quote:I'm kind of sick to the teeth of seeing those that question that kind of behavior here being the ones that get all the negative attention from the Mods.

If thats your perspective so be it.

Quote:I guess it just depends on your perspective of which side of the fence your sick to the teeth on doesn't it. Either way, both sides are tired of this never ending soap opera.

Aha we agree on something.

Quote:The recently banned members were on other websites saying whatever. I have no idea since I never read those offensive posts.

:rolleyes: Yeah OK. As I recall you've done your own bit of bashing at times.

Quote:But HERE at the Blitz I see this!

Shock horror... POS stating he asked mods from other clubs to take his screenshots down... OH THE HORROR.

Quote:I see that we banned members for being offensive to the site and the management team. That it was unacceptable. And yet at the same time POS goes on a rampage and for a full day NOTHING IS SAID.

LMAO... sorry I really shouldnt laugh but your reaction is completely over the top. A rampage is when you make fun of someone personally by slagging of their kids, where they live... what they look like. Something those that banned all did on a daily basis.

Quote:Now when the issue is being discussed we have Mods everywhere. One setting up games and the other wanting to close the thread. Great bit of moderating that turned out to be. SG did all the work and you guys are now in full attack mode to AGAIN take the side of the offender.

Ummm Mods everywhere.... what like all 3 of us?

SG took up the reigns... he handled it well so I concurred with Antoni that it was a storm in a teacup and not wanting to waste any more thought on it I got a game... not a complete waste. Now as Wig and I are in different time zones he had every right to choose what he wanted to do as I wasnt around. He made the decision when he started to see you foam at the mouth. I thought I'd be nice and give you a chance to air your views.

Quote:So, here's what I'd like to see as a member here. That the rules, ALL OF THEM, be applied to everybody equally. No banning people for their comments in PM's. Which if I had my way would never be used to discuss Blitz policy in the first place. Why do you need to hide what is said to begin with?

Do you know what I'd like to see here. A little moment of clarity where all you grown men realise its a game hosted by a message board where you can stay or go as you please. when ou put it like that it all seems pretty stupid the lather some folk are getting themselves into.

Quote:Will I ever report a ladder game? No. Would I like to work with the Blitz in the fashion that RD and I discussed when I first came here? Absolutely.

Well thats good... despite all the misgivings and bad feelings about the style of leadership here you would still like to become involved. Tell me is it really the Blitz moderators et al' that gets your goat or is it the fact you dont like POS and feel we should ban him for going on a mad rampaging attack on another forum and moderator.. which I still cant find amongst his twittering posts.

Quote:Will I get more involved in the Blitz itself while things stay the same?

I dunno... you originally only came to sort out the scenario issue and your still here. You must like the place so I'd hazard a guess and say... ummm ... yes??

Quote:Yadda yadda.......back to you Bootie. If you are really sick to the teeth of this then lets fix it for heavens sake. Otherwise it's going to keep right on coming back again and again....you claim to talk for the majority of members. That magic PM system again that nobody can get any confirmation from, well, I'm here in public saying to you I'm sick of it to. So, do something about it.

Well thats all good and well but I believe you have an ulterior motive. And that is to get POS banned by the Blitz. Maybe completely wrong and harsh by myself but I just have this niggling little doubt about how genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of the Blitz and its members you are. If anyone else is unhappy stand in queue with Mad Russian and lets see what can be done about. From my point of view the only time MR gets involved in the boards is when there is a witch hunt going on for POS. I agree he is a bit cranky at times but if your polite to POS he will be polite back. Its when you pull a knife on him things get nasty.. (cue POS' Untouchables speech).

Quote:Start Moderating the forum like you agreed to do. But hold all the members to the same degree of accountability.

If your unhappy with my moderating why not form a petition and get the legions of disenchanted members to sign it. Then maybe I'll step down.... thing is... doesnt matter who is in this seat... if they dont moderate POS as you wish him moderated they will never be any good in your eyes.

Cheers cheers
08-01-2008, 02:04 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Stoffel1 Wrote:Its sad..... so very very sad to see where this is going to :(
I have to agree with MR.
Its the same old story again.
... insults people
... bashes other sites
... reacts
... is very happy to see those reactions(as he clearly shows by shouting that his topic has over 1000 hits)
....... are being in fear of getting banned for reacting.
...is again showing his rediculous internet medals and his stupid pictures and his idiotic brawling.
Ladderleader blablabla, trainingofficer blablablabla.

Its time to leave the site, its been taken over and being destroyed from inside.
Like many other good sites which perished after some trols got involved in it :(



Best wishes and good gaming in your future. Your resignation is acknowledged.
08-01-2008, 02:19 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Okay, everyone has had a jolly good rant, and by my count no one is ahead, it's pretty much rant for rant. Which is why I'm choosing this point in time to lock this thread.

The following goes for everyone:

1) I insist upon fair moderation of the forums. If you feel you have evidence that isn't happening, please feel free to email me or PM me. Throwing it out in public is not going to get it fixed without a 3 day debate and more mud slinging.

2) I do not tolerate bashing of other forums on this web site, and my moderators will moderate it if and when it happens. Repeat offenses will be moderated in accordance with the RoE.

3) If other players post messages up about how wonderful they are, I am not going to moderate them unless said post involves some clear posting violation. Whether you think the poster who is singing his praises is impressive or simply posturing, it's not a violation of any rules. You can choose to laugh at the posture or be impressed. If you take exception to the bragging, feel free to give it back, but be mindful not to make it personal.

Anyone, at any time, is free to contact me via email or PM, if they feel they are not being treated fairly. I promise you I will investigate it, and give you an answer, albeit maybe not the one you wanted.

Now please go back to your hobbies gentlemen.

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