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The 1.04 UPDATE.
08-20-2008, 03:28 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-20-2008, 06:16 AM by Jason Petho.)
The 1.04 UPDATE.
Good day, all.

Hope this finds you well.

An update for you!

I sent off the 1.04 UPDATE to Matrix today so it is now in their possession. My understanding is that they have all just returned from GenCon and have a queue of other items that need to be attended to, so we are on the list. That being said, it should be available either by the end of the week or at the beginning of next week.

I sent them two zip files; one being a cumulative update (1.01, 1.02, 1.02b, 1.03 BETA, 1.03 OFFICIAL and 1.04 UPDATE) and a 1.04 MEMBERS UPDATE. I requested that the 1.04 MEMBERS UPDATE be compiled into a separate installer so those of you who have already downloaded the massive 1.03 UPDATE don't have to download another 170 MB file.

The 1.04 MEMBERS UPDATE should be around 6 MB altogether. The 1.04 CUMULATIVE UPDATE is about 170 MB. I don't know if this will actually be an option, but I did request it, so here is hoping.

Here is the README update:

Quote:V1.04 – August 20, 2008

• All – Assault Rules have been enhanced and are now Optional.

• All – Visibility Rules have been enhanced and are now Optional.

• All – Graphic glitches were corrected

• All – Reinforcement numbers were increased for Dynamic Campaign Games.

• All – Revisions of Order of Battle where issues were found. Thank you Richard, Gary and Arkady.

• All – Platoon files were updated for consistency.

• All – Weapon files were updated for consistency.

• All – Unittext files were updated.

• West Front – Dutch Order of Battle has had a huge update. The Order of Battle additions are primarily relevant for 1939 and 1940.

• West Front – A few of Huib’s scenarios were updated utilizing the new Dutch Order of Battles.

• East Front – Encounters file was corrected and updated. Thank you, Richard.

• Rising Sun – A series of Curt Cabbage’s scenarios have been added. They can be identified by the scenario BMP with the notation: “Cabbage Collection”.

In addition to those, there is a new document in the MANUALS folder that explains how the assault rules work. There is also a new TOOLS folder that has a couple of useful tools that are available from the Matrix Message Boards.

The manual itself was not updated for the 1.04 UPDATE but will probably be updated again for the 1.05 UPDATE (pending release 2010 - 2011).

I would recommend finishing your existing 1.03 PBEM's if at all possible prior to installing the 1.04 UPDATE, especially if you like the alternate assault rules as when you install the 1.04 UPDATE the games will DEFAULT to the old Talonsoft style assault rules.

I would also recommend restarting any East Front Dynamic Campaigns. A few minor, but significant, glitches were uncovered and have now been resolved.

A huge thanks to Wyatt and the BETA Brigade. Their efforts have helped get this available to you so relatively quickly.

Hope you enjoy!

Take care and good luck
Jason Petho
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08-20-2008, 04:04 AM,
RE: The 1.04 UPDATE.
Hope the assault and visibilty ones should keep most members happy now Jason thanks.
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08-20-2008, 04:05 AM,
RE: The 1.04 UPDATE.
Von Luck Wrote:Hope the assault and visibilty ones should keep most members happy now Jason thanks.

Fingers crossed!

Jason Petho
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08-20-2008, 04:19 AM,
RE: The 1.04 UPDATE.

Jason - this is huge!! Thank you to all involved with getting us this update - totally awesome!
Quote this message in a reply
08-20-2008, 05:04 AM,
RE: The 1.04 UPDATE.
Many thanks Jason!
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08-20-2008, 05:53 AM,
RE: The 1.04 UPDATE.
Yep and in double quick time as well Steve.
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08-20-2008, 06:07 AM,
RE: The 1.04 UPDATE.
Thanks Jason

keep up the good work
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08-20-2008, 06:42 AM,
RE: The 1.04 UPDATE.
Thank you for quick response to our requests! :bow:

All the best

"We do not beg for Freedom, we fight for it!"

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08-20-2008, 07:45 AM,
RE: The 1.04 UPDATE.
Another huge HOORAHH for Jason, the Beta Brigade and for others who have stepped up with their expertise for this outstanding support & dedication. :thumbs_up:

I really can't recall any game purchased… or for that matter any major personal purchase… where they have been so understanding, creative and dedicated... to name but a few... towards their clients (in this case fellow CS players).

Even after all that has been corrected, updated, adjusted as well as receiving technical support (nearly 24/7) I’ve got to remind myself it’s coming from a great bunch of guys who volunteer their time for the love of the game!

Good Hunting,
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08-20-2008, 08:31 AM,
RE: The 1.04 UPDATE.
Excellent work by Jason and the team, thanks for listening to our gripes and acting on them. Cheers now go have a cheers
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