03-25-2010, 11:16 AM,
Technical Sergeant

Posts: 146
Joined: Mar 2009
Making Units/Missing Units ?
I believe I saw something posted about creating your own units but not sure if it was for JTCS or I was imagining it :) The reason I am asking about this is I am designing 2 scenarios, one WF and one EF and both involve Railroad Artillery (RA). Historically there was Railroad Artillery on both fronts, and what I was looking for in EF OOB was the 80cm Gustav which was used in the siege of Sevastopol along with the Karl Mortars and and the siege Leningrad. The problem is and unless I am missing them, there are no Railroad Artillery units in any of the EF OOBs for any year during the war, in fact there are many units which do not show up in either WF or EF. There is RA in the WF OOBs but only 280 mm. What I though might work was to place a few of the WF RA in a zip and insert it into the EF folder and open it but when I did, the units were entirely different from what I zipped, I believe they turned into some sort of Inf unit, so you can not mix and match WF units with EF units and vice versa. So my question is, can I create the 80cm RA unit or any other units which may be missing from either the WF or EF OOB? Thanks for any assistance.
03-25-2010, 11:37 AM,
RE: Making Units/Missing Units ?
(03-25-2010, 11:16 AM)Troll Wrote: I believe I saw something posted about creating your own units but not sure if it was for JTCS or I was imagining it :) The reason I am asking about this is I am designing 2 scenarios, one WF and one EF and both involve Railroad Artillery (RA). Historically there was Railroad Artillery on both fronts, and what I was looking for in EF OOB was the 80cm Gustav which was used in the siege of Sevastopol along with the Karl Mortars and and the siege Leningrad. The problem is and unless I am missing them, there are no Railroad Artillery units in any of the EF OOBs for any year during the war, in fact there are many units which do not show up in either WF or EF. There is RA in the WF OOBs but only 280 mm. What I though might work was to place a few of the WF RA in a zip and insert it into the EF folder and open it but when I did, the units were entirely different from what I zipped, I believe they turned into some sort of Inf unit, so you can not mix and match WF units with EF units and vice versa. So my question is, can I create the 80cm RA unit or any other units which may be missing from either the WF or EF OOB? Thanks for any assistance.
There are the Karl 040 600mm Siege Mortars and Karl 041 540mm Siege Mortars availabe in East Front, you could use them in the meantime.
Otherwise, adding a new unit to the new unit request form found here would be ideal and they can be added to the next 1.05 UPDATE for the Matrix Campaign Series.
Unfortunately, the EF OOB's and WF OOB's are not interchangable.
Jason Petho
03-25-2010, 11:38 AM,
RE: Making Units/Missing Units ?
Joe...the Matrix site has a section under JTCS for Request for New Units. I put one in a while back for the little 80 cm toy Schwerer Gustav and Dora. It was not a good submission, I regret to say,using precise phraseology such as "bloody great thing." My only excuse is that it is a widely known piece of kit amongst the aficionados. Anyway, a request for this amazing weapon is in the works. JP might be able to tell us if it is a possibility.
03-25-2010, 12:12 PM,
Technical Sergeant

Posts: 146
Joined: Mar 2009
RE: Making Units/Missing Units ?
Thanks Guys :)
03-26-2010, 02:56 AM,
Technical Sergeant

Posts: 117
Joined: Dec 2009
RE: Making Units/Missing Units ?
Hi Troll,The unit viewer shows in east front armoured trains, rail guns ,troop trains and supply trains ect.I have not made a scenario yet so I don't know if the game allows you to place them in a scenario.Best Regards Pointman.
03-26-2010, 04:21 AM,
RE: Making Units/Missing Units ?
Hi Troll,
I don't know about EF but I've built a scenario with trains and rail guns, they all load, unload and fire ok.