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DRAO V2.0 is back in H2H testing.
07-22-2009, 01:05 PM,
DRAO V2.0 is back in H2H testing.
After much delay and procrastination, I submitted 'Death Road' At Oltarzew V2.0 for testing yesterday. I apologize for the substantial delay, but hope members will test the latest version for me once it becomes available.

Major changes in 2.0 include more units, both German and Polish, stronger Polish forces, fewer rubbled hexes allowing for easier movement, a more "realistic" Allied OOB, victory hexes worth more.

I firmly believe 2.0 represents a major improvement compared to 1.0, and I hope that all those who test find the same thing. Thanks in advance!
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07-22-2009, 08:53 PM,
RE: DRAO V2.0 is back in H2H testing.
Here's a description of **'Death Road' At Oltarzew:

[Oltarzew, 15 km W of Warsaw]: [H2H] [HISB] [TS/GD]: By September 8th, 1939, the lead elements of the 4th Panzer Division, to which the motorized infantry of the "Leibstandarte" were subordinated, had reached the southwestern outskirts of Warsaw. The advance unit of this division, Aufklärungsabteilung 7 (AA7), proceeded toward Oltarzew and Domaniew but quickly found itself in a defensive struggle against increasingly strong counterattacks from Polish units attempting to break through to Warsaw from the west. After repulsing a number of attacks and destroying several armored trains, the recon battalion ran low on ammunition and was forced to withdraw southward into Pruskow, leaving open the left flank and rear of its parent division, now facing Warsaw. As the troopers of the Leibstandarte arrived at nightfall, they and AA7 were ordered to capture Domaniew, Oltarzew and Kaputy, thus securing the open rear flank of Reinhardt's 4th Panzer Division. In the middle of the night, the troops of the LSSAH and AA7 collided near Oltarzew with Polish troops of Army Lodz moving east and desperate to effect a link-up with the defenders of Warsaw. The action quickly became a confused, bitterly-contested melee, as the Polish soldiers bravely threw themselves headlong at the Germans. By morning, Polish resistance had collapsed, leaving the road through Oltarzew choked with dead and dying soldiers, civilians and horses. The grisly results of the night's action would leave a lasting impression on even the most hardened: after the war, Kurt Meyer of the LSSAH described the scene as a, "death road". [N VV][This scenario borrows the excellent map from Charlie Kibler's original "A Bump in the Night"; OOBs for LSSAH and AA 7 are correct, Polish OOB is speculative, but based on units of Army Lodz which might have been retreating through the Oltarzew area at that time; this is version 2.0;]

Complexity: 7
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07-23-2009, 03:32 AM,
RE: DRAO V2.0 is back in H2H testing.
Alex, i did try to contact you about the old version but with no success, i wish you luck with the updated scenario, we are having some great results with CS H2H testing just now, but only when the designer does some leg work to drum up testers by posting on the forum and using the feedback to produce updated versions which can then be retested. :)
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07-26-2009, 12:35 AM,
RE: DRAO V2.0 is back in H2H testing.
Anybody worthy opponents out there want to help me test 2.0? I'd like to play as the Poles.
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07-26-2009, 05:12 PM,
RE: DRAO V2.0 is back in H2H testing.
Steelrain60 Wrote:Anybody worthy opponents out there want to help me test 2.0? I'd like to play as the Poles.

I'll give it a shot if you haven't found an opponent yet - e-mail me at [email protected]
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08-04-2009, 11:32 AM,
RE: DRAO V2.0 is back in H2H testing.
Bringing this thread back to the top. Got a couple of games going, but I'm playing in both. Any two players interested in helping me this one by playing each other?
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