Hi Chaps
I am back from NZ.
It was a brutal one and I am still shell-shocked.
However, we did win...3-1...the gig in my hometown (Christchurch) was a shocker, so we lost that one :(
We even had a fire alarm go off there due to over-zealous use of a smoke machine!
It was perfectly in tune with the song that was playing and the band ended up singing along with it assuming that it was a new sample from the key player ha! Bloody classic!
My main guy, Liam Finn, ended up outside on the roof of our tour van playing Beatles songs to the crowd while they waited for the firemen to clear the building....bloody funny moment really...but we still didn't nail the gig.
The other three were perfect...hurrah!
Now...back to the war
Will be in touch with all oppos as soon as I can clear away the work crap that has built up in my absence.