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Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
07-17-2009, 06:25 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
s this what you wanted done?
-I have the new North TF meeting the new reinforcements at the crossroads and all continuing west along the road.
-TF Northwest...? What are they doing?
- TF Centre...? What are they doing?
-TF South...? What are they doing?
-TF Southwest is crossing the road as indicated and skirting the airstrip towards the southern most German supply road.

Just making sure that this is correct, if there are no orders for a group then I will assum they are holding up and digging in for defense. Again, these orders may be interupted by the presence of German troops.
[Image: Clarify.png]
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07-20-2009, 11:33 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls

New Reinforcements 3 x T-34 platoons and 1 T-70 platoon to use most northern Russian supply road and drive directly East (Raz a'toth to command TF North).

Northwest TF (Willow) to drive up road to the Northwest to the motorway intersection and link up with TF Raz then drive East together. 1 FO to Willow, half 82mm mortars to Willow. Whoever gets to intersection first can lead the drive to the East.

Center TF (Rommel) to drive East into town expecting to have early contact. Center TF to give up 1 x T-34 platoon and one rifle platoon (mounted) to South TF.

Southwest TF (Combat Wombat) to continue to attack that crossroads. 1 FO to Combat, half 82mm mortars to Combat. If the crossroads are abandoned then skirt town to south and get to German supply road.

Herroberst will not battle but just command on this one.
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07-20-2009, 11:37 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Oh, I see we have another TF South - is this Rommel's? If so, then yes, TF South can drive East per schematic. TF Southwest to take that crossroads (Combat Wombat) and continue East. I will continue to command the TF Center if Rommel is on the TF South.
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07-21-2009, 12:16 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Roger that ...
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07-21-2009, 02:43 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
herroberst Wrote:Oh, I see we have another TF South - is this Rommel's? If so, then yes, TF South can drive East per schematic. TF Southwest to take that crossroads (Combat Wombat) and continue East. I will continue to command the TF Center if Rommel is on the TF South.

Looks good herroberst. Just 1 observation - the weather is supposed to be clear(er) if I read Ratzki's weather report correctly. The proposed track as shown on the map skirts the airfield by 1 km roughly. Given the featureless terrain there, any guns on/at the airfield could possibly hold us up - could we give it a wider berth, even an extra 500 m? Ratzki, is that possible, or are we limited to the map that we see?

There is also the Northwest group without a commander at the moment. I could continue commanding it, and then Raz could command the North group as one. Ratzki, is it reasonable to assume the 2 armor groups could link up and then approach that north intersection as a whole this phase? Herroberst as for the Northwest group - what do suggest? The mortars and FO will make life a lot easier, but it could swing left and act in unison with your group, continue straight, or even swing to the right and put pressure on that supply road. :chin:
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07-21-2009, 02:57 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
-If you want the group to skirt wider and try to stay out of sight, that is possible but I have to take in the abstracted situation. There are other units in the area that I can not represent, I do not want the edge of the map to be used by either side. So I will have to abstract a percentage chance that they are seen. The group will not be engaged but might be seen. Specially as they near the German supply road. I think that the chances of being seen increase with the distance to that road, but you will be able to skirt the airstrip LOS ad units near the strip if you wanted.
-I was under the impression that TF south was to split and become like the TF north. If I am wrong, please correct me.
-Yes you will be able to time the arrival of the two TF's and get to the north intersection at about the same time if you want.
-I still need a order for TF South.
-You ae not limited to the map that you see, but I have to put somewhat of a limit on things, right now I see nothing that would indicate that you want to use more of the map then I feel comfortable allowing.

Anything else, just let me know, and I will answer best as I can.
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07-21-2009, 03:35 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Thanks Ratzki. That answers my question.

I hope I didn't confuse anything - the South force did divide into 2. If I read herroberst correct, rommell is to take the armor and riders (South force) around the airstrip, CW continues for the crossraods with the infantry (Southwest force).

Ratzki, a few posts ago herroberst mentioned 1 of his T-34 platoons (with riders) was to join the Southwest group - your latest map did not reflect that I think:bow:
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07-21-2009, 10:56 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls

New Reinforcements 3 x T-34 platoons and 1 T-70 platoon to use most northern Russian supply road and drive directly East (Raz a'toth to command TF North).

Northwest TF (Willow) to drive up road to the Northwest to the motorway intersection and link up with TF Raz then drive East together. 1 FO to Willow, half 82mm mortars to Willow. Whoever gets to intersection first can lead the drive to the East. Intent is to have a strong force to drive East and then swerve South across the German supply routes. For now I want the two TFs to stay separate then combine on the objective with Raz taking that over and Willow taking over Center at that point.

Center TF (Herroberst) to drive East into town expecting to have early contact. Center TF to give up 1 x T-34 platoon and one rifle platoon (mounted) to South TF (he needs reinforceing a bit).

Southwest TF (Combat Wombat) to continue to attack that crossroads. 1 FO to Combat, half 82mm mortars to Combat. If the crossroads are abandoned then skirt town to south and get to German supply road. Combat is reinforced with tanks from Center as per above. However, Combat, if you run into stiff resistance do not incur significant casualties - wait for reinforcements or when Center TF can drop South to support you.

South TF (Rommel) go directly East as far as you can.
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07-22-2009, 02:54 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Ok, I am pretty sure that I have it now. The German side is working away like mad trying to figure out their next step. Looks like both will be finished in time. Thanks
Willow, I have the riders noted, I thought that I put a platoon in but maybe I did not. Thanks for clearing things up. As confusing as it can be from your side, you should see it from my chair.Eek Thanks for everyone working so hard to keep things moving along on track and not being too critical of my mistakes.
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07-22-2009, 04:37 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
All thanks go to you Ratzkicheers
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