06-04-2010, 06:07 AM,
Kool Kat
Lieutenant General

Posts: 2,493
Joined: Aug 2006
More then a Game?
Gents: :smoke:
I've read a few posts that have dismissed CS as a "mere game" and expressing bewilderment at why a player would be passionate about it.
On the surface, it is hard to explain the attraction for a 12 year old game engine with dated 2D graphics… non-stereo sound… and minimal system operating requirements… only 128MB RAM and 1.5GB free space on the hard disk drive!
There has to be more to it – right?
For me, who has always been interested in WWII military history… and combined arms… it was a “natural” progression from my early wargame years of pushing cardboard counter stacks around in Avalon Hill’s Panzerblitz and Panzer Leader board games.
I “discovered” East Front 2 (under the Talonsoft brand) about 10 years ago while browsing the shelves of a local computer software store. I remember how bewildered I was on all the different units, capabilities, and intimidated by the 240 page game manual. In those early years, I played the AI exclusively. I got pretty good at tactics... or so I thought until I discovered the Blitz in 2006, joined and then tried my first H2H play! I got "killed" by my human opponent. Moves and tactics that worked wonderfully against the AI failed miserably against a "live" opponent. Playing against a human opponent, I had to "unlearn" nearly everything that worked well when playing against the AI. But, over time, I worked through it, It took a few more “painful” years of losing a bunch of PBeM matches… before the light bulb went off in my head… and I finally “got it.” :eek1:
So, for me, I play CS for fun, and relaxation… being able to “explore” a historical era in a unique manner… through the mechanics of a game. But, it really is the fellowship and friends I have met and made over the years as a Blitz member that have made this game “special” for me. If it were not for the other players I have had the privilege to know and play against… I would have left this wargame hobby years ago.
So… yes, CS is a “game” … but so much more then a “mere” game!
Play on!
Regards, Mike / "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton /
06-04-2010, 06:16 AM,
Lint Farmer

Posts: 576
Joined: Mar 2005
RE: More then a Game?
That about sums it up.........well said!
06-04-2010, 06:45 AM,
RE: More then a Game?
06-04-2010, 07:23 AM,
RE: More then a Game?
After ten years, I'm still reading the manual, lol!
06-04-2010, 08:44 PM,
(This post was last modified: 06-04-2010, 08:45 PM by Kool Kat.)
Kool Kat
Lieutenant General

Posts: 2,493
Joined: Aug 2006
RE: More then a Game?
Gents: :smoke:
While on the subject of CS as a "game"... I encourage more Blitzers to at least "monitor" (or better contribute) to some of the CS threads on the Matrix Forums.
On the Matrix Forums, you will find a different breed of gamer... one who plays the AI exclusively... is more interested in solo linked campaigns then H2H scenarios... and prioritizes 3D graphics and other "eye candy" like destructable buildings over playablity or compatability concerns.
Current threads include "rebuilding the CS game engine" and "improving the AI"... again as a way to improve solo play.
I've also encountered, from some Matrix Forum posters, a kind of "hostility" or "indifference" to H2H play... [PBeM] "takes way too much time"... or "bits and pieces of PBEM games in fits and starts."
Again, I am not trying to set-up a "them versus us" mind set... but to highlight the fact that there is a growing pool of gamers... who do not have the history many Blitzers do with CS... do not play H2H matches... and are eager and ready to make whole scale changes to the CS game platform... in the name of solo play and 3D graphics.
I think it would be beneficial for the dialogue if more Blitzers monitored and contributed (where necessary) to the CS threads on the Matrix Forums. :cool2:
Regards, Mike / "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton /
06-04-2010, 11:56 PM,
Warrant Officer

