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Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
07-02-2009, 06:30 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-02-2009, 06:38 PM by willow.)
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Hi Everyone;

I apologize again for the small print. Just a few thoughts about my next possible courses of action. Since herroberst will be putting pressure through the town, my SMG company can join his group. My armor loaded with some rifle platoons could probe north to that big intersection, and try to find hull down positions to hold off the panzer reinforcements. The remaining rifle platoons would then hold the gains already made during the battle, and further infiltrate along the northern outskirts.

I know the armor probe is risky, and it might be better for my remaining tanks to stay with all my infantry, and probe as a group along the outskirts, sealing each road as we come.

These are just some initial thoughts. Comments welcome from anyone, observers as well cheers

[Image: Whattodonow-1-1.jpg]

(I've got to remember to make the text bigger - I've found that one can hold the control key down and use the mouse wheel to zoom in as a temporary fix:pullhair:)
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07-02-2009, 11:09 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
I want you to get up on that motorway and go deep - I want to cut off the German supply - try not to get bogged down. Reinforce success is my motto so you will probably get preponderance of reinforcements

If we can buy HTs and Trucks to help with that as well as more tanks then we will do that. Suggest mount your infantry on the tanks "Tankodesi" and go deep.

I want Combat Wombat to take those crossroads next game.

If we have another player I will send him deep to the South.

I will hold German attention in the city and keep pushing in center.
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07-03-2009, 03:02 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Sounds good herroberst. Will comply!
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07-03-2009, 11:35 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
willow Wrote:How did you make out in the end CW? Hopefully the other battle ends soon, and we can proceed to exact our revenge! :mad:

Well, we were making ground against a bunch of dug MG nests - tanks (justifiably) had to hold back as long as possible so we could smoke out guns before they took out too many of the T34s . so troops starting taking casualties close to the cross roads.. if we are in those positions for the next phase, we will be in a good position to take the intersection and start moving around the south of the town..
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07-03-2009, 02:32 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
While w are waiting for the final battle to finish up, how would you guys like to be shown the condition of your forces? I could just do a post here, or I could do text in a pdf, or I could prepare a blank map in cmbb and put together the forces that you will have under your control and you would be able to take a look at them and see for yourselves where and what you have to work with. Or I caould do a sort of combination, or maybe you guys have an idea. Just trying to give both sides the whole picture. Anyhow, think about it and let me know.
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07-03-2009, 04:20 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Hi Ratzki;

I personally like symbols on the google map. Of course the .pdf AARs are awesome too. I've forgotten what reinforcements we actually will be getting. It would be great to have a reminder of what we're getting and where.

Combat Wombat; I'd say you did very well given your position. It'll be interesting to see how much ground you are able to keep. If I remember rightly, you'll get at least some 76mm spotters.

Herroberst; What do you think of me detaching my SMG company to you? They are useless in the open, where I am heading, whereas you have a lot of close-quarter battling ahead.

And once again, thanks Ratzki for putting this on!cheers
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07-03-2009, 04:55 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
For sure showing up in the next battle will be 2x 76.2mm FO's. One going to group north the other, group south. As well, you have a platoon of 82mm Mortars heading towards group centre. Your side might change move orders but I think that all are close enough to pretty much get anywhere you may want them. I will be posting the next reinforcement picks as soon as the last battle is in.
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07-03-2009, 11:46 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Thanks Ratzki. Another question - since the last battles were mid-day, can we assume the next battles will be the following day (ie. 24DEC)? Or is it possible to have dusk battles right after on the same day? Just curious.
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07-04-2009, 01:28 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
That will kind of be up to you guys. I will get into it more once I get the final game result. The first day is the most disjointed as I have to get a bunch of things moving all at once. Now that the game is moving along I can bring the rest of the stuff online. Mostly it will have to do with limits on the reinforcements, such as the Russian side is only able to buy "X" number more T-34 platoons total, for the rest of the game. Some ammunition and fatigue rules will come into effect, influenced by the number of times that a unit engages in combat. I have broken down the reinforcement phase so that every turn both sides will have the chance to buy units, I just took the total number for the day and broke them up randomly for the 4 phases in the day. I am still trying not to burden you guys with rules and such and keep it simple, but give each player opportunities to discuss tactics, and new units, should we battle or not and wait for reinforcements to arrive, ect. I would rather have it that way and let the players focus on having a good time and playing a game.
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07-06-2009, 04:58 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
The last game is complete. I will be at work till Tuesday, but am almost complete with the prep for the next phase and will get right on it when i get home.
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