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Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
10-12-2009, 12:53 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Yes, that is correct. As the battle progressed, the Russian side will see both a decrease in armor and points to spend, the German side will see the opposite occur. Today is the swing day where both sides will bee pretty close as far as points go. That being said, the reinforcement list for both sides are random, but weighted depending on what has been chosen and what is left. There are only so many T-34 platoons that can be chosen, they will run out, the more that they have been bought the less likely they will show up for purchase. So they may make a reappearance on the reiforcement list, or they might not depending on the odds.
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10-12-2009, 02:50 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Understood Ratzki. Thanks for the clarification.

Herr oberst, I'd say your plan is going smashingly, especially in the north. It looks like the Germans have been taken completely by surprise there. What are your thoughts on the next turn?
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10-14-2009, 02:05 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
My thoughts for the next round:

TF Raz: Complete push to supply road terminus then swing southwest. Question for Ratzi - if we reach the end of the supply road can German forces be introduced there in future, i.e. do we need to garrison that terminus or do we not have to worry about Germans coming in behind us? No reinforcements for TF Raz.

TF Centre under Willow: Push West. Reinforcements: 1 SMG company (5 points), 1 sniper (1 point).

TF South under Rommel: Recon and destroy enemy guns for future push to west/northwest. Reinforcements: shift TF Southwests remaining armor to TF South, add one sniper (1 point). Try to save your armor.

TF Southwest under Wombat: Go on defense, build fortifications, try to recon enemy positions for later use. Shift your armor to TF South. Reinforcements: 1 medium ATG platoon (4 points), 1 sniper (1 point)

Eventual goal will be to have TF's Raz, Centre, and South converge at some point west of the city while TF Southwest protects that flank.

Questions from commanders?
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10-14-2009, 02:33 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
herroberst Wrote:TF Raz: Complete push to supply road terminus then swing southwest. Question for Ratzi - if we reach the end of the supply road can German forces be introduced there in future, i.e. do we need to garrison that terminus or do we not have to worry about Germans coming in behind us? No reinforcements for TF Raz.
No, German forces cannot be introduced there. No garrison will be required. A little abstract I know, but it's the best I can do. Suppy roads will supply units, within reason, thatcan draw a line from their position to a main supply road. The city is where it is a little more tricky, as long as the supply route does not look like a garden maze things will go smoothly, I will have to look at each situation in the city individually.
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10-14-2009, 05:00 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Okay, great. Thanks.
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10-14-2009, 08:31 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Hi herroberst;

Sounds good to me. The only question, do you want me to bypass that big factory complex in the middle of town? I see it is worth something like 15 points on Ratzki's map, and I suspect it is heavily garrisoned considering the fire I took in the last few minutes of my game.

As well, could TF Raz spare an FO or 2 from hos force? I could use some HE and/or smoke to get in close to the Germans in town.

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10-14-2009, 09:54 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
If you can get into a position to pound the factory complex with tank fire and rubble it then advance would be one idea. Otherwise, wait to assault it until I can get you an FO next turn... unless other TF Commanders agree to part with theirs. In the meantime keep pushing West and expand your presence in the town. Am sending you a SMG Company for reinforcements.

Hit 'em where they ain't!
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10-14-2009, 02:14 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Understood, and will comply!
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10-14-2009, 11:30 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Depending on climatic conditions maybe you can advance under the dust generated by the collapsing buildings. If not possible I might suggest waiting to rubble the buildings when you can then occupy them rather than rubble them and not occupy since that would strengthen the garrison there next turn. If one of the other TF commanders can give you an FO for smoke then you could do it this turn.
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10-15-2009, 03:47 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
With just the 3 T-34s and some 50mm mortars, it would take a good number of turns to reduce that factory complex. Since speed and encirclement is our goal, maybe I should just leave it for now. Whatever they have inside will be on foot, with maybe a few trucks, so we probably don't have to worry about them breaking out and striking into our rear?
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