I was able to replicate this issue.
To add more information....
The LC group starts in the following hexes. If you give them orders to move forward they stop in the following hexes.
11,8 ----> 12,10 (s/b able to move to 13,13)
12,7 ----> 13,9 (s/b able to move to 15,12)
14,7 ----> 17,12
All are identical LC with only 30 men and in line formation.
The first two encounter the "wedding cake slope" hex side and stop after two hexes of movement.
The third unit starts on the lower slope, but then crosses another 10m "wedding cake slope" hex side with no problem.
In 3D zoom mode the upper 10m slope graphic actually looks twice as tall as the lower slope 10m graphic. I doubt the graphic is the issue, unless it is linked to something in the code for the hex side?
Issuing orders individually instead of using group commands does not change the situation. The first two units show their movement ending after traversing the first two hexes when the highlight orders placed command is made. The third units shows it will move without hindrance. When the turn is executed, the movement is exactly like it is shown in the highlight orders placed mode.
In the second turn, the first two units can move only one hex; down the slope.
12,10 ----> 12,11
13,9 ----> 14,10
Dog Soldier
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp