04-19-2010, 12:23 PM,
(This post was last modified: 04-19-2010, 12:26 PM by Ubercat.)

Posts: 42
Joined: Apr 2010
New Player PzC Questions
Hi everyone. I recently bought my first PzC game, Smolensk '41, and I'm really excited by this system!
I had a misconception about John Tillers games for years. I thought that they were just simplistic ports of a generic board game system that didn't really utilize the strengths of computers very well. I read a post on a forum some time back that gave me that impression, and as a consequence I never looked too closely at them.
Recently I've been craving a more traditional type WW2 game, so I started researching and discovered my error. I'm glad that my misconception was finally dispelled, but sorry I missed all these years that I could have been playing PzC. :(
I have a few questions for the veteran players. First, I should point out that I have Vista 64 and haven't been able to access in-game help, even though I DL'd and installed the Microsoft WGAplugininstall file to make .hlp files work.
I'm a little lost as far as getting a handle on particular scenarios in the game. I could just play specific ones over and over and learn them by trial and error, but I'd rather save some time by reading slightly more detailed descriptions than the 1-2 paragraph blurbs that you see when you pick a scenario.
Is there a good source for synopsis of specific scenarios? I'm especially interested in the VolcanoMan Alt scenarios, as I want to play MP after I get better with the mechanics in solo play. I see that there's an in-game option for Campaign Notes under help. Are these more detailed descriptions of scenarios? If so, is there a simple text version of these files available some where since I can't use .hlp files?
How do people tend to use their motorcycle battalions on the eastern front? Some have recon abilities, and some don't. I have a good idea how to use the recon ones, as the optional recon spotting rule looks to be VERY useful. What about non-recon motorcycles?
How do I go about breaking battalions down into companies? I haven't been able to make this work, yet. Is the ability strictly set by scenario?
That's all for now. There will certainly be more questions later! I'm looking forward to applying to join the appropriate ladder for this game and having the challenge of a human opponent.
04-19-2010, 01:11 PM,

Posts: 984
Joined: Mar 2001
RE: New Player PzC Questions
Motorcycles: First off, realize that motorcycle units are very fast, but only when in travel mode. Otherwise they're just like other footsoldiers. They are even faster than truck-borne (motorized) infantry.
Next, take a look at the pdf file (accessed through help). Scroll down to the movement costs for various types of units. Note what types of terrain are prohibited to what types of units. You'll find that motorcycle units can go pretty much anywhere.
Companies: There is a +/- button on the control panel up top. This breaks down units, so long as they have the (+++) symbol next to their unit ID. The buttons re-unites companies of the same formation so long as they're in the same hex and are both highlighted.
Not everyone can break down into companies. The Russians in Smolensk, for instance, cannot.
04-19-2010, 01:37 PM,
Posts: 1
Joined: Apr 2009
RE: New Player PzC Questions
Quote:Is there a good source for synopsis of specific scenarios? I'm especially interested in the VolcanoMan Alt scenarios, as I want to play MP after I get better with the mechanics in solo play. I see that there's an in-game option for Campaign Notes under help. Are these more detailed descriptions of scenarios? If so, is there a simple text version of these files available some where since I can't use .hlp files?
If you navigate to where the game is actually installed on your hard disk, if you have the software to make .hlp readable outside of the game, you should be able to open up the various .hlp files.
Not sure why you've downloaded the Windows verification programme, but there is a genuine MS programme for Vista 64 which allows you to open old .hlp files. Here's a link to it: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/detai...laylang=en
All the best,
04-20-2010, 12:08 AM,
Glenn Saunders
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RE: New Player PzC Questions
(04-19-2010, 12:23 PM)Ubercat Wrote: I had a misconception about John Tillers games for years. I thought that they were just simplistic ports of a generic board game system that didn't really utilize the strengths of computers very well. I read a post on a forum some time back that gave me that impression, and as a consequence I never looked too closely at them.
I'd sure like to know where you saw that post that lead you astray if you happen to recall where it was.
Quote:I have a few questions for the veteran players. First, I should point out that I have Vista 64 and haven't been able to access in-game help, even though I DL'd and installed the Microsoft WGAplugininstall file to make .hlp files work.
You know the docs are in WOrd format as well and the newer games have them in PDF format. So there are other options for docs as they are common for the entire series.
04-20-2010, 03:46 AM,