Posts: 268
Joined: Aug 2007
RE: More then a Game?
I"ve been playing the game since when you played a linked campaign it got stuck in 43 I believe, before the 1st patch. My indifferance to playing is, that its just a game in the grand scheme of things.
I've never wanted to change the game for the sake of change, just because we can doesn't mean we should. I'm all for making the game look better eye candy is good candy. Changes will be made moving the game forward weather people like it or not. Just look at the extreme assualt, and varaible visability. Extreme assualt was susposed to be a little harder than disrupt, surround and capture,but to me turned out a whole lot harder. Jason says its not that hard, but he hasn't shared his way of mowing those pill boxes down yet. Varaible visability may work for a long battle but doesn't play well when you are playing this game. It really hurts only one side the Germans, with the longer range of there tanks. Just some observations from the casual player, who doesn't mind winning or losing as long as I have fun. Win if you can, lose if you must ,but remember to always have fun !!!
06-05-2010, 06:10 AM,
RE: More then a Game?
Whilst bearing in mind your comments KK, I think anyone who has paid money to buy the game is entitled to their opinion on the game? Obviously Matrix Forum is the place to do that in their' eyes.
For various reasons, many members don't contribute to the Blitz CS Forum, as it is, it's a bit unrealistic to think they'll bother to on the Matrix Forum?
Equally, whilst appreciating the Blitz heritage, it's a bit elitist to think we have the right to make ourselves the defining group on what happens to JTCS.
Just my opinion. Personally, I have been playing this game since it originally came out, I've accepted the changes, updates along the road and got on with it and adapted accordingly. Many others have more gaming experience than I have and I bow to that, hoping they make the right decisions for the game.
At the end of the day whose to say one's feelings on what should be in the game is any more important than someone else who spent their shillings on the game?
Even more important, I honestly think your comments are setting up a 'them vs us' mind set ? That's not an attack by the way, just trying to balance the debate.
Like chuck said, just have fun with the tools you are handed, don't screw yourself up over a game so much?
06-05-2010, 06:44 AM,
Kool Kat
Lieutenant General

Posts: 2,493
Joined: Aug 2006
RE: More then a Game?
(06-05-2010, 06:10 AM)glint Wrote: Whilst bearing in mind your comments KK, I think anyone who has paid money to buy the game is entitled to their opinion on the game?
Absolutely. Every CS player has an opinion? I'm entitled to mine... just like you are entitled to yours?
(06-05-2010, 06:10 AM)glint Wrote: Obviously Matrix Forum is the place to do that in their' eyes.
For various reasons, many members don't contribute to the Blitz CS Forum, as it is, it's a bit unrealistic to think they'll bother to on the Matrix Forum?
Maybe? IMO, players who are interested in providing their input and suggestions for improving CS... should keep an "eye" on other players' proposed game changes... and make sure that Jason & Co. have input from Blitzers... and other CS players too.
(06-05-2010, 06:10 AM)glint Wrote: Equally, whilst appreciating the Blitz heritage, it's a bit elitist to think we have the right to make ourselves the defining group on what happens to JTCS.
I never stated that Blitzers should be the defining group on what happens to JTCS... but we do have a right to be heard... and our input considered... just like any other group of players - correct?
(06-05-2010, 06:10 AM)glint Wrote: Just my opinion. Personally, I have been playing this game since it originally came out, I've accepted the changes, updates along the road and got on with it and adapted accordingly. Many others have more gaming experience than I have and I bow to that, hoping they make the right decisions for the game.
That may be fine for you Peter... but for me, if I see areas that I believe could be improved in CS... I'm going to (at least) make my suggestions and input known to Jason & Co. It does not guarantee any of my suggestions will be acted upon... but at least I can say I did what I thought was best to improve CS? :chin: And like a big boy... if my suggestions are not acted upon... I have to accept that... and move on. But at least... I tried. I think the worst thing that could happen would be some "less then optimal improvement" introduced in a future CS update... and it was implimented because players did not voice an earlier objection to the idea? We are living with some of those "less then optimal decisions" in the current CS version?
(06-05-2010, 06:10 AM)glint Wrote: At the end of the day whose to say one's feelings on what should be in the game is any more important than someone else who spent their shillings on the game? Even more important, I honestly think your comments are setting up a 'them vs us' mind set ? That's not an attack by the way, just trying to balance the debate.
I don't think anyone is prioritizing their feelings over others? My comments are my own... as well as my opinions. I posted mainly for awareness... and that all CS players should be able to voice their suggestions for proposed game improvements - Blitzers and others too.
(06-05-2010, 06:10 AM)glint Wrote: Like chuck said, just have fun with the tools you are handed, don't screw yourself up over a game so much?
Actually, I "smile" quite often. In fact, I'm generally a rather optimistic person. And I enjoy playing CS... thank you very much!
Regards, Mike / "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton /
06-05-2010, 07:14 AM,
RE: More then a Game?
(06-05-2010, 06:10 AM)glint Wrote: Equally, whilst appreciating the Blitz heritage, it's a bit elitist to think we have the right to make ourselves the defining group on what happens to JTCS.
I still think that 90% of those involved in the Matrix development of JTCS are Blitzers. Including the programmer.
By default The Blitz seems to be the "defining group"? :chin:
Not an attack upon you.
It's just an observation from someone who was there when Matrix took over and the "team" was forged. I even remember the phone conversations with Majog and Jim. :eek1: