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Problems with pack animals
05-01-2010, 07:13 PM,
Problems with pack animals
A terrific addition to our game (according to Wiki, the US Army still uses mules in Afghanistan). Italy might have been their main theatre in WWII Europe,and they were common in the Pacific, but pack animals were around in all armies up to the 50s, I think

There do appear to be two or three "mule" issues in CS which need attention. Since we do not need to cart stuff such as ammo, food, water and fuel in CS the prime use of pack animals is the carriage of small artillery pieces. In actuality, these weapons.... typically 75mm calibre or less... were designed specifically for animal carriage, and broke down into a certain number of pack loads. This means that one eg 75 mm pack howitzer needed more than one mule to carry it...maybe a team of 6 or so. At present in JTCS 1SP of mules/horses/camels carries 1SP of pack arty.
For realism, I would like to see this reduced to 3/1 or 4/1. A reverse of the truck capacity alteration.
And there is no allowance for unloading and assembly. This took time. Recommend 100 AP be needed to unload and assemble. Currently a mule can unload a 75mm PH and get a shot off in one turn. Unrealistic, but easy to fix, I guess.
As many of you know, I HATE aspects of CS that are absurd. A level of absurdity situation exists with pack animals, which can load and transport stuff like 25pdrs, 105mm German guns, 150mm Nebelwerfer, 37mm AA, 75mm PAK etc etc. I don't know if the game can do anything to limit the capability of mules etc to specially designated loads. But there you are...nothing comes without a cost.
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05-03-2010, 09:10 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-03-2010, 09:48 PM by Kool Kat.)
RE: Problems with pack animals
Hi Rod: :)

You do have an "eagle eye" when it comes to CS and the game aspects that need attention and correction!

Why don't you compile a detailed list of CS corrections... and submit to Jason? Maybe also post your detailed list to the MCS User Wishlist thread on the John Tiller's Campaign Series forums? I know that Jason and the Matrix Crew are trying to collect all CS suggestions, additions, changes, etc. in one common thread for the next update.

Jason might see your input here... or might remember it when it comes time for the next update? :chin: But communicating directly with Jason and inputing directly in the appropriate John Tiller forum thread might increase the odds that your suggestions will be acted upon? :chin:
Regards, Mike / "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton /
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05-03-2010, 10:55 PM,
RE: Problems with pack animals

I don't think the SP issue is really that big a deal. Unlike trucks, 1 SP of animals doesn't seem to indicate a single animal. For example, 1 SP of cavalry horse carries a 1/2 squad or more of men in calvalry platoons. So, it's more accurate to think of 1 SP of mules as "the number of mules sufficient to carry one gun".

I do agree 100% that the APs to unload should be higher. To be honest that is probably true of a lot of artillery when you think about it, even guns moved on full carriages probably took a while to get unlimbered, arranged, dug in, and ammo stacked nearby.

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05-04-2010, 06:55 AM,
RE: Problems with pack animals
(05-03-2010, 10:55 PM)Mike Abberton Wrote: KKR,

I don't think the SP issue is really that big a deal. Unlike trucks, 1 SP of animals doesn't seem to indicate a single animal. For example, 1 SP of cavalry horse carries a 1/2 squad or more of men in calvalry platoons. So, it's more accurate to think of 1 SP of mules as "the number of mules sufficient to carry one gun".

I do agree 100% that the APs to unload should be higher. To be honest that is probably true of a lot of artillery when you think about it, even guns moved on full carriages probably took a while to get unlimbered, arranged, dug in, and ammo stacked nearby.


Thanks Mike. I note your point on SPs. Most if not all of the heavier guns do have 100AP load/unload, as you know. This amount is appropriate in the CS context for pack arty. As for the idea of some poor donkey collapsing under the weight of a Bofors or Pak 40.... I suppose in a pinch one could hitch them up with a bit of rope, but I doubt that was the idea behind the addition. Should be an easy target.
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