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A Little Challenge??
02-16-2009, 03:58 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2009, 05:48 AM by Ratzki.)
A Little Challenge??
I have designed a scenario for CMBB against the AI. I thought that while we were waiting for the next main event we might all have a go and see who gets the best score in the shortest time. Being that It is against the AI, it could be completed quickly, and provide us with something to do. I know that there is no way to enforce the rules but expect that everyone will play within them.
1. Play it BLIND
2. Play it only once for our puposes here. You can play it for fun as much as you want, but for the competition, only your first attempt counts.
3. Don't load it up in the editor and take a look.
4. Post what screenshots that you want while or after your game, but do not read ahead if you are going to play it as there will likley be spoilers posted that will ruin your fun.

That is it. This is a semi-historical scenario. It is an accurate map close to where the battle took place(I could not find the exact location, I should be within a 100km or so). The OOB is a representation of what was in the area for both sides. Your side will be 3700 points and you willl be attacking with Romanians across a river towards Russian units. Early war.
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02-16-2009, 05:26 AM,
RE: A Little Challenge??
Sounds like fun. I'll give it a try
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02-16-2009, 06:51 AM,
RE: A Little Challenge??
Good, have fun.
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02-17-2009, 09:21 AM,
RE: A Little Challenge??
Gosh! can't remember when I used the Romanians last but willing to give it a go :)
Will post on this thread how the battle plays out. Knowing Ratzki, those Russian won't be a walk over :(
Wish me luck comrades! :)
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02-17-2009, 01:01 PM,
RE: A Little Challenge??
Good luck to you! This has been tested 1/2 a dozen times by other players, with it going right down to the wire. It is possible to get the Russians to surrender, be interesting if that feet can be duplicated again. From what I have heard the Russians can put up quite a scrap. Thanks for the favourable comments BT, you won't mind if I root for the Russians though?;)
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02-18-2009, 02:41 AM,
RE: A Little Challenge??
You rotten swine Ratzki! Big Grin
I will make sure my brave Romanians crush the red horde! :)
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02-18-2009, 03:20 AM,
RE: Help with the File!
Hi! I downloaded the file into the scenario folder ok. But it does not show up as an available battle when I open CMBB! Can someone help me out with this! Thanks in advance! Shep
Ivan/Shep!The "HOG Ranger and Balkan Warrior" Still Riding the "Winds of Change" on the Dubrovnik Front!
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02-18-2009, 08:53 AM,
RE: A Little Challenge??
Balkan warrior,
It's a zipped file so make sure you have unzipped it to the scenario folder.
Open the scenario folder and check it's there. I say this because I've made that error in the past :rolleyes:
Another thing, are you patched to 1.03?
If you still can't load it, post back here and let us know :)
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02-18-2009, 09:26 AM,
into the breech dear Romanians!
I'm up to minute eight at the moment and a lot has happened! Eek
My first part of the cunning plan was to move my infantry towards the woods, close to the fords there. A platoon meanwhile was moving towards the church and the buildings where I hoped they could provide covering fire. I also placed four tanks on that side of the map to support those infantry moving towards the church. Halfway through the set up the wife called me :mad: When I got back in front of the computer, I hit the GO button and in horror realised I had forgotten to set up the infantry on my left Cry Stupidly I quickly drew a blue box around them and gave them a move to contact order and turned my attention to the main force. Here's a screenshot:
[img][Image: setupplan2.jpg][/img]
Turn one replay starts....HOLY SHEET!! ..... my armour starts rapidly getting knocked out but by what?? I scan the map and then spot the pillbox! As the knocked out tank crews flee their burning vehicles, those horrible Russians start dropping mortar shells..... and here's the result :hissy:
[img][Image: knockedouttanks.jpg][/img]
Meanwhile my infantry heading towards the church and nearby buildings start eating dirt ....... nasty evil bunker with a MG. Worse still, I then check my left flank and that big bunch of infantry I gave a move to contact to are in a right mess. Mortar shells are falling everywhere so with great difficulty I order them to fall back to the woods behind them.
The good news: I've managed to get a large part of my infantry into the woods near the fords and as I saved the turn, I have two platoons advancing across the ford under quite a bit of fire but I think they should make it as both arty spotters are plastering the area near the bridge and flags.
I haven't gone into too much detail in case I give too much away and spoil other players fun.
I just hope GHQ don't put me in front of a firing squad at the end of the battle :(
More to follow! :)
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02-18-2009, 01:23 PM,
RE: A Little Challenge??
Looks like my Russians are scoring some hurt on your men BT. Looking good on the screenshots, keep 'em comming.
How is everyone else doing with the battle?
Early on, the Romanians were shown that their armour was not up to the task before them. They soon adopted the tactic of assulting from the front with infantry and pinning the enemy, then using their armour more like cavalry, comming into the battle from the flank, or going after the quick and easy targets in the rear areas of the enemy. It would not be long before these light Romanian tanks had all been destroyed in the division.
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