I need your help regarding the new scenarios area of the blitz.What i need is you to tell me what info particular to CS should be captured/displayed.To give you an example,take a look here:
You'll no doubt notice,this fields:
Modified Complexity
Allied Supply Level
Allied Smoke Rounds
Allied Air Power?
Axis Supply Level
Axis Smoke Rounds
Axis Air Power?
My questions are:
1)Are any other fields necessarily?
2)Are some of those fields not needed anymore?
3)Is the 'Is this a custom or a stock scenario?' question relevant for CS games?
Ok,some other questions for you:
1)There are fields like major_defeat/minor_defeat/minor_victory/major_victory.Shouldn't be there one for 'draw' too?
2)I assume the values for the above fields and for Complexity/Modified Complexity/Allied Supply Level/Allied Smoke Rounds are ALL numeric?
3)The values for Optional Rule Recommendations are boolean(as in true/false;yes/no)?
raz_atoth Wrote:Ok,some other questions for you:
1)There are fields like major_defeat/minor_defeat/minor_victory/major_victory.Shouldn't be there one for 'draw' too?
Yes, there should.
raz_atoth Wrote:2)I assume the values for the above fields and for Complexity/Modified Complexity/Allied Supply Level/Allied Smoke Rounds are ALL numeric?
Yes, they are all numeric. The victory levels are text, but are based off a numeric value. (for example: > 0 for a major defeat, 0-199 for a minor defeat, 200-299 for a draw, 300-499 minor victory and 500 up for a major victory)
raz_atoth Wrote:3)The values for Optional Rule Recommendations are boolean(as in true/false;yes/no)?
As they are based on a check on and off, I would assume yes.
Jason Petho
08-07-2009, 08:43 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-07-2009, 08:44 AM by Jason Petho.)