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Operation Sealion : just about a detail
05-08-2009, 11:44 PM,
Operation Sealion : just about a detail
Hi to all of you.cheers

I'm Nicolas, just brand new rookie in the Blitz, enjoying to play WF, EF, and RS as favorite wargames.
Since this is my first post here i'd like to ask a question about that awesome Operation Sealion scenario.
First of all i tried the original one before realizing that other version was available.
I have noticed a "small" problem about reinforcements : all support artillery coming ashore in landing barges lacks of transport means... Is this normal ?
When those artillery pieces hit the beaches, they cannot move until you could try to get an adequate transport mean from inland.
I would say that a -beloved- "88" flak gun without his sdkfz7 transport is a little like a good camenbert cheese without a good baguette bread : lacks of something, right ?Big Grin
And even if some "captured" trucks are available latter in the scenario could help, it's quite annoying to me...( those trucks seem to be adequate to transport mountain and parachute guns coming latter in the scenario)

Which is a bit strange, all means of transport are notified in the complete Order of battle, but not present in landing barges as reinforcement.

I also precise that i play with the original Talonsoft WF cd, and i didn't update anything for that game. Maybe it could come from that ?

If anyone member got an answer about this, i would be gratefull.

Have a good day all !


Ps : i try to do my best for syntax, but since english is not my native language... ;)
Better red wine than dead
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05-09-2009, 12:28 AM,
RE: Operation Sealion : just about a detail
Hi Nikoda.

You can find the final version of the scenario for the Talonsoft Campaign Series here:


There are a few glitches/ommissions, even with that final version, but most will be remedied with the 1.05 UPDATE for the MATRIX Campaign Series.

Jason Petho
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05-09-2009, 04:44 AM,
RE: Operation Sealion : just about a detail
Bonsoir Jason :)

Thanks for answering so quick
It is obvious that you really deserve your “fast-as-lightning response tittle “ Big Grin

Thank you also for the link, but I have downloaded the v3 version couple weeks ago. I should say I got most of the scenarios you designed as well…;)

Well I ‘m a little bit disappointed, I really hoped that the new version could fix that little problem. Anyway I will start very soon the new version, since I enjoyed so much the first one. (I stopped about the 25th turn).
Assaulting and securing the Hawkinge airfield with element of 3 FJ battalions was a thought nut to crack and provided me a lot of entertainment, as well as the counterattack of Irish Guards elements against my too exposed glider battalion on Dover sector was a lot of fun…

For the truck problem, I will try to organize the noria with captured ones along the scenario.
I think including a kind a “fifth column” is a great idea… I will know soon.

Maybe I would have to buy the Matrix version of the game (?) so I could enjoy the 1.05 version…

Finally Jason, I would like to thank you for the great job you did (you do!), but I imagine I’m not the first guy to tell you about this, right?:cool2:

Just a little last question if you mind: have ever designed a scenario on Operation Sealion depicting the assault and storming of “Fortress London”? Would be really great…

PS: The map of Operation C3/Malta is superb as well, but from my point of view, the scenario is all but unwinable for the axis versus an average/ good allied player…Maybe providing extras shore shelling supports (an Italian cruiser, few destroyers) for the southern landing group could (very slightly indeed) balance that ?…

Cheers again Jason, and have a nice week end cheers

Better red wine than dead
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05-09-2009, 05:09 AM,
RE: Operation Sealion : just about a detail
Thank you for the kind words, Nicolas.

They are appreciated.

All of those scenarios are quite a few years old now and are in dire need of updating. The ones I will be updating are the Operation Sealion related scenarios and the large Operazione C3 scenario.

The scenario updates will include updated maps, new (more accurate) OOB's and the inclusion of some of the new units available in the Matrix edition. Operation Sealion will come in two forms; a revised July 1940 version as it is now and a new September 1940 version.

Regarding Fortress London, no, I haven't made one yet... it is on the drawing board though (along with a plethora of other ideas.. *laughs*). If you are successful in playing the Operation Sealion Linked Campaign Game, the final scenario deals with capturing Buckingham Palace and the surroundings.

Jason Petho
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05-09-2009, 05:19 AM,
RE: Operation Sealion : just about a detail
I would think a July 1940 Linked Campaign would look a lot different from a September 1940 Linked Campaign.
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05-09-2009, 05:25 AM,
RE: Operation Sealion : just about a detail
1925frank Wrote:I would think a July 1940 Linked Campaign would look a lot different from a September 1940 Linked Campaign.

Based on my research, night and day different!

Jason Petho
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05-09-2009, 08:34 PM,
RE: Operation Sealion : just about a detail
1925frank Wrote:I would think a July 1940 Linked Campaign would look a lot different from a September 1940 Linked Campaign.

For sure it would look a lot different : in september it's always rainy in England ! Big Grin:P ( hi Dean, tks for nice @mail )
Better red wine than dead
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