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Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
07-06-2009, 10:41 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Ratzi, okay, thanks. I understand there are five Russian players now: Combat Wombat; Willow; Herroberst; Raz a'toth; and Rommel.

I would like to apportion two Commanders in the south and two in the north and by that I mean south and north of the city. What I would like to try and achieve is a double envelopment. So I will keep pressuring the center while the wing Commanders push deep and then in towards the city cutting off its supply and then taking high value objectives.

Ratzi, If you need to, you can assign one of the new guys to the center and I will just be overall strategic Commander if that works better for you. In that case please assign Raz to Center Task Force. Where did Rommel fight - South South - if so leave him there to go deep?

Let me know what the forces and reinforcement will look like when you get a chance. If we can shift forces within our existing task forces without any penalty then there is some shifting I want to do, i.e. send SMGs to the center and rifles to Willow and Combat Wombat and the 82mm mortars split between Willow and Combat Wombat. The 76mm FO's to Willow and Combat.

Welcome aboard Raz and Rommel.

So, strategic intent is: Affect Double Envelopment of Tatsinskya

Willow - go deep, get on that motorway and push deep
Combat - take that cross roads
Raz - if assigned north north go deep, if assigned center then keep pushing into the city - I did not take any appreciable casualties in my game so you are well disposed to continue into the city and keep German attention
Rommel - if assigned south south go deep

If you run into major trouble do not destroy your task force trying for an objective, try to keep it intact, and go around the trouble next turn - except for Combat, I want to control that crossroads.
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07-10-2009, 02:56 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Here is the Russian side update, please ask questions untill we are all clear as to what has/is happening next.

.pdf   Russian Overview Forces.pdf (Size: 644.85 KB / Downloads: 18)
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07-10-2009, 03:45 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
I have a little time now and will try to address some things that I feel may come up.
-You do not have to attack, move or anything else. If you feel that you need an extra phase for some added reinforcements, or feel that you want to shore up some defences, then go ahead.
-Keep track of your own forces, as far as what is what. I have a master list for my own records but do not want to get into "How many tanks are there in such-in-such platoon?" A platoon will be referred to as such by me untill they cease to exist or must be disbanded due to too many losses. So a T-70 platoon could represent 5 tanks or just 1.
-Weather will be posted after the Mid Day phase and will be accurate.
-The main roads of supply for each side will have to be cut in just one place in order to break the supply of the side. All three will have to be cut somewhere in order to totally cut the side off from being resupplied by the out side.
-Units at the front lines will be able to move to join other units at the front line as they wish as long as they have enough time to move to the new location. Mix and match as you wish.
-4 infantry type companies and 3 armor platoons max. per battle. Unlimited support units. This is just to try to keep the battles sort of small, and make the battles a little more even.

There, that is all I can come up with at the moment, a copy of this post will be posted for the other side to read as well.
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07-13-2009, 05:37 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-14-2009, 05:04 AM by willow.)
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Hi Ratzki - a few questions;

Will there be 3 games next turn, with some players doubling up, or can we create additional task groups with commanders as suggested by herroberst?

For the sake of argument, if we gave the sample movement orders below, is there a chance we would be able to effect all those changes and plots by the next morning? Or are we looking at it taking longer?

Herroberst, is this what you had in mind? I put the north armor group going cross-country to that north crossroads. I'm just thinking the Germans would almost certainly put a blocking force on the hiway? Just a thought.

[Image: Seconggame-Northforce.png]
The following transfers to take place;
SMG company from north and south forces to join Centre force. Rifle Company from Centre to be divided between North and South forces
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07-13-2009, 05:44 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
What's everyone's thoughts on the reinforcements? 3 more T-34 platoons sure look appealing. That would leave 2 points. We could save them, or get the Sturmovik given the weather forecast? Or 4 trucks to improve our mobility? 1 more T-70 platoon would be handy too!
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07-14-2009, 01:42 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-14-2009, 01:43 AM by Ratzki.)
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
-Would you be able to effect the moves?... I would have to see when the order comes, but it would be close. Just troops travelling by foot would be the issue. Even though you are fighting on maps with light snow, the conditions are worse, especially cross-country. If you did not make it by Dusk, they all would be there by the next morning. Because there is not combat at night, might be a whole lot safer moving then.
-You can create as many TF's as you wish.
-The number of battles is a result of your moves and the German moves, so there could be as many battles as you have TF's or none at all. If it is none, we will just move on to the next phase and carry on. With the increased visibility, both you and the enemy will have a much longer LOS, and should be able to spot enemy movement easily. If there was only one battle then each player would play the same battle, or we could work something out by making several smaller battles that each person could play.
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07-14-2009, 07:09 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Ratzi, reinforcements are 3 x T-34 platoon and 1 x T-70 platoon - I want it to move straight East on the most northern Russian Supply Route, objective is that first crossroads and then onto motorway and continue East.
Willow's graphic is accurate. As I said before, 1 each FO to South TF and North TF, split up the mortar section and half each to South and North TF. Willow to move up to that road to the intersection and go deep, linking up with the North/North TF made up of reinforcements - Raz a'toth to command the North/North TF. Combat Wombat to take that crossroads and push deep if possible. Take one T-34 platoon from Center TF and give to South with one rifle platoon mounted on it.
Lets keep non mobile intra TF transfers for the night phase.
Ratzi, what about Rommel's battle I do not see it on the graphic?
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07-14-2009, 07:55 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Last round there were only 3 battles going on, but i had 4 pairs of players, so I just had two players play the Southern battle and took the average from both with reguards to losses and such.
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07-16-2009, 05:12 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
All reinforcement purchases, movement orders, must be completed by 23rd of July. A little extra time for people that might actually have a life and go on vacations.:)
Thanks guys.
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07-16-2009, 06:52 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
See my email two up. I think I answered those questions. Let me know if unclear or more questions:

New Reinforcements 3 x T-34 platoons and 1 T-70 platoon to use most northern Russian supply road and drive directly East (Raz a'toth to command).

North TF (Willow) to drive up road to the Northwest to the motorway intersection and link up with TF Raz then drive East together. 1 FO to Willow, half 82mm mortars to Willow

Center TF (Rommel) to drive East into town expecting to have early contact. Center TF to give up 1 x T-34 platoon and one rifle platoon (mounted) to South TF.

South TF (Combat Wombat) to continue to attack that crossroads. 1 FO to Combat, half 82mm mortars to Combat.

Herroberst will not battle but just command on this one.
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