Posts: 42
Joined: Apr 2010
RE: New Player PzC Questions
(04-20-2010, 12:08 AM)Glenn Saunders Wrote: (04-19-2010, 12:23 PM)Ubercat Wrote: I had a misconception about John Tillers games for years. I thought that they were just simplistic ports of a generic board game system that didn't really utilize the strengths of computers very well. I read a post on a forum some time back that gave me that impression, and as a consequence I never looked too closely at them.
I'd sure like to know where you saw that post that lead you astray if you happen to recall where it was.
Quote:I have a few questions for the veteran players. First, I should point out that I have Vista 64 and haven't been able to access in-game help, even though I DL'd and installed the Microsoft WGAplugininstall file to make .hlp files work.
You know the docs are in WOrd format as well and the newer games have them in PDF format. So there are other options for docs as they are common for the entire series.
I'm guessing it was on the wargamer. The only phrase I recall from that post was roughly "If you play one Tiller game, you've played them all." It's been at least 6 years, so I can't recall any more specifics. At the time, it made me think of being younger and trying board war games that I didn't like very much because they didn't innovate anything, had ugly maps, and weren't very realistic. I'm thinking of some of the old, generic, cookie cutter Avalon Hill games from the late 70's. It may be that the poster wasn't even attacking the game, but couldn't anticipate the connotations that it brought up for one of his readers.
The few days that I've had this game have proven that my old assumptions were nonsense!
I just managed to install the correct file for help, despite Microsofts obtuseness. Their link for the DL just led in circles. Two files available, with obcure names that gave no clue which (if either) was the correct one to get.:angry: Any way, it works now and that's all that matters.
Thanks for your feedback, guys. I'll post more as stuff comes up.
04-20-2010, 04:10 AM,
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2010, 04:13 AM by Volcano Man.)
Volcano Man
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RE: New Player PzC Questions
(04-20-2010, 03:46 AM)Ubercat Wrote: I just managed to install the correct file for help, despite Microsofts obtuseness. Their link for the DL just led in circles. Two files available, with obcure names that gave no clue which (if either) was the correct one to get.:angry: Any way, it works now and that's all that matters.
Thanks for your feedback, guys. I'll post more as stuff comes up.
Hello and welcome,
If I recall correctly, and I could be wrong, but there are two files that seem identical but one has "32x" and the other has "64x" on the end of them. You have to download and install the appropriate one that matches your Windows OS version, either one for 32 bit or 64 bit. You can see the type of OS you have by right clicking on "My Computer" and selection "properties". In the window that opens it will specify whether you have a 32 bit or 64 bit Windows Vista or Windows 7 install.
EDIT: Oh wait, my mistake, I think I am thinking of something else. :eek1: Oh well, this might be useful to know if you ever seem to have a choice of two identical looking files to download for Windows in the future...
04-20-2010, 04:46 AM,
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2010, 04:47 AM by James Ward.)
James Ward
Master Sergeant

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RE: New Player PzC Questions
Some people consider the engine to be old because it hasn't changed much over the years. Personally I like not having to learn the basics of game play each time I buy a title. The continuity is a plus in my book!
04-20-2010, 05:07 AM,

Posts: 414
Joined: Sep 2006
RE: New Player PzC Questions
The User Interface consistency, across eras is also a big plus for Tiller games. Play a Panzer Campaign game, and you can jump right into Nappy or Civil War or Early American battles or others using a familiar, easy to use interface.
04-20-2010, 08:31 AM,

Posts: 984
Joined: Mar 2001
RE: New Player PzC Questions
(04-20-2010, 03:46 AM)Ubercat Wrote: The only phrase I recall from that post was roughly "If you play one Tiller game, you've played them all."
Well, when it comes to the game engine and the interface, this is sort of true, although the different series all have some important distinctions.
Having said that, there is a world of difference between Kursk and France '40, for just a single example.
04-20-2010, 11:44 AM,

Posts: 42
Joined: Apr 2010
RE: New Player PzC Questions
Thanks again, guys. VolcanoMan, since you're in the neighborhood I'd like to ask a couple of general questions about your scenarios.
I've read that they're balanced specifically for multiplayer. Would it be fair to say that they're better balanced for MP, in general, than the stock scenarios? For example, I read in a post about Minsk'44 recently that it's basically impossible for the Germans to win. While this makes sense, as they were greatly outnumbered, a well balanced game would make it fairly possible to win in terms of points. The German player could win half the time, even though he always gets stomped across the map. It's all in how badly he gets stomped.
Do the alt scenarios do a better job in balancing victory points, overall? I realize that they also strive for more historical accuracy in the units, which wouldn't of itself improve play balance.
Also, what do you think the best ways for a new player to familiarize with your scenarios would be? Are their detailed notes I can read, that highlight the main strategic possibilities based on the starting OOB's plus the timing and location of reinforcements?
Or should I just start hot seat games with myself and look around at what's where and what reinforcements look like for each side? I guess I'm just trying to get out of some work.:whis